Chondrocephalus granulifrons explained

Chondrocephalus granulifrons is a beetle of the family Passalidae originally described by George Latimer Bates in 1886 under the name Popilius granulifrons.[1] [2]

This species is found in Guatemala, Ecuador, and Mexico.

Notes and References

  1. MacVean . Charles . Schuster . Jack C. . 1981 . Altitudinal Distribution of Passalid Beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) and Pleistocene Dispersal on the Volcanic Chain of Northern Central America . Biotropica . 13 . 1 . 29–38 . 10.2307/2387868 . 2387868 . 0006-3606.
  2. Book: Bates, Henry Walter . Biologia Centrali-americana. Insecta: Coleoptera . 1890 . editors . 12 . en.