Censorship by copyright explained

Copyright can be used to enact censorship. Critics of copyright argue that copyright has been abused to suppress free speech,[1] [2] [3] as well as criticism,[4] [5] business competition,[6] academic research, investigative reporting (and freedom of press) and artistic expression.

The most common form of censorship by copyright concerns the abuse of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) either by copyright holders or by the service providers. The DMCA forces web hosts to be overly sensitive to claims of copyright infringement and act as de facto gatekeepers, infringing upon fair use as well as facilitating abuse in the form of bogus copyright claims.[7]


Strong-arm deterrence tactic

The use of censorship of copyright has been described as a legal "strong-arm" tactic (guerrilla litigation) aimed at creating deterrents for future copyright infringement by educating the public about the copyright. This tactic does not require a trial, as the threat of litigation against financially vulnerable violators can often be sufficient.[8] Sometimes such activities are called strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP). This has also led to chilling effect, self-censorship or abuse from copyright trolls.


The lack of consequences for perjury in DMCA claims encourages censorship. This has caused temporary takedowns of legitimate content that can be financially damaging to the legitimate copyright holder, who has no recourse for reimbursement. As a consequence, DMCA has enabled copyright owners to "censor academic discussions and online criticism". It has also been used by businesses to censor competition. It has also been used to censor investigative reporting, and suppress political speech. This includes the use of it by parties in non-democratic states, which use international law to remove content from international (Western) platforms like YouTube.[9] [10] [11] [12] [13] Modern copyright has been described as "an attractive weapon to chill speech".

In the context of American legislation, censorship by copyright has been said to violate the First Amendment; such abuse of copyright is supposed to be limited by fair use, but fair use has been found to be difficult to enforce due to chilling effects of copyright litigation and disparity of power between copyright holders and those seeking permission to use a work.[14] In particular, protections related to satirical use are seen as inadequate.[15]

Censorship by copyright has also been linked to reducing innovation, creativity, and limiting artistic expression. A study involving visual artists and professionals in the visual arts sector revealed that one-third have either avoided or ceased work in their domain due to worries about copyright infringement. Additionally, over half of the editors and publishers surveyed have dropped or reduced the scope of their projects because of these worries.[16] A 2005 survey of documentary makers in Canada found that 85% of them said copyright is more harmful than beneficial for their field and that it threatens their ability to produce content.[17] Such concerns have also hindered museums and libraries from digitizing and sharing cultural and scientific materials, including works for whom no living copyright holder could be identified but which are protected by the law by default (orphan works).[18] [19]

Technology and laws that facilitate censorship

Abuse of law

Most common form of censorship by copyright concerns abuse of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). That legislation forces web hosts to be overly sensitive to claims of copyright infringement, infringing upon fair use as well as facilitating abuse in the form of bogus copyright claims.[20]

Other laws that have been criticized for similar problems include the European Union's Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (Copyright Directive), and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the concept of the right to be forgotten.

Automated copyright enforcement

The increasing prevalence of online media has led to content hosting companies developing automated solutions for copyright enforcement to help copyright holders remove alleged infringement from their services. Such solutions, however, are overprotective due to difficulties related to defining legal uses such as quotations or fair use, as well as the lack of authoritative information about who is a legitimate rights holder for which copyrighted work. They are also designed from the perspective of assumption of guilt, as any claim made by copyright holders is automatically accepted, results in the takedown of allegedly offending material, and requires the accused to prove their innocence.

Moreover, the risks associated with making a false accusation are low: the person accused must first submit a counterclaim to establish their copyright ownership and then take private legal action to demonstrate actual harm. They must locate the other party in order to enforce any financial compensation awarded by the judiciary.

Consequentially, automated copyright detection systems built for and used by online video hosting services like Google's Content ID have been used by governments, companies and individuals to block critical reporting.[21] [22] [23] In some cases, individuals have been known to play copyrighted music to disrupt streaming, recording or other activities with the intent of getting other users' videos taken down by automated systems.[24]

Tools used in content moderation have been subject to similar criticism.

History and notable examples

Earliest examples of the use of copyright law to enforce censorship relate to the British government invoking the monopoly of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers to suppress texts it deemed problematic, such as anti-Cromwellian and anti-Caroline satirical writings in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. To circumvent the Stationers' monopoly on print, contemporary activists used a handwriting (scribed) method of publication.[25]

It has been argued that censorship by copyright is becoming increasingly more common in the Digital Age. It has also been called a major element of censorship found in democratic societies, otherwise critical of the concept of censorship. Hannibal Travis wrote that "copyright largely determines the accessibility and cost of information in a democratic society, and that it grants rights holders substantial powers of censorship through the threat of prosecution for infringement".[26] Modern copyright laws and associated technologies developed to enforce it have been described as "wielded by powerful government and business officials as a weapon to censor independent news media and deter investigative reporting". Said laws and technologies have been generally developed in the Global North, and are abused there as well, but are even more commonly abused in the Global South, where traditions and protections of free speech are weaker.

Incidents described as censorship by copyright include:

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Masnick . Mike . 26 July 2013 . Why Yes, Copyright Can Be Used To Censor, And 'Fair Use Creep' Is Also Called 'Free Speech' . 2 April 2024 . Techdirt . en-US.
  2. Haber . Eldar . 2013–2014 . Copyrighted Crimes: The Copyrightability of Illegal Works . Yale Journal of Law and Technology . 16 . 454–501 . ...censorship-by-copyright could endanger other constitutional rights, first and foremost First Amendment rights and possibly due process rights..
  3. Reid . Amanda . Winter 2019 . Copyright Policy as Catalyst and Barrier to Innovation and Free Expression . Catholic University Law Review . 68 . 1 . 33–86 . The attractiveness of modem copyright as a weapon to chill speech is due to four interrelated factors: (1) the ease and "ubiquity" of infringement; (2) the simplicity of asserting a prima facie infringement case; (3) the uncertainty of available defenses, like fair use; and (4) the threat of hefty statutory penalties. Censorship by copyright undermines core First Amendment principles. Copyright out of balance threatens our liberty to learn. Copyright threatens access to the building blocks of learning and culture..
  4. Book: Westbrook, Steve . Composition and Copyright: Perspectives on Teaching, Text-making, and Fair Use . 9 April 2009 . State University of New York Press . 978-1-4384-2599-3 . 37-38 . en.
  5. Web site: Gagliano . Cara . 20 January 2023 . For Would-Be Censors and the Thin-Skinned, Copyright Law Offers Powerful Tools . 3 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
  6. Cobia . Jeffrey . 2008 . The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Takedown Notice Procedure: Misuses, Abuses, and Shortcomings of the Process . Minnesota Journal of Law Science & Technology . 1 . 391–393 . Hein Online.
  7. News: Hern . Alex . 23 May 2016 . Revealed: How copyright law is being misused to remove material from the internet . 2 April 2024 . The Guardian . en-GB . 0261-3077.
  8. Ghosh . Arjun . 2013 . Censorship through Copyright: From print to digital media . Social Scientist . 41 . 1/2 . 51–68 . 23611080 . 0970-0293.
  9. Web site: 28 December 2020 . Turkish gov't uses TRT as a weapon to spread its censorship to YouTube . 2 April 2024 . International Journalists Association . en-US.
  10. News: Palazzolo . Andrea Fuller, Kirsten Grind and Joe . Google Hides News, Tricked by Fake Claims . 2 April 2024 . WSJ . en-US.
  11. Web site: Rodríguez . Natalia Krapiva, Esq, Rodrigo . 22 October 2020 . Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists . 3 April 2024 . Access Now . en.
  12. Web site: Vílchez . Dánae . 6 May 2020 . YouTube censors independent Nicaraguan news outlets after copyright complaints from Ortega-owned media . 3 April 2024 . Committee to Protect Journalists . en-US.
  13. Web site: Stoltz . Daniel Nazer and Mitch . 19 January 2017 . Copyright Shouldn't Be A Tool of Censorship . 3 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
  14. Rathemacher . Andrée J. . 1 July 2012 . Panel Discussion on Libraries and Best Practices in Fair Use . Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship . en . 24 . 3 . 230–238 . 10.1080/1941126X.2012.706139 . 1941-126X.
  15. Collado . Adriana . June 2004 . Unfair Use: The Lack of Fair Use Protection for Satire under 107 of the Copyright Act . Journal of Technology Law & Policy . 9 . 1 . 65–80.
  16. Aufderheide . Patricia . Milosevic . Tijana . Bello . Bryan . October 2016 . The impact of copyright permissions culture on the US visual arts community: The consequences of fear of fair use . New Media & Society . en . 18 . 9 . 2012–2027 . 10.1177/1461444815575018 . 1461-4448.
  17. Kirwan Cox, Censorship by Copyright: Report of the DOC Copyright Survey, Rigaud, 2005
  18. The Art Institute of Chicago et. al, Comments on Orphan Works and Mass Digitization (4 February 2013)
  19. Sarah E. Thomas, Response by the Cornell University Library to the Notice of Inquiry Concerning Orphan Works, (23 March 2005) #12;
  20. Radsch . Courtney . 2023 . Weaponizing Privacy and Copyright Law for Censorship . SSRN Electronic Journal . 10.2139/ssrn.4464300 . 1556-5068.
  21. Web site: 29 January 2019 . The Mistake So Bad, That Even YouTube Says Its Copyright Bot 'Really Blew It' . 2 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
  22. Web site: Thomas . Dexter . 9 February 2021 . Is This Beverly Hills Cop Playing Sublime's 'Santeria' to Avoid Being Live-Streamed? . 2 April 2024 . Vice . en.
  23. Web site: Geigner . Timothy . 30 September 2021 . Copyright Continues To Be Abused To Censor Critics By Entities Both Big And Small . 2 April 2024 . Techdirt . en-US.
  24. Web site: Masnick . Mike . 4 August 2022 . Please Don't Normalize Copyright As A Tool For Censorship . 3 April 2024 . Techdirt . en-US.
  25. Jenkins . Joseph S. . 2013 . Copyright Law and Political Theology: Censorship and the Forebear's Desire . Law and Literature . 25 . 1 . 65–84 . 10.1525/lal.2013.25.1.65 . 10.1525/lal.2013.25.1.65 . 1535-685X.
  26. Travis . Hannibal . Spring 2000 . Pirates of the Information Infrastructure: Blackstonian Copyright and the First Amendment . Berkeley Technology Law Journal . 15 . 2 . 777–864.
  27. Web site: Greene . Thomas C. . SDMI cracks revealed . 3 April 2024 . www.theregister.com . en.
  28. Web site: 18 November 2011 . Paranormalist Claims Three-Second Copyright in Attempt to Censor Critical Video . 2 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
  29. Web site: Cheng . Jacqui . 9 May 2007 . EFF to psychic: There will be a DMCA abuse suit in the near future . 2 April 2024 . Ars Technica . en-us.
  30. Web site: 18 November 2011 . Real Estate Developers Censor Community Critic's Website . 2 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
  31. News: 12 October 2007 . 'Hogwarts pandal' may be pulled down over copyright . 2 April 2024 . The Times of India . 0971-8257.
  32. Web site: 18 November 2011 . Cowboy Group Tries to Censor Animal Welfare Nonprofit . 2 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
  33. Web site: 18 November 2011 . CBS News Censors McCain Ad During Heated Presidential Campaign . 2 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
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  37. News: Hern . Alex . 9 March 2015 . WordPress in court victory over blogger censored by 'Straight Pride UK' . 3 April 2024 . The Guardian . en-GB . 0261-3077.
  38. Web site: Sutton . Maira . 15 May 2014 . State Censorship by Copyright? Spanish Firm Abuses DMCA to Silence Critics of Ecuador's Government . 2 April 2024 . Electronic Frontier Foundation . en.
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  43. News: Palmer . Ewan . 19 February 2014 . Scientist's YouTube Account Remains Open Following Aids Denialist Censorship Claims . 17 April 2015 . International Business Times.
  44. Web site: How Copyright Bots are Governing Free Speech Online . 2 April 2024 . Digital Freedom Fund . en-GB.
  45. Web site: Redes y medios retiran el polémico video de Máynez y Samuel García por derechos de autor. es. El País. 10 February 2024. David. Marcial Pérez. Networks and media remove the controversial video of Máynez and Samuel García due to copyright issues. 17 April 2024.