Chronological summary of the 2012 Summer Olympics explained
This article contains a chronological summary of major events from the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
All times are in British Summer Time (UTC+1).
All times and dates use British Summer Time (UTC+1)
OC | Opening ceremony | ● | Event competitions | 1 | Gold medal events | CC | Closing ceremony | |
style=width:18%; colspan=2 rowspan=2 | July/August 2012 | July | August | style=width:6%; rowspan=2 | Events |
style=width:4%; | 25th Wed | style=width:4%; | 26th Thu | style=width:4%; | 27th Fri | style=width:4%; | 28th Sat | style=width:4%; | 29th Sun | style=width:4%; | 30th Mon | style=width:4%; | 31st Tue | style=width:4%; | 1st Wed | style=width:4%; | 2nd Thu | style=width:4%; | 3rd Fri | style=width:4%; | 4th Sat | style=width:4%; | 5th Sun | style=width:4%; | 6th Mon | style=width:4%; | 7th Tue | style=width:4%; | 8th Wed | style=width:4%; | 9th Thu | style=width:4%; | 10th Fri | style=width:4%; | 11th Sat | style=width:4%; | 12th Sun |
Ceremonies | | | OC | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CC | |
Aquatics | Diving< | -- 25 --> | | | | | < | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 46 |
< | --3--> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < | --19--> | < | --20--> | | |
Swimming< | -- 25 --> | | | | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | | | | | | | | |
< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | | ●< | -- 10 --> | < | -- 11 --> | | |
Water polo< | -- 25 --> | | | | | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | | |
Archery< | -- 25 --> | | | ●< | -- 28 --> | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | | | | | | | | | | 4 |
Athletics< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | < | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 47 |
Badminton< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | | | | | | | | 5 |
Basketball< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | ●< | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 2 |
Boxing< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 13 |
align=left rowspan=2 | Canoeing | Slalom< | -- 25 --> | | | | | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | | | | | | | | | | | 16 |
Sprint< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | |
align=left rowspan=4 | Cycling | Road cycling< | -- 25 --> | | | | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | | | < | -- 2 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | 18 |
Track cycling< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | | | | | |
BMX< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ●< | -- 9 --> | ●< | -- 10 --> | < | -- 11 --> | | |
< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 12 --> | |
Equestrian< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | | | | 6 |
Fencing< | -- 25 --> | | | | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | | | | | | | | 10 |
Field hockey< | -- 25 --> | | | | | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | ●< | -- 10 --> | < | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 2 |
Football< | -- 25 --> | ●< | -- 26 --> | ●< | -- 27 --> | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | | < | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 2 |
align=left rowspan=3 | Gymnastics | Artistic< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | | | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | | | | | | 18 |
< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ●< | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | |
Trampolining< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | | | | | | | | |
Handball< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | ●< | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 2 |
Judo< | -- 25 --> | | | | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | | | | | | | | | | 14 |
Modern pentathlon< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 12 --> | | 2 |
Rowing< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | | | | | | | | | 14 |
Sailing< | -- 25 --> | | | | | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | | < | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 10 |
Shooting< | -- 25 --> | | | | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | | | | | | | 15 |
Table tennis< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | < | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | | | | | 4 |
Taekwondo< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | < | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 8 |
Tennis< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | | | | | | | | 5 |
Triathlon< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 5 --> | | | < | -- 8 --> | | | | | | 2 |
align=left rowspan=2 | | Beach volleyball< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | | | | 4 |
< | -- 25 --> | | | | ●< | -- 29 --> | ●< | -- 30 --> | ●< | -- 31 --> | ●< | -- 1 --> | ●< | -- 2 --> | ●< | -- 3 --> | ●< | -- 4 --> | ●< | -- 5 --> | ●< | -- 6 --> | ●< | -- 7 --> | ●< | -- 8 --> | ●< | -- 9 --> | ●< | -- 10 --> | ●< | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | |
Weightlifting< | -- 25 --> | | | | < | -- 29 --> | < | -- 30 --> | < | -- 31 --> | < | -- 1 --> | < | -- 2 --> | | < | -- 4 --> | < | -- 5 --> | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | | | | | | 15 |
Wrestling< | -- 25 --> | | | | | | | | | | | | < | -- 6 --> | < | -- 7 --> | < | -- 8 --> | < | -- 9 --> | < | -- 10 --> | < | -- 11 --> | < | -- 12 --> | | 18 |
Daily medal events | | | | 12 | 14 | 12 | 15 | 20 | 18 | 22 | 25 | 23 | 18 | 21 | 16 | 22 | 17 | 32 | 15 | 302 |
Cumulative total | | | | 12 | 26 | 38 | 53 | 73 | 91 | 113 | 138 | 161 | 179 | 200 | 216 | 238 | 255 | 287 | 302 |
July/August 2012 | style=width:4%; | 25th Wed | style=width:4%; | 26th Thu | style=width:4%; | 27th Fri | style=width:4%; | 28th Sat | style=width:4%; | 29th Sun | style=width:4%; | 30th Mon | style=width:4%; | 31st Tue | style=width:4%; | 1st Wed | style=width:4%; | 2nd Thu | style=width:4%; | 3rd Fri | style=width:4%; | 4th Sat | style=width:4%; | 5th Sun | style=width:4%; | 6th Mon | style=width:4%; | 7th Tue | style=width:4%; | 8th Wed | style=width:4%; | 9th Thu | style=width:4%; | 10th Fri | style=width:4%; | 11th Sat | style=width:4%; | 12th Sun | Total events |
July | August | |
Day-by-day summaries
July 25
- The first competitions of the Games started at 16:00. The first events were women's football matches, with six preliminary round matches held.[1]
- Cristiane of Brazil scored her 11th Olympic goal, setting the women's record for most goals in the Olympics.[2]
- A mistake occurred at the North Korea v. Colombia women's football match, as organisers mistakenly displayed the South Korean flag for the North Korean players. The North Korean team refused to take the field for nearly an hour. The organisers corrected the error and apologised.[3]
July 26
- The competitions started at 12:00. The events at the men's football matches included eight preliminary round matches held.[1]
July 27
- The ranking round for men began at 9:00; for women at 13:00.[1]
- In the men's competition, Im Dong-Hyun of South Korea set an individual world record of 699 points for 72 arrows. The South Korean team also set a new world record for a 216 arrow total, with 2,087 points.[4]
Opening ceremony
- The Games officially began with the opening ceremony and Parade of Nations in the evening.[1]
- The Olympic Cauldron was lit by seven young sportspeople, each of whom had been nominated by a past British Olympian. The seven were; Cameron MacRitchie, rower, nominated by Steve Redgrave; Adelle Tracey, athlete, nominated by Kelly Holmes; Katie Kirk, athlete, nominated by Mary Peters; Desirèe Henry, athlete, nominated by Daley Thompson; Jordan Duckitt, nominated by Duncan Goodhew; Aidan Reynolds, javelin thrower, nominated by Lynn Davies; Callum Airlie, sailor, nominated by Shirley Robertson.[5] [6]
Day 1: July 28
- Italy won the men's team final, defeating the United States, 219–218.[7]
Day 2: July 29
- South Korea defeated China, 210–209, in the women's team final, while Japan defeated Russia for bronze, 209–207.[26]
Day 3: July 30
- China won gold in the men's artistic team all-around; with Japan earning the silver medal; and Great Britain taking the bronze, the host nation's first Olympic team gymnastics medal in a century. An appeal and a video review overturned an initial ruling on Kōhei Uchimura's dismount off the pommel horse, raising Japan's score from fourth to the silver medal position, and dropping Ukraine out of the medals.[43] [44]
- China's Li Xueying set new Olympic records in the snatch with 108 kg and in total weight lift with 246 kg en route to claiming the gold medal in the women's 58 kg final.[49]
- Kim Un-Guk of North Korea lifted an Olympic record 153 kg in the snatch, as well as a new world record of 327 kg total, to win gold in the men's 62 kg final. Colombian silver medalist Óscar Figueroa also broke a clean and jerk Olympic record when he lifted 177 kg.[50]
Day 4: July 31
Day 5: August 1
- All four women doubles team accused of throwing badminton matches the prior day were disqualified. They were the Indonesian team, both teams from South Korea, and the world champion team from China.[67]
- In the men's bantamweight round of 16, Azerbaijan's Magomed Abdulhamidov was given the win over Japan's Satoshi Shimizu despite having been knocked down five times in the last round. Japan filed an appeal which overturned the win. The referee from Turkmenistan was subsequently expelled from the games.[68]
- In the men's heavyweight round of 16, Iran's Ali Mazaheri was disqualified because he received three penalties for holding giving Cuba's José Larduet the win. The referee from Germany subsequently received a five-day suspension for questionable judgement.[68]
Table tennis
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Canoeing | Men's slalom K-1 | Daniele Molmenti | | | [82] |
Cycling | Men's road time trial | Bradley Wiggins | | | |
Women's road time trial | Kristin Armstrong | | | |
Diving | Men's synchronized 3 metre springboard | Luo Yutong, Qin Kai | | | |
Fencing | Men's épée | Rubén Limardo | | | |
Women's sabre | Kim Ji-Yeon | | | |
Gymnastics | Men's artistic individual all-around | Kōhei Uchimura | | | [83] |
Judo | Men's 90 kg | Song Dae-Nam | | | |
Women's 70 kg | Lucie Décosse | | | |
Rowing | Men's eight | Filip Adamski, Andreas Kuffner, Eric Johannesen, Maximilian Reinelt, Richard Schmidt, Lukas Müller, Florian Mennigen, Kristof Wilke, Martin Sauer | | | |
Women's coxless pair | Helen Glover, Heather Stanning | | | [84] |
Women's quadruple sculls | Kateryna Tarasenko, Nataliya Dovgodko, Anastasiya Kozhenkova, Yana Dementyeva | | | [85] |
Shooting | Women's 25 metre pistol | Kim Jang-Mi | | | |
Swimming | Men's 200 metre breaststroke | Dániel Gyurta | | WR | |
Women's 200 metre butterfly | Jiao Liuyang | | OR | |
Men's 100 metre freestyle | Nathan Adrian | | | |
Women's 4 × 200 metre freestyle relay | Missy Franklin, Dana Vollmer, Shannon Vreeland, Allison Schmitt Heats: Lauren Perdue, Alyssa Anderson | | OR | |
Table tennis | Women's singles | Li Xiaoxia | | | |
Weightlifting | Men's 77 kg | Lü Xiaojun | | WR | |
Women's 69 kg | Rim Jong-Sim | | | | |
Day 6: August 2
- In the women's team sprint, the world record was beaten by Great Britain, and subsequently by China, in the qualification, before China improved the record further in the first round. Germany won the gold medal after Britain were relegated in the first round, and China in the final, both for exchange of riders outside the designated area. China took the silver medals, and Australia the bronze.[89]
- Great Britain won the men's team sprint, having set world records in both the first round and the final, allowing Chris Hoy to equal Steve Redgrave's British record of five Olympic gold medals. France finished second, with Germany third.[90] A minor controversy erupted when German-born Philip Hindes of the gold medal British team told the BBC that the team had pre-planned a crash in case they did not start fast enough. British Cycling suggested Hindes' comments were "lost in translation".[91]
- In the men's team pursuit, Great Britain set a world record of 3:52.499 in the qualification round.
- Italy won the women's team foil final, defeating Russia 45–31. South Korea was victorious against France, 45–32, in the bronze medal match.[92]
Table tennis
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Archery | Women's individual | Ki Bo-bae | | | |
Canoeing | Men's slalom C-2 | Tim Baillie, Etienne Stott | | | |
Women's slalom K-1 | Émilie Fer | | | |
Cycling | Women's team sprint | Kristina Vogel, Miriam Welte | | | |
Men's team sprint | Philip Hindes, Chris Hoy, Jason Kenny | | WR | |
Fencing | Women's team foil | Elisa Di Francisca, Arianna Errigo, Ilaria Salvatori, Valentina Vezzali | | | |
Gymnastics | Women's artistic individual all-around | Gabby Douglas | | | |
Judo | Women's 78 kg | Kayla Harrison | | | |
Men's 100 kg | Tagir Khaybulaev | | | |
Rowing | Men's double sculls | Nathan Cohen, Joseph Sullivan | | | |
Men's lightweight coxless four | James Thompson, Matthew Brittain, John Smith, Sizwe Ndlovu | | | |
Women's eight | Erin Cafaro, Susan Francia, Esther Lofgren, Taylor Ritzel, Meghan Musnicki, Elle Logan, Caroline Lind, Caryn Davies, Mary Whipple | | | |
Shooting | Men's double trap | Peter Wilson | | | |
Swimming | Women's 200 metre breaststroke | Rebecca Soni | | WR | |
Men's 200 metre backstroke | Tyler Clary | | OR | |
Men's 200 metre individual medley | Michael Phelps | | | |
Women's 100 metre freestyle | Ranomi Kromowidjojo | | OR | |
Table tennis | Men's singles | Zhang Jike | | | | |
Day 7: August 3
- The AIBA Olympic Compliance Committee expelled international technical official Aghajan Abiyev of Azerbaijan "for breaching the governing body's code of conduct by communicating with others about the competition – especially persons from one's own country or national federation".[68]
- South Korea won gold in the men's team sabre with Romania taking the silver and Italy earning the bronze.[111]
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Archery | Men's individual | Oh Jin-Hyek | | | |
Athletics | Men's shot put | Tomasz Majewski | | | |
Women's 10,000 metres | Tirunesh Dibaba | | | |
Badminton | Mixed doubles | Zhang Nan, Zhao Yunlei | | | |
Cycling | Men's team pursuit | Ed Clancy, Geraint Thomas, Steven Burke, Peter Kennaugh | | WR | |
Women's keirin | Victoria Pendleton | | | |
Fencing | Men's team sabre | Gu Bon-Gil, Won Woo-Young, Kim Jung-Hwan, Oh Eun-Seok | | | |
Gymnastics | Men's trampoline | Dong Dong | | | |
Judo | Women's +78 kg | Idalys Ortiz | | | |
Men's +100 kg | Teddy Riner | | | |
Rowing | Men's quadruple sculls | Karl Schulze, Philipp Wende, Lauritz Schoof, Tim Grohmann | | | |
Men's coxless pair | Eric Murray, Hamish Bond | | | |
Women's double sculls | Anna Watkins, Katherine Grainger | | | |
Men's single sculls | Mahé Drysdale | | | |
Shooting | Men's 50 metre rifle prone | Sergei Martynov | | WR | |
Men's 25 metre rapid fire pistol | Leuris Pupo | | WR | |
Swimming | Women's 200 metre backstroke | Missy Franklin | | WR | |
Men's 100 metre butterfly | Michael Phelps | | | |
Women's 800 metre freestyle | Katie Ledecky | | | |
Men's 50 metre freestyle | Florent Manaudou | | | |
Weightlifting | Women's 75 kg | Svetlana Podobedova | | | |
Men's 85 kg | Adrian Zieliński | | | | |
Day 8: August 4
- Third seeds China won the women's team épée, beating South Korea in the final. United States won the bronze after beating Russia in overtime.[136]
- Serena Williams won gold in the women's singles tournament for the United States, completing a career "Golden Slam" having already won all of tennis's grand slam events. She defeated Maria Sharapova of Russia, 6–0, 6–1. Victoria Azarenka of Belarus earns bronze, beating Maria Kirilenko, 6–3, 6–4, in the bronze medal match.[147]
- Bob and Mike Bryan won the final of the men's doubles tournament, earning gold for the United States. They defeated Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Michaël Llodra of France, 6–4, 7–6 (7–2). Julien Benneteau and Richard Gasquet of France earn bronze, beating David Ferrer and Feliciano López of Spain, 7–6 (7–4), 6–2.[148]
- In the women's triathlon, a photo-finish was needed to determine Nicola Spirig of Switzerland as winner ahead of Sweden's Lisa Nordén, both being given the same time to 1/100th of a second. Erin Densham of Australia had also been involved in the final sprint and took the bronze medal.[149]
- Kazakhstan's Ilya Ilin took gold in the men's 94 kg setting a new world record of 233 kg in the clean and jerk and 418 kg in total weight.[150]
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Athletics | Women's heptathlon | Jessica Ennis | | | |
Men's 20 kilometres walk | Chen Ding | | OR | |
Women's discus throw | Sandra Perković | | | |
Men's long jump | Greg Rutherford | | | |
Men's 10,000 metres | Mo Farah | | | |
Women's 100 metres | Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce | | | |
Badminton | Women's singles | Li Xuerui | | | |
Women's doubles | Tian Qing, Zhao Yunlei | | | |
Cycling | Women's team pursuit | Danielle King, Laura Trott, Joanna Rowsell | | WR | |
Fencing | Women's team épée | Li Na, Luo Xiaojuan, Sun Yujie, Xu Anqi | | | |
Gymnastics | Women's trampoline | Rosie MacLennan | | | |
Rowing | Men's coxless four | Alex Gregory, Tom James, Pete Reed, Andrew Triggs Hodge | | | |
Women's lightweight double sculls | Katherine Copeland, Sophie Hosking | | | |
Men's lightweight double sculls | Mads Rasmussen, Rasmus Quist Hansen | | | |
Women's single sculls | Miroslava Knapková | | | |
Shooting | Women's 50 metre rifle three positions | Jamie Lynn Gray | | OR | |
Women's trap | Jessica Rossi | | WR | |
Swimming | Women's 50 metre freestyle | Ranomi Kromowidjojo | | OR | |
Men's 1500 metre freestyle | Sun Yang | | WR | |
Women's 4 × 100 metre medley relay | Missy Franklin, Rebecca Soni, Dana Vollmer, Allison Schmitt Heats: Rachel Bootsma, Breeja Larson, Claire Donahue, Jessica Hardy | | WR | |
Men's 4 × 100 metre medley relay | Matt Grevers, Brendan Hansen, Michael Phelps, Nathan Adrian Heats: Nick Thoman, Eric Shanteau, Tyler McGill, Cullen Jones | | | |
Tennis | Women's singles | Serena Williams | | | |
Men's doubles | Bob Bryan, Mike Bryan | | | |
Triathlon | Women's | Nicola Spirig | | | |
Weightlifting | Men's 94 kg | Ilya Ilin | | WRx2 | | |
Day 9: August 5
- In a repeat of the 2012 Wimbledon men's singles final Andy Murray faced Roger Federer in the final of the men's singles. Murray won 6–2, 6–1, 6–4 to take gold for Great Britain, with Federer taking silver for Switzerland. Juan Martín del Potro defeated Novak Djokovic 7–5, 6–4 in the Bronze medal match.[168]
- Serena and Venus Williams won their third gold medal in the women's doubles tournament for the United States, defeating silver medalists Andrea Hlaváčková and Lucie Hradecká of the Czech Republic, 6–4, 6–4.[169]
- Victoria Azarenka and Max Mirnyi won gold in the mixed doubles tournament, defeating silver medalists Andy Murray and Laura Robson of Great Britain, 2–6, 6–3, [10–8].[170]
- China's Zhou Lulu took gold in the women's +75 kg setting a new world record of 333 kg in the total weight, as well as an Olympic record of 187 kg in clean and jerk. Second placed Tatiana Kashirina of Russia set a new world record of 151 kg in the snatch.[171]
Day 10: August 6
Day 11: August 7
Synchronized swimming
Table tennis
Day 12: August 8
Table tennis
Day 13: August 9
- United States' Christian Taylor and Will Claye took gold and silver in the men's triple jump. Taylor's jump of 17.81 metres was a world leading distance for 2012. Italy's Fabrizio Donato won bronze.[228]
- Kenya's David Rudisha broke his own world record to win gold in the men's 800 metres in a time of 1:40.91.[229] Nijel Amos of Botswana won the silver medal, his nation's first Olympic medal in any sport.[230] Bronze was won by Kenya's Timothy Kitum. Of the eight competitors in the final seven of them ran personal bests, two of which were new national records.[229] Sebastian Coe, the chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and a former Olympic 800 metres champion himself, described Rudisha's run as "the performance of the Games, not just of track and field but of the Games".[231]
- In the men's 200 metres, Jamaica swept the medals with Usain Bolt taking gold in 19.32 seconds, Yohan Blake silver in 19.44, and Warren Weir bronze with 19.84. Bolt became the first man to win the 200 metres in two Olympics and the first to win the 100 and 200m races double in two Olympics.[232]
- The world record holder in women's javelin throw, the Czech Republic's Barbora Špotáková, won gold with a 69.55 metre throw. Germany's Christina Obergföll took silver with 65.16 m and Linda Stahl took bronze with 64.91 m.[233]
- The United States' Ashton Eaton and Trey Hardee took gold and silver respectively in the men's decathlon. Cuba's Leonel Suárez won the bronze.[234]
- In the heats of the men's 4 × 400m relay, United States leadoff runner Manteo Mitchell broke his leg near the 200 m mark but managed to finish the race. The United States tied for first with the Bahamas to qualify for the final.[235]
Water polo
- The United States won the gold medal in the women's event after an 8–5 victory over Spain in the final.[248]
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Athletics | Men's triple jump | Christian Taylor | | | |
Men's 800 metres | David Rudisha | | WR | |
Men's 200 metres | Usain Bolt | | | |
Women's javelin throw | Barbora Špotáková | | | |
Men's decathlon | Ashton Eaton | | | |
Boxing | Women's flyweight | Nicola Adams | | | |
Women's lightweight | Katie Taylor | | | |
Women's middleweight | Claressa Shields | | | |
Canoeing | Men's C-2 1000 metres | Peter Kretschmer, Kurt Kuschela | | | |
Men's K-4 1000 metres | Tate Smith, Dave Smith, Murray Stewart, Jacob Clear | | | |
Women's K-1 500 metres | Danuta Kozák | | | |
Women's K-2 500 metres | Franziska Weber, Tina Dietze | | | |
Diving | Women's 10 metre platform | Chen Ruolin | | | |
Equestrian | Individual dressage | Charlotte Dujardin | | OR | |
Football | Women's | Hope Solo, Heather Mitts, Christie Rampone, Becky Sauerbrunn, Kelley O'Hara, Amy LePeilbet, Shannon Boxx, Amy Rodriguez, Heather O'Reilly, Carli Lloyd, Sydney Leroux, Lauren Cheney, Alex Morgan, Abby Wambach, Megan Rapinoe, Rachel Buehler, Tobin Heath, Nicole Barnhart | | | |
Swimming | Women's marathon | Éva Risztov | | | |
Taekwondo | Women's 57 kg | Jade Jones | | | |
Men's 68 kg | Servet Tazegül | | | |
Volleyball | Men's beach | Julius Brink, Jonas Reckermann | | | |
Water polo | Women's | Elizabeth Armstrong, Heather Petri, Melissa Seidemann, Brenda Villa, Lauren Wenger, Maggie Steffens, Courtney Mathewson, Jessica Steffens, Elsie Windes, Kelly Rulon, Annika Dries, Kami Craig, Tumua Anae | | | |
Wrestling | Women's freestyle 55 kg | Saori Yoshida | | | |
Women's freestyle 72 kg | Natalia Vorobieva | | | | |
Day 14: August 10
Field hockey
Synchronized swimming
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Athletics | Men's pole vault | Renaud Lavillenie | | OR | |
Women's hammer throw | Tatyana Lysenko | | OR | |
Women's 5000 metres | Meseret Defar | | | |
Women's 4 × 100 metres relay | Tianna Madison, Allyson Felix, Bianca Knight, Carmelita Jeter Heats: Jeneba Tarmoh, Lauryn Williams | | WR | |
Women's 1500 metres | Aslı Çakır Alptekin | | | |
Men's 4 × 400 metres relay | Ramon Miller, Demetrius Pinder, Michael Mathieu, Chris Brown | | | |
Cycling | Men's BMX | Māris Štrombergs | | | |
Women's BMX | Mariana Pajón | | | |
Field hockey | Women's | Kitty van Male, Carlien Dirkse van den Heuvel, Willemijn Bos, Kelly Jonker, Maartje Goderie, Lidewij Welten, Maartje Paumen, Naomi van As, Ellen Hoog, Sophie Polkamp, Joyce Sombroek, Kim Lammers, Eva de Goede, Marilyn Agliotti, Merel de Blaeij, Margot van Geffen | | | |
Sailing | Men's 470 class | Mathew Belcher, Malcolm Page | | | |
Women's 470 class | Jo Aleh, Polly Powrie | | | |
Swimming | Men's marathon | Oussama Mellouli | | | |
Synchronized swimming | Women's team | Anastasia Davydova, Mariya Gromova Natalia Ishchenko, Elvira Khasyanova Daria Korobova, Alexandra Patskevich Svetlana Romashina, Angelika Timanina Alla Shishkina | | | |
Taekwondo | Women's 67 kg | Hwang Kyung-Seon | | | |
Men's 80 kg | Sebastián Crismanich | | | |
Wrestling | Men's freestyle 55 kg | Dzhamal Otarsultanov | | | |
Men's freestyle 74 kg | Jordan Burroughs | | | | |
Day 15: August 11
Field hockey
- Mexico win the gold medal in the men's football tournament for the very first time after beating Brazil 2–1 in the final which saw the fastast goal scored in Men's Olympic Final history when Oribe Peralta scored in the opening minute and also went on to score the winning goal.
- Women's rhythmic individual all-around Evgeniya Kanaeva from Russian Federation wins the individual all-around title for the second time and thereby becoming the only rhythmic gymnast in history to claim more than a single gold medal in the discipline, winning by a wide margin of 2.4 ahead of fellow Russian Daria Dmitrieva with a score of 116.900.
Modern pentathlon
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Athletics | Men's 50 kilometres walk | Sergey Kirdyapkin | | OR | |
Women's 20 kilometres walk | Elena Lashmanova | | WR | |
Women's high jump | Anna Chicherova | | | |
Men's javelin throw | Keshorn Walcott | | | |
Men's 5000 metres | Mo Farah | | | |
Women's 800 metres | Mariya Savinova | | | |
Women's 4 × 400 metres relay | Allyson Felix, DeeDee Trotter Francena McCorory, Sanya Richards-Ross Heats: Keshia Baker, Diamond Dixon | | | |
Men's 4 × 100 metres relay | Nesta Carter, Michael Frater Yohan Blake, Usain Bolt Heats: Kemar Bailey-Cole | | WR | |
Basketball | Women's | Lindsay Whalen, Seimone Augustus, Sue Bird, Maya Moore, Angel McCoughtry, Asjha Jones, Tamika Catchings, Swin Cash Diana Taurasi, Sylvia Fowles Tina Charles, Candace Parker | | | |
Boxing | Men's light flyweight | Zou Shiming | | | |
Men's bantamweight | Luke Campbell | | | |
Men's light welterweight | Roniel Iglesias | | | |
Men's middleweight | Ryōta Murata | | | |
Men's heavyweight | Oleksandr Usyk | | | |
Canoeing | Men's K-1 200 metres | Ed McKeever | | | |
Men's C-1 200 metres | Yuriy Cheban | | | |
Women's K-1 200 metres | Lisa Carrington | | | |
Men's K-2 200 metres | Yury Postrigay Alexander Dyachenko | | | |
Cycling | Women's cross-country | Julie Bresset | | | |
Diving | Men's 10 metre platform | David Boudia | | | |
Field hockey | Men's | Maximilian Müller, Martin Häner, Oskar Deecke, Christopher Wesley, Moritz Fürste, Tobias Hauke, Jan-Philipp Rabente, Benjamin Weß, Timo Weß, Oliver Korn, Christopher Zeller, Max Weinhold, Matthias Witthaus, Florian Fuchs, Philipp Zeller, Thilo Stralkowski | | | |
Football | Men's | Javier Aquino, Dárvin Chávez, José de Jesús Corona, Javier Cortés, Giovani dos Santos, Jorge Enríquez, Marco Fabián, Héctor Herrera, Israel Jiménez, Raúl Jiménez, Hiram Mier, Oribe Peralta, Miguel Ponce, Diego Reyes, Carlos Salcido, Néstor Vidrio | | | |
Gymnastics | Women's rhythmic individual all-around | Yevgeniya Kanayeva | | | |
Handball | Women's | Kari Aalvik Grimsbø, Karoline Næss, Ida Alstad, Kari Mette Johansen, Tonje Nøstvold, Karoline Dyhre Breivang, Kristine Lunde-Borgersen, Heidi Løke, Marit Malm Frafjord, Linn Jørum Sulland, Katrine Lunde Haraldsen, Camilla Herrem, Gøril Snorroeggen, Amanda Kurtović, Linn-Kristin Riegelhuth Koren | | | |
Modern pentathlon | Men's | David Svoboda | | | |
Sailing | Elliott 6m | Támara Echegoyen, Ángela Pumariega, Sofía Toro | | | |
Taekwondo | Women's +67 kg | Milica Mandić | | | |
Men's +80 kg | Carlo Molfetta | | | |
Volleyball | Women's | Fabiana Claudino, Dani Lins, Paula Pequeno, Adenízia da Silva, Thaísa Menezes, Jaqueline Carvalho, Fernanda Ferreira, Tandara Caixeta, Natália Pereira, Sheilla Castro, Fabiana de Oliveira, Fernanda Garay | | | |
Wrestling | Men's freestyle 60 kg | Toghrul Asgarov | | | |
Men's freestyle 84 kg | Sharif Sharifov | | | |
Men's freestyle 120 kg | Artur Taymazov | | | | |
Day 16: August 12
Closing ceremony
Modern pentathlon
Water polo
Gold medalists |
Sport | Event | Competitor(s) | | | |
Athletics | Men's marathon | Stephen Kiprotich | | | |
Basketball | Men's | Tyson Chandler, Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Russell Westbrook, Deron Williams, Andre Iguodala, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Love, James Harden, Chris Paul, Anthony Davis, Carmelo Anthony | | | |
Boxing | Men's flyweight | Robeisy Ramírez | | | |
Men's lightweight | Vasyl Lomachenko | | | |
Men's welterweight | Serik Sapiyev | | | |
Men's light heavyweight | Egor Mekhontsev | | | |
Men's super heavyweight | Anthony Joshua | | | |
Cycling | Men's cross-country | Jaroslav Kulhavý | | | |
Gymnastics | Women's rhythmic group all-around | Anastasia Bliznyuk, Uliana Donskova Ksenia Dudkina, Alina Makarenko, Anastasia Nazarenko, Karolina Sevastyanova | | | |
Handball | Men's | Jérôme Fernandez, Didier Dinart, Xavier Barachet, Guillaume Gille, Bertrand Gille, Daniel Narcisse, Guillaume Joli, Samuel Honrubia, Daouda Karaboué, Nikola Karabatić, Thierry Omeyer, William Accambray, Luc Abalo, Cédric Sorhaindo, Michaël Guigou | | | |
Modern pentathlon | Women's | Laura Asadauskaitė | | OR | |
Volleyball | Men's | Nikolay Apalikov, Taras Khtey, Sergey Grankin, Sergey Tetyukhin, Aleksandr Sokolov, Yury Berezhko, Aleksandr Butko, Dmitriy Muserskiy, Dmitriy Ilinikh, Maxim Mikhaylov, Aleksandr Volkov, Aleksey Obmochaev | | | |
Water polo | Men's | Josip Pavić, Damir Burić, Miho Bošković, Nikša Dobud, Maro Joković, Petar Muslim, Ivan Buljubašić, Andro Bušlje, Sandro Sukno, Samir Barač, Igor Hinić, Paulo Obradović, Frano Vićan | | | |
Wrestling | Men's freestyle 66 kg | Tatsuhiro Yonemitsu | | | |
Men's freestyle 96 kg | Jacob Varner | | | | |
Notes and References
- Web site: Schedule & Results. Official site of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 25 July 2012. dead. 25 May 2012.
- News: Azzoni. Tales. Cristiano becomes top women's Olympic scorer. 26 July 2012. San Francisco Chronicle. 25 July 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Olympic organizers mistakenly display S. Korea flag instead of N. Korea's before soccer game. 27 July 2012. 25 July 2012. CBS Sports.
- News: London 2012: First two world records broken at Games. 27 July 2012. 27 July 2012. BBC Sport.
- News: Young athletes light London 2012 Olympic flame. 27 July 2012. 27 July 2012. BBC News.
- Web site: London Olympic Games: The Opening Ceremony – As it happened. BBC Sport. 28 July 2012. 27 July 2012. dead.
- Web site: Gold success for Italian archers. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 3 January 2013.
- Web site: Vinokurov claims Road Race gold. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 6 December 2012.
- Web site: Women's Individual Foil Bracket. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 8 December 2012.
- Web site: Judo gold for Menezes. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Galstyan celebrates title success. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- News: Olympic rowing: New Zealand pair smash world record. BBC Sport. 28 July 2012.
- Web site: Rowing Day 1 Review. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- News: Barretto. Lawrence. Olympic record for Helen Glover and Heather Stanning in rowing pairs. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. BBC Sport.
- Web site: 2012 Olympics, Day One: Fast Times at Eton Dorney. Rowing News. 13 August 2012. 28 July 2012.
- Web site: Olympic shooting: China's Yi Siling wins first Games gold. BBC Sport. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead.
- Web site: Jin claims pistol gold. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 27 January 2013.
- Web site: First Swimming gold for Lochte. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Men's 400m Freestyle Results. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 9 December 2012.
- Web site: London Olympics: Tae Hwan Park Wins Appeal, Returns to 400 Free Field.,-Returns-to-400-Free-Field. dead. 16 December 2012. Swimming World. 28 July 2012.
- Web site: Women's 400m Individual Medley Results. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 5 December 2012.
- Web site: Women's 4x100m Freestyle Relay Results. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 5 December 2012.
- Michael Phelps & Hannah Miley through to medley finals
- Web site: Wang claims first Weightlifting gold. London 2012. 28 July 2012. 28 July 2012. dead. 3 January 2013.
- News: Hysen Pulaku becomes first doping cheat of London Olympics. Reuters. The Times of India. 28 July 2012.
- Web site: Republic of Korea claim another gold. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 4 January 2013.
- Web site: Marianne Vos wins Olympic women's road race . Yahoo Sports . 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012.
- Web site: Hat-trick for Wu. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 27 January 2013.
- Web site: Szilagyi claims Hungary's first gold. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 27 January 2013.
- News: Olympics 2012 drugs: Artistic gymnast fails doping test. BBC Sport. 29 July 2012.
- Web site: An gets gold in dramatic −52kg win. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Gold success for Shavdatuashvili. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Guo gets 10m Air Pistol gold. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 8 December 2012.
- News: Kim Rhode Captures Fifth Olympic Medal in Skeetshooting . The Washington Post. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012.
- Web site: Rhode shoots historic gold. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 3 January 2013.
- Web site: Van der Burgh and France shine. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Muffat strikes gold in the pool. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: France edge out USA in relay thriller. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 4 January 2013.
- Web site: Records fall as Chinshanlo takes gold. London 2012. 29 July 2012. 30 July 2012. dead. 3 January 2013.
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- Web site: Gold for Chinese pair. London 2012. 30 July 2012. 31 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
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- Web site: First medal in a century for Great Britain. London 2012. 30 July 2012. 31 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
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- Web site: Isaev celebrates golden win. London 2012. 30 July 2012. 31 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Moldoveanu takes 10m Air Rifle gold. London 2012. 30 July 2012. 31 July 2012. dead. 10 December 2012.
- Web site: Day 3 Review: Teenage star Meilutyte claims gold. London 2012. 30 July 2012. 31 July 2012. dead. 28 January 2013.
- Web site: Women's 58 kg Results. London 2012. 30 July 2012. 31 July 2012. dead. 5 December 2012.
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- News: Japan's Kohei Uchimura gets Olympic gold to go with world titles . Boston Herald . 1 August 2012 . Associated Press . 1 August 2012.
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- News: Bevan. Chris. Olympics cycling: British women win team pursuit track gold. 4 August 2012. 4 August 2012. BBC Sport. 9 August 2015. dead.
- News: Olympics fencing: China take women's team epee gold. 6 August 2012. 4 August 2012. BBC Sport. 5 August 2012. dead.
- News: Brady. Rachel. Rosannagh MacLennan wins Canada's first gold of Olympics in trampoline. 6 August 2012. The Globe and Mail. 4 August 2012.
- News: Brown. Oliver. GB men's coxless four crush Australia to clinch fourth London Olympic gold medal at Eton Dorney. 6 August 2012. The Telegraph. 4 August 2012.
- News: Briggs. Simon. Katherine Copeland and Sophie Hosking storm to gold to claim GB's first ever women's lightweight doubles title. 4 August 2012. 4 August 2012.
- News: Quarry. Rachel. Heartbreak for GB's Mark Hunter and Zac Purchase at Eton Dorney as Denmark edge them into silver. 4 August 2012. The Telegraph. 4 August 2012.
- News: Miroslava Knapkova wins rowing gold. 6 August 2012. 4 August 2012. ESPN.
- News: Olympics shooting: Jamie Lynn Gray achieves record. 6 August 2012. 4 August 2012. BBC Sport. 5 August 2012. dead.
- News: Johnson. Patrick. Olympics-Shooting-Italian Rossi wins women's trap gold. 6 August 2012. Chicago Tribune. 4 August 2012. Reuters.
- News: Ferreira-Marques. Clara. Flying Dutchwoman takes sprint double. 6 August 2012. Chicago Tribune. 4 August 2012. Reuters.
- News: Olympics swimming: Sun Yang wins 1500m freestyle gold. 6 August 2012. 4 August 2012. BBC Sport. 5 August 2012. dead.
- News: Phelps, Franklin Go Out With Gold. 4 August 2012. The Wall Street Journal. 4 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Serena Williams completes career Golden Slam. 5 August 2012. Boston Globe. 4 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Brothers Bob, Mike Bryan wins gold for U.S. in tennis doubles. 5 August 2012. The Detroit News. 4 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Ingle. Sean. London 2012: Nicola Spirig wins triathlon just ahead of Lisa Norden. 5 August 2012. The Guardian. 4 August 2012.
- News: Ilya Ilin of Kazakhstan wins Olympic weightlifting gold medal in men's 94-kilogram division. 6 August 2012. The Washington Post. 4 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Fordyce. Tom. Usain Bolt wins Olympics 100m final at London 2012. 6 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC Sport. 5 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olympics athletics: Ezekiel Kemboi wins steeplechase gold. 8 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC. 8 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olga Rypakova wins triple jump. 8 August 2012. 5 August 2012. ESPN.
- News: Hart. Simon. Christine Ohuruogu wins brilliant silver in women's 400m final at London 2012 Olympic Games. 6 August 2012. The Telegraph. 6 August 2012.
- News: Hattenstone. Simon. London 2012: Tiki Gelana's Olympic marathon win a hometown triumph. 7 August 2012. The Guardian. 5 August 2012.
- News: Gilmour. Rod. Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei falls short in epic Olympic badminton final as China's Lin Dan defends title. 9 August 2012. The Telegraph. 5 August 2012.
- News: Olympics badminton: Cai Yun and Fu Haifeng claim doubles gold. 9 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC Sport. 9 August 2012. dead.
- News: Youde. Kate. Bolt and Murray set for Super Sunday. 5 August 2012. The Independent. 5 August 2012.
- News: Fotheringham. Alasdair. Clancy claims bronze in Omnium to take cycling medal haul to five. 6 August 2012. The Independent. 5 August 2012.
- News: Diving: China's Wu Minxia claims perfect 10 to win three-metre springboard. 9 August 2012. The Independent. 5 August 2012. Press Association.
- News: Olympics fencing: Italy beat Japan to win men's team foil. 9 August 2012. BBC. 5 August 2012. 6 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olympics gymnastics: Zou Kai wins fifth gold on floor. 8 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC. 7 August 2012. dead.
- News: John. Emma. Louis Smith wins Olympic silver in men's pommel horse for Team GB. 7 August 2012. The Guardian. 5 August 2012.
- News: Olympics gymnastics: Izbasa beats Maroney to vault gold. 9 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC Sport. 7 August 2012. dead.
- News: Kirkup. James. Ben Ainslie's gold makes him greatest Olympian in history of sailing. 6 August 2012. The Telegraph. 5 August 2012.
- News: Cary. Tom. London 2012 Olympics: Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson have gold grabbed away from them by Swedes. 7 August 2012. The Telegraph. 5 August 2012.
- News: Olympics Shooting: Jin Jong-Oh wins 50m pistol with final shot. 8 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC Sport. 7 August 2012. dead.
- News: Briggs. Simon. Andy Murray wins London 2012 Olympics gold with straight-sets defeat of Roger Federer at Wimbledon. 6 August 2012. The Telegraph. 6 August 2012.
- News: Serena & Venus Williams win third Olympics tennis doubles gold. 6 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC Sport. 6 August 2012. dead.
- News: Wilson. Jeremy. Andy Murray and Laura Robson miss out on London 2012 mixed doubles gold as Belarus take narrow victory. 6 August 2012. The Telegraph. 5 August 2012.
- News: Zhou Lulu Wins Gold In Olympic Weightlifting, Sets World Record In Women's Super Heavyweight Class. 6 August 2012. HuffPost. 5 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Dehghan. Saeed Kamali. Iran wins its first gold medal at London 2012 thanks to wrestler Hamid Sourian. 9 August 2012. The Guardian. 5 August 2012.
- News: Greco-Roman wrestling: Roman Vlasov wins 74kg gold. 9 August 2012. 5 August 2012. BBC Sport. 8 August 2012. dead.
- News: American Jenn Suhr wins gold, ends Isinbayeva's Olympic pole vault domination. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. The Washington Post. Associated Press.
- News: Olympics shot put: Nadzeya Ostapchuk stripped of gold medal. 13 August 2012. 13 August 2012. BBC Sport.
- Web site: Valerie Adams 'speechless' at news of gold medal win. TVNZ. 13 August 2012. 13 August 2012.
- News: Fordyce. Tom. London 2012 hurdles: Dai Greene fourth as Felix Sanchez wins gold. 8 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sport. 8 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olympics steeplechase: Yuliya Zaripova wins 3,000m gold. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sport. 9 August 2012. dead.
- News: Bull. Andy. London 2012: Kirani James wins Grenada's first Olympic gold medal. 8 August 2012. The Guardian. 7 August 2012.
- News: Hayward. Paul. Jason Kenny wins gold in men's sprint as rival Grégory Baugé questions Team GB's success at London 2012 Games. 8 August 2012. The Telegraph. 6 August 2012.
- News: White. Jim. Great Britain equestrian team win dramatic showjumping gold after jump-off against Holland. 9 August 2012. The Telegraph. 7 August 2012.
- News: Zanetti stuns Chen to win men's rings gold. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. Yahoo! Sports. Agence France-Presse. 9 August 2012. dead.
- News: Nancy. Armour. Aliya Mustafina Wins Olympic Gold In Uneven Bars, Beth Tweddle Gets Bronze Medal. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. HuffPost. Associated Press.
- News: Nancy. Armour. Yang Hak-Seon Wins Olympic Gold In Men's Vault. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. HuffPost. Associated Press.
- News: Rob. Hodgetts. Olympics sailing: China's Xu Lijia pips Marit Bouwmeester to gold. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sports. 9 August 2012. dead.
- News: Rob. Hodgetts. Olympics sailing: Tom Slingsby wins Laser, Goodison sixth. 10 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sport. 9 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olympics shooting: Italy's Niccolo Campriani wins gold. 11 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sport. 10 August 2012. dead.
- News: London 2012: Giovanni Cernogoraz wins trap shoot-off. 11 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sport. 24 October 2012. dead.
- News: London 2012 Olympics: Ukraine's Torokhtiy grabs gold after the big names drop out. 11 August 2012. Taipei Times. 8 August 2012.
- News: Omid Noroozi of Iran wins Olympic gold medal in men's 60-kilogram Greco-Roman wrestling. 13 August 2012. The Washington Post. 6 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Alan Khugaev of Russia wins Olympic gold medal in men's 84-kilogram Greco-Roman wrestling. dead. 12 August 2012. 13 August 2012. The Washington Post. 6 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Olympics wrestling: Cuba's Mijain Lopez Nunez retains 120kg title. 13 August 2012. 6 August 2012. BBC Sport. 7 August 2012. dead.
- News: Chadband. Ian. Team GB's Robbie Grabarz completes remarkable rise with bronze medal in high jump at London 2012 Olympic Games. 13 August 2012. The Telegraph. 7 August 2012.
- News: Robert Harting of Germany wins discus gold medal ahead of Hadadi of Iran at London Olympics. 13 August 2012. The Washington Post. 7 August 2012.
- News: Gleeson. Michael. Pearson completes her Olympic dream with hurdles gold. 10 August 2012. The Age. 8 August 2012.
- News: Scott-Elliot. Robin. 'Injured' Taoufik Makhloufi races to 1500m gold after reinstatement. 11 August 2012. The Independent. 8 August 2012.
- News: Gallagher. Brendan. Laura Trott is crowned new queen of the track after omnium gold medal seals London 2012 Olympics double. 11 August 2012. The Telegraph. 7 August 2012.
- News: Lane. Samantha. Meares defeats Pendleton to win sprint gold for Australia. 10 August 2012. The Age. 8 August 2012.
- News: Slater. Matt. Sir Chris Hoy wins sixth Olympic gold medal with keirin victory. 12 August 2012. 7 August 2012. BBC Sport. 17 December 2012. dead.
- News: Hope. Nick. Olympics diving: Ilya Zakharov wins 3m springboard gold. 13 August 2012. 8 August 2012. BBC Sport. 11 August 2012. dead.
- News: Moss. Stephen. Britain win first ever dressage Olympic medal and take 20th gold. 12 August 2012. The Guardian. 7 August 2012.
- News: Olympics gymnastics: Feng Zhe of China swings to parallel bars gold. 13 August 2012. 7 August 2012. BBC Sport. 13 August 2012. dead.
- News: Aly Raisman wins gold on floor routine; Gabby Douglas falters on balance beam. 13 August 2012. The Washington Post. 7 August 2012. Liz Clarke. Sally Jenkins.
- News: John. Emma. London 2012: Gymnastic gold for true flying Dutchman Epke Zonderland. 13 August 2012. The Guardian. 7 August 2012.
- News: Peach. Simon. Team GB's Nick Dempsey secures windsurfing silver medal. 12 August 2012. The Independent. 7 August 2012.
- News: Russia wins synchronized swimming. 12 August 2012. 7 August 2012. ESPN.
- News: Olympic table tennis: China's women beat Japan for team gold. 13 August 2012. 7 August 2012. BBC Sport. 13 August 2012. dead.
- News: Brothers in arms: Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee rewrite Olympic history with gold and bronze in trithalon. 12 August 2012. The Telegraph. 7 August 2012. Gordon Rayner. James Kirkup.
- News: Wilson. Jeremy. Alistair Brownlee wins gold for Britain in men's triathlon as brother Jonny takes bronze at London 2012 Olympic Games. 12 August 2012. The Telegraph. 7 August 2012.
- News: Lytton. Phil. Weight of expectation too much for Steiner as Salimi takes gold. 13 August 2012. The Sydney Morning Herald. 8 August 2012.
- News: Olympics wrestling: South Korea's Kim Hyeon-woo wins gold. 13 August 2012. 7 August 2012. BBC Sport. 11 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olympics wrestling: Ghasem Rezaei wins another gold for Iran. 13 August 2012. 7 August 2012. BBC Sport. 10 August 2012. dead.
- News: Hoult. Nick. London 2012 Olympics: Shara Proctor falls short in long-jump as Brittney Reese wins gold. 13 August 2012. The Telegraph. 8 August 2012.
- News: Russian Natalya Antyukh romps home in women's 400m hurdles. 13 August 2012. The Independent. 8 August 2012. Press Association.
- News: Clarey. Christopher. The U.S. Bounces Back, and Over. 13 August 2012. The New York Times. 8 August 2012.
- News: Olympics canoeing: Tim Brabants loses gold to Eirik Veras Larsen. 13 August 2012. 8 August 2012. BBC Sport. 11 August 2012. dead.
- News: Sebastian Brendel of Germany wins Olympic gold in 1,000-meter C-1. 13 August 2012. The Washington Post. 8 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Olympic canoeing: Hungary win men's kayak double 1000m final. 14 August 2012. 8 August 2012. BBC Sport. 14 August 2012. dead.
- News: Hungary takes honors over rival Germany with 2 golds at Olympic canoe sprint regatta. 14 August 2012. The Washington Post. 8 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Switzerland's Guerdat takes jumping gold. 13 August 2012. The Guardian. 8 August 2012. Reuters.
- Web site: Reeves, Nick . Swiss end 88-year wait for show jumping gold . Yahoo Sports . 8 August 2012 . 13 August 2012 . dead . . 11 August 2012.
- News: Huxley. John. Sailing gold: Aussie pair secure lead in 49er skiff class. 10 August 2012. The Age. 7 August 2012.
- News: China wins table tennis men's team gold. 15 August 2012. China Daily. 9 August 2012. Xinhua News Agency.
- News: Joel Gonzalez Bonilla claimed Olympic gold with victory over South Korean Lee Daehoon in the final of the men's flyweight under-58. 14 August 2012. 8 August 2012. RTÉ Sports.
- News: Rostance. Tom. Olympics beach volleyball: Third straight gold for American pair. 12 August 2012. 8 August 2012. BBC Sport. 11 August 2012. dead.
- News: Olympics wrestling: Hitomi Obara wins gold in 48kg event. 14 August 2012. 8 August 2012. BBC Sport. 24 May 2013. dead.
- News: Olympics Wrestling: Japan's Kaori Icho wins record gold in 63kg. dead. 20 April 2013. 14 August 2012. 8 August 2012. BBC Sport.
- News: Booth. Robert. London 2012: Christian Taylor holds off Will Claye for triple jump gold. 21 August 2012. The Guardian. 10 August 2012.
- News: Bull. Andy. David Rudisha breaks world record to win Olympic 800m gold for Kenya. 15 August 2012. The Guardian. 9 August 2012.
- News: Smith. Lewis. London's Olympic fast track gets its first world record. 15 August 2012. The Independent. 9 August 2012.
- News: Gibson. Owen. David Rudisha's front running for 800m gold is lauded by Sebastian Coe. 15 August 2012. The Guardian. 10 August 2012.
- Web site: Usain Bolt does it again: gold in 200 . . 9 August 2012 . 9 August 2012.
- News: Barbora Spotakova wins back-to-back Olympic javelin titles for Czech Republic. 15 August 2012. The Washington Post. 15 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Ashton Eaton beats Trey Hardee to win Olympic decathlon for USA. 15 August 2012. The Guardian. 9 August 2012. Guardian staff and agencies.
- News: Manteo Mitchell Broken Leg: U.S. 4x400M Runner Finishes Olympic Relay After Breaking Leg . HuffPost . Associated Press . 9 August 2012 . . 10 August 2012 . 9 August 2012 . dead.
- News: Dirs. Ben. Nicola Adams wins historic boxing gold for Great Britain. 15 August 2012. 9 August 2012. BBC Sport. 13 August 2012. dead.
- News: Davies. Gareth A.. Irish delight as Katie Taylor wins Olympic boxing gold. 20 August 2012. The Telegraph. 9 August 2012.
- News: Tongue Wagging, American Middleweight Wins Gold. 20 August 2012. The New York Times. 9 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Kretschmer, Kuschela of Germany win gold in 1,000-meter C-2 at Olympic canoe sprint regatta. 20 August 2012. Star Tribune. 9 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Barrow. Tim. Memories of defeat in Beijing can't cloud the joy of victory. 10 August 2012. The Age. 10 August 2012.
- News: Danuta Kozak of Hungary wins gold in women's 500-meter K-1 at Olympic canoe sprint regatta. 21 August 2012. The Washington Post. 9 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Olympics canoeing: Germany win women's kayak double. 21 August 2012. 9 August 2012. BBC Sport. 12 August 2012. dead.
- News: Moss. Stephen. London 2012: Charlotte Dujardin strikes second dressage Olympic gold. 20 August 2012. The Guardian. 9 August 2012.
- News: Borden. Sam. United States Wins Women's Soccer Gold. 21 August 2012. The New York Times. 9 August 2012.
- News: White. Duncan. Keri-Anne Payne suffers the cruellest of finishes coming fourth in Olympic open water marathon. 21 August 2012. The Telegraph. 9 August 2012.
- News: Jade Jones wins Olympic taekwondo gold for Great Britain. 12 August 2012. 9 August 2012. BBC Sport. 12 August 2012. dead.
- News: Servet Tazegul wins men's taekwondo Olympic gold. 24 August 2012. Austin American-Statesman. 9 August 2012. Associated Press.
- News: Crouse. Karen. Fourth Time Brings Title for United States. 25 August 2012. The New York Times. 9 August 2012.
- News: Hwang Kyung-Seon defends Olympic −67kg taekwondo title. 27 August 2012. 10 August 2012. BBC Sport. 14 August 2012. dead.
- News: Crismanich breaks Argentina gold drought. 27 August 2012. Bangkok Post. 11 August 2012.