Chern's conjecture for hypersurfaces in spheres, unsolved as of 2018, is a conjecture proposed by Chern in the field of differential geometry. It originates from the Chern's unanswered question:
Consider closed minimal submanifoldsimmersed in the unit sphereMn
with second fundamental form of constant length whose square is denoted bySn+m
. Is the set of values for\sigma
discrete? What is the infimum of these values of\sigma
2- 1 m
The first question, i.e., whether the set of values for σ is discrete, can be reformulated as follows:
Letbe a closed minimal submanifold inMn
with the second fundamental form of constant length, denote bySn+m
the set of all the possible values for the squared length of the second fundamental form ofl{A}n
, isMn
a discrete?l{A}n
Its affirmative hand, more general than the Chern's conjecture for hypersurfaces, sometimes also referred to as the Chern's conjecture and is still, as of 2018, unanswered even with M as a hypersurface (Chern proposed this special case to the Shing-Tung Yau's open problems' list in differential geometry in 1982):
Consider the set of all compact minimal hypersurfaces inwith constant scalar curvature. Think of the scalar curvature as a function on this set. Is the image of this function a discrete set of positive numbers?SN
Formulated alternatively:
Consider closed minimal hypersurfaceswith constant scalar curvatureM\subsetSn+1
. Then for eachk
the set of all possible values forn
(or equivalentlyk
) is discreteS
This became known as the Chern's conjecture for minimal hypersurfaces in spheres (or Chern's conjecture for minimal hypersurfaces in a sphere)
This hypersurface case was later, thanks to progress in isoparametric hypersurfaces' studies, given a new formulation, now known as Chern's conjecture for isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres (or Chern's conjecture for isoparametric hypersurfaces in a sphere):
Letbe a closed, minimally immersed hypersurface of the unit sphereMn
with constant scalar curvature. ThenSn+1
is isoparametricM
In 2008, Zhiqin Lu proposed a conjecture similar to that of Chern, but with
Letbe a closed, minimally immersed submanifold in the unit sphereMn
with constantSn+m
. If\sigma+λ2
, then there is a constant\sigma+λ2>n
such that\epsilon(n,m)>0
\alpha=1, … ,m
Another related conjecture was proposed by Robert Bryant (mathematician):
A piece of a minimal hypersphere ofwith constant scalar curvature is isoparametric of typeS4
Formulated alternatively:
Letbe a minimal hypersurface with constant scalar curvature. ThenM\subsetS4
is isoparametricM
Put hierarchically and formulated in a single style, Chern's conjectures (without conjectures of Lu and Bryant) can look like this:
Letbe a compact minimal hypersurface in the unit sphereM
. IfSn+1
has constant scalar curvature, then the possible values of the scalar curvature ofM
form a discrete setM
Ifhas constant scalar curvature, thenM
is isoparametricM
Denote bythe squared length of the second fundamental form ofS
. SetM
, forak=(k-\operatorname{sgn}(5-k))n
. Then we have:k\in\{m\inZ+;1\lem\le5\}
- For any fixed
, ifk\in\{m\inZ+;1\lem\le4\}
, thenak\leS\leak+1
is isoparametric, andM
- If
, thenS\gea5
is isoparametric, andM
Or alternatively:
Denote bythe squared length of the second fundamental form ofA
. SetM
, forak=(k-\operatorname{sgn}(5-k))n
. Then we have:k\in\{m\inZ+;1\lem\le5\}
- For any fixed
, ifk\in\{m\inZ+;1\lem\le4\}
, thenak\le{\left\vertA\right\vert}2\leak+1
is isoparametric, andM
- If
, then{\left\vertA\right\vert}2\gea5
is isoparametric, andM
One should pay attention to the so-called first and second pinching problems as special parts for Chern.
Besides the conjectures of Lu and Bryant, there're also others:
In 1983, Chia-Kuei Peng and Chuu-Lian Terng proposed the problem related to Chern:
Letbe aM
-dimensional closed minimal hypersurface inn
. Does there exist a positive constantSn+1,n\ge6
depending only on\delta(n)
such that ifn
, thenn\len+\delta(n)
, i.e.,S\equivn
is one of the Clifford torusM
}\right) \times S^\left(\sqrt\right), k = 1, 2, \ldots, n-1?
k\left(\sqrt{ k n S
In 2017, Li Lei, Hongwei Xu and Zhiyuan Xu proposed 2 Chern-related problems.
The 1st one was inspired by Yau's conjecture on the first eigenvalue:
Letbe anM
-dimensional compact minimal hypersurface inn
. Denote bySn+1
the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator acting on functions overλ1(M)
- Is it possible to prove that if
has constant scalar curvature, thenM
- Set
. Is it possible to prove that ifak=(k-\operatorname{sgn}(5-k))n
for someak\leS\leak+1
, ork\in\{m\inZ+;2\lem\le4\}
, thenS\gea5
The second is their own generalized Chern's conjecture for hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature:
Letbe a closed hypersurface with constant mean curvatureM
in the unit sphereH
- Assume that
, wherea\leS\leb
. Is it possible to prove that\left[a,b\right]\capI=\left\lbracea,b\right\rbrace
, andS\equivb
is an isoparametric hypersurface inM
- Suppose that
, whereS\lec
. Can one show thatc=\supt{t}
, andS\equivc
is an isoparametric hypersurface inM