Charles Exbrayat Explained

Charles Exbrayat
Birth Name:Charles Exbrayat
Birth Date:5 May 1906
Birth Place:Saint-Étienne, France
Death Place:Saint-Étienne, France
Occupation:detectives story writer
Genre:humorous thrillers

Charles Exbrayat (5 May 1906 – 8 March 1989) was a French fiction writer. He published over 100 novels and short stories, most of them humorous thrillers. They were very popular and a considerable number were turned into films.

While living in Nice with his parents, he was studying to becoming a medical doctor, but then found his true calling as a writer.

His debut novel was Aller sans Retour (single fare, no return), written while in Geneva, before going to Paris. He was one of the most famous French authors of the illustrious "le Masque" collection. He wrote a number of novels set in Scotland (Imogene series) and in Italy. His other interests included gourmet food and fine wines.


Imogène Collection

Tarchinini Collection

Other books

Selected filmography


To honor writers who specialized in detective stories, the city of Saint-Étienne created a special prize to be attributed during their book festival and called it the .