Celebrity Nightmares Decoded is a show that airs on FYI (formerly known as The Biography Channel) in the United States. It premiered on Saturday September 18, 2010 at 10pm EST.
Lauren Lawrence, who has been interpreting the dreams of famous celebrities for over 10 years, is a columnist for the NY Daily News and has written several books including "Private Dreams of Public People" which breaks down the nightmares of the stars that have haunted them.
A celebrity sits down with a dream analyst and discusses his or her nightmare. After going through key symbols of their dreams, the analyst is able to explain to them what their dream means.
The pilot includes host and dream analyst Lauren Lawrence,[1] Bronson Pinchot, Jodie Sweetin, Rachel Dratch, and Barry Williams.
The show is produced by Sharp Entertainment and is distributed by AENT to the Biography Channel.[2]