Cirsium × stroblii explained

Cirsium × stroblii (Cirsium greimleri × spinosissimum) is a hybrid between C. greimleri and C. spinosissimum.

3 herbarium specimens as of 2020.[1]


It is found only in the Rottenmann and Wölz Tauern, although the range overlap extends to nearby ranges.


There are few specimens, but it is close in appearance to C. heterophyllum × spinosissimum, differring in having broader leaves with short lobes, without tomentose undersides.[2]

The description of von Halácsy:


Identified by August von Hayek in the summer of 1906 from a specimen collected on the slopes of a ravine that feeds the Großer Bösenstein lake by Gabriel Strobl in 1867.[3]

See also

Notes and References

  1. 2020-02-13 . Martin . Vavrinec . Geografická analýza mezidruhové hybridizace rodu Cirsium ve střední Evropě (Diplomová práce) .
  2. 1907 . Eugen . von Halácsy . Versammlung am 19. Oktober 1906 . 14–21 . Bericht der Sektion für Botanik . 57.
  3. Von Hayek 1907. "Gelegentlich einer Exkursion auf den Großen Bösenstein bei Trieben (Niedere Tauern, Steiermark) im Jahre 1867 entdeckte P. Gabriel Strobl (jetzt Direktor des Gymnasiums zu Admont)