Château d'Orrouy explained

Château d'Orrouy

The Château d'Orrouy is an historic castle in Orrouy, Oise, Hauts-de-France, France.[1]


"The castle, originally constructed in the 15th century, underwent a significant redesign during the 19th century, adopting the Gothic Revival architectural style

Initially belonging to the Foucault family, the castle passed through various hands: Joseph-Abraham Deshayes de Cambronne, manager of Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans's Appanage, his son Arnouph Deshayes de Cambronne, adjudicator of the National guard of the Château de Compiègne and Aide-de-camp of the king Charles X of France ; before being inherited by Count Armand Doria[2] in later years. Doria, an avid art collector, who frequently hosted renowned painters such as Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and Édouard Manet for short visits, and Adolphe-Félix Cals and Gustave-Henri Colin as extended guests.

The Château d'Orrouy became the command post of the Champlieu tank camp, led by Jean Baptiste Eugène Estienne, in which General Darius Paul Dassault (Chardasso) participated and whose pilot son, Georges, traced the longest automobile route of the world linking the Mediterranean to Niger, Chad, Congo and whose friend Joseph Kessel begins his novel Les Nuits de Sibérie with: “My friend, the pilot Estienne…”.

Presently, the castle is owned by the lawyer specialized in image right,[3] [4] [5] Bruno Grégoire Sainte-Marie and his wife Caroline, a director at Lafarge (Zement Gmbh), Vinci and Fnac Darty.[6] Since 2009, the Société for the Protection of Patrimonial Culture of the Chateau d'Orrouy (SOPROPAC), under the management of Jacques Veyrat, founder of the Impala group, has been actively involved in preserving the castle's cultural heritage.

Architectural significance

It has been listed as an official historical monument since March 30, 1989.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Le château d'Orrouy (Oise) : Nouveaux regards sur un édifice complexe . 10.58079/sw1b . 2020 . Maxime Chartier .
  2. Book: Arsène Alexandre. Arsène Alexandre. 'Essai sur la Vie du Comte Armand DORIA', in Collection de M. le Comte Armand Doria. 1899. Imprimerie Georges Petit. Paris, France. I-XXXVIII. 1. December 25, 2015.
  3. Le droit à l'image et la communication de l'entreprise
  4. Le droit et l'image des personnes publiques
  5. Interview, «Difficile de considérer la voiture accidentée de Diana comme un lieu privé».
  6. Caroline Grégoire Sainte-Marie