Chant public devant deux chaises électriques explained

Chant public devant deux chaises électriques
Place:Théâtre National Populaire, Paris
Orig Lang:French

Chant public devant deux chaises électriques (Public Canto Before Two Electric Chairs) is a play by Armand Gatti written in 1964 and premiered in 1966 at the Théâtre National Populaire. The subject is the Sacco and Vanzetti affair. It made headlines, and was panned by some critics but praised as a masterpiece by others, such as Gérard Guillot.[1]


Notes and References

  1. Gérard Guillot, Chant public devant deux chaises électriques d'Armand Gatti, au TNP. Notre agonie, c'est notre triomphe, Les Lettres françaises No. 1117, February 3, 1966,