Module: |
| ||||||||||||
Country: | South Korea | ||||||||||||
Weight Class: | 78 kg, 81 kg | ||||||||||||
Worlds Rank: | 1 | ||||||||||||
Worlds Year: | 1997 | ||||||||||||
Worlds Weight: | Men's 78 kg | ||||||||||||
Worlds Year2: | 2001 | ||||||||||||
Worlds Weight2: | Men's 81 kg | ||||||||||||
Regionals Type: | AS | ||||||||||||
Regionals Rank: | 1 | ||||||||||||
Regionals Year: | 1998 | ||||||||||||
Regionals Weight: | Men's 81 kg | ||||||||||||
Olympics Rank: | 2 | ||||||||||||
Olympics Year: | 2000 | ||||||||||||
Olympics Weight: | Men's 81 kg | ||||||||||||
Updated: | 31 May 2023 |
Cho In-Chul (; born 4 March 1976) won three medals at the World Judo Championships (of which two gold and one bronze) and two olympic medals (a bronze in the 1996 Olympic Games and a silver at the Sydney Olympic Games).
After earning a PhD in sports psychology, Cho was named a full professor at Yong-In University.