Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League Explained

Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League
Type:Non-profit organization
Purpose:Advocacy, Education
Location:Taipei, Taiwan
Leader Title:President
Leader Name:Bolon Lin BV5AF
Affiliations:International Amateur Radio Union

The Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League (CTARL) is a national non-profit organization based in Taiwan for amateur radio enthusiasts. Key membership benefits of the organization include QSL bureau services and a monthly membership magazine called HamFormosa,[1] CTARL represents the interests of amateur radio operators before telecommunications authorities in Taiwan as well as international authorities. CTARL is the member society representing Taiwan in the International Amateur Radio Union.[2]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League (2008). HamFormosa. Retrieved Aug. 5, 2008.
  2. International Amateur Radio Union (2008). "Member Societies" . Retrieved Aug. 1, 2008.