Catalan grammar explained

Catalan grammar, the morphology and syntax of the Catalan language, is similar to the grammar of most other Romance languages. Catalan is a relatively synthetic, fusional language.Features include:

Some distinctive features of Catalan among Romance languages include the general lack of masculine markers (like Italian -o), a trait shared with French and Occitan; and the fact that the remote preterite tense of verbs is usually formed with a periphrasis consisting of the verb "to go" plus infinitive.


Catalan has two types of article, definite and indefinite. They are declined for gender and number, and must agree with the noun they qualify. As with other Romance languages, Catalan articles are subject to complex elision and contraction processes.

The inflection of articles is complex, especially because of frequent elision, but is similar to neighboring languages. Catalan has more preposition–article contractions than Spanish, like dels ("of + the [plural]"), but fewer than Italian (which has sul, col, nel, etc.).


The tables below summarize the forms of the definite article, its elisions, and its contractions.

Definite article
(elided forms in brackets)
masculine feminine
singularel (l') || la (l')|-! plural| els || les|-|}
Contractions of the definite article
a de per
article elal (a l') || del (de l') || pel (per l')
elsals delspels

Masculine forms

  • The masculine singular form is el. The initial vowel is elided before a vowel or h, yielding to l'.

El pare. L'avi.

"The father." "The grandfather."

  • El is not elided if the word begins with semivocalic (h)i- pronounced as /[j]/.

El iode. El hiat.

"The iodine." "The hiatus"

  • The masculine plural form is els. Both el and els combine with the prepositions a "to", de "of", and per "for", yielding the contractions al, als, del, dels, pel, pels.

Ho dic al pare.

"I say it to the father." ("I say it to my father")

Això és del noi.

"This is of the boy." ("This belongs to the boy")

Corria pels camins.

"I ran through the paths." ("I ran along the paths")

  • El does not contract with the aforementioned prepositions if the following word begins with vowel or h.

Porta-ho a l'avi.

"Bring this to the grandfather."

Baixa de l'arbre.

"Get down from the tree."

Feminine forms

  • The feminine singular form is la. The final vowel is elided before a vowel or h, yielding l'.

La mare. L'àvia

"The mother." "The grandmother"

  • La is not contracted if the word begins with unstressed (h)i-, or (h)u-.

La idea. La hipòtesi. La unitat. La humitat.

"The idea." "The hypothesis." "The unit." "The humidity."

  • La is not elided with the words una "one (hour)", host "hueste", and ira "wrath"; as well as with words beginning with the Greek prefix a-, like asimetria "asymmetry".
  • The feminine plural form is les.
  • Feminine articles are not contracted with prepositions.

Articles for personal names

Forenames and surnames must carry a definite article. In addition to the ordinary singular forms, alternative forms derived from the Latin vocative domine can be used. The elision rules are the same for el and la.

na (n')|}

El Joan. L'Andreu. La Mercè. La Isabel. L'Olga.

En Joan. N'Andreu. Na Mercè. Na Isabel. N'Olga.

Dialectal variation

In Western Catalonia the dialectal versions lo and los are used instead of el and els.

In some regions, especially in the Balearic islands, the definite article derives from the Latin determiner ipse. These forms are referred to as articles salats. Similar forms are found in Sardinian and some varieties of Occitan.

pluralamb sos amb ses


The table below summarize the forms of the indefinite article. Indefinite articles are not elided nor contracted.

Indefinite article
masculine feminine
singularun una
pluraluns unes

Overview of gender and number inflection

Most adjectives, and a fair number of nouns, inflect for gender. This usually follows a regular pattern of endings. The two main patterns are generally referred to as "four-form" and "two-form" adjectives. Four-form adjectives have distinct masculine and feminine forms, whereas two-form adjectives have the same form for both masculine and feminine. They are derived from the Latin first/second, and the third declension respectively. Many nouns follow the four-form inflection, but some may follow the two-form inflection. Some are irregular in some way.

Four-form adjective
verd ("green")
masculine feminine
singular verd verda
pluralverds verdes
Two-form adjective
indiferent ("indifferent")
masculine feminine
singular indiferent
plural indiferents

Similar to French, but unlike Portuguese, Spanish or Italian, the Latin/Romance final -o and -e have disappeared. Thus, the alternance of -o/-a in the four-form words has been substituted by -/-a. There are only a few exceptions, like minso/minsa ("scarce").

Among nouns, Catalan has few suppletive couplets, like Italian and Spanish, and unlike French. Thus, Catalan has noi/noia ("boy"/"girl") and gall/gallina ("cock"/"chicken"), whereas French has garçon/fille and coq/poule.

There is a tendency to inflect adjectives as four-form instead of two-form, something that is prevalent in Occitan and standard in French. Thus, alongside traditional two-form bullent/bullent ("boiling"), one can also find four-form bullent/bullenta.


Many not completely predictable morphological alternations may occur between masculine and feminine, like:

In words that end in a sibilant sound, the masculine plural ending is -os instead of just -s. Feminines still have -es or, if they follow the two-form declension, no ending at all. Compare: el pols/els polsos ("the pulse"/"the pulses") vs. la pols/les pols ("the dust"/"the dusts").

Adjectives that end in follow the two-form declension in the singular, but four-form in the plural, so that they actually have three forms:

Adjective in -ç
feliç ("happy")
masculine feminine
singular feliç
pluralfeliços felices


See main article: Catalan nouns. Catalan nouns are inflected for gender (masculine or feminine), and number (singular or plural). There is no case inflection. Articles and adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to.

Usually, masculine nouns are unmarked, feminine nouns carry the suffix -a; and the plural is marked with the suffix -s, which makes the feminine ending turn into -e-. Thus, the most common declension paradigm for Catalan names is the one that follows:

declension of gat "cat"
masculine feminine
singular gat gata
pluralgats gates

Gender inflection

The grammatical gender of a Catalan noun does not necessarily correspond with the real-life object's biological sex (or lack thereof). Nouns denoting a person, such as home "man" or dona "woman", generally agree with the natural gender of what is described. However, Catalan assigns gender to nouns without natural gender in arbitrary fashion. For example, the word tamboret ("stool") is masculine, while the word cadira ("chair") is feminine.

Living beings with distinct masculine and feminine forms

Living beings of the same species usually are designed by two nouns: one of masculine grammatical gender for biologically male individuals, and one of feminine grammatical gender for biologically female individuals. Both names, masculine and feminine, are usually only differentiated by their ending; sometimes the second is derived from the first or vice versa. Rarely, both come from different roots.

Formation of the feminine form from the masculine

Noi → noia. Avi → àvia.

"Boy – girl." "Grandfather – grandmother."

becomes voiced remains unvoiced
change masculine feminine gloss masculine feminine gloss
⟨-t⟩ → ⟨-d-⟩
/t/ → /ð/
nebot neboda "nephew – niece" t neta "grandson – granddaughter"
⟨-p⟩ → ⟨-b-⟩
/p/ → /β/
llop lloba "wolf"
⟨-f⟩ → ⟨-v-⟩
/f/ → /v~β/
serf serva "serf"
⟨-s⟩ → ⟨-s-⟩
/s/ → /z/
espòs esposa "husband – wife" gos gossa "dog – bitch"

Germà → germana

"Brother – sister."

Sacerdot → sacerdotessa.

"Priest – priestess."

Formation of the masculine form from the feminine

Bruixot ← bruixa.

"Sorcerer — witch."

Living beings with indistinct masculine and feminine forms

El rossinyol. El rossinyol mascle. El rossinyol femella.

" The nightingale." "The male nightingale." "The female nightingale"

Objects, abstract concepts

La virilitat (f).

"The manliness."

El televisor (m) – la televisió (f). L'argent (m) – la plata (f)

"The TV." "The silver."

Homophonous words with different genders

El clau (m) – la clau (f)

"The nail – the key."

Number inflection

Like all the Western Romance languages, the formation of the plural involves the addition of the suffix -s to the singular. However, the stem may undergo some changes. The number inflection of adjectives follows the same rules.

Pare → pares. Avi → avis.

"Father – fathers." "Grandfather – grandfathers."

Casa → cases (f). Problema → problemes (m).

"House – houses." "Problem – problems"

(stem underlined)
(stem underlined)
pronounced as //ɣ// ⟨g⟩ → ⟨gu⟩farga fargues pronounced as //ˈfarɣə//, pronounced as //ˈfarɣəs//
pronounced as //ˈfarɣa//, pronounced as //ˈfarɣes//
pronounced as //k// ⟨c⟩ → ⟨qu⟩oca oques pronounced as //ˈɔkə//, pronounced as //ˈɔkəs//
pronounced as //ˈɔka//, pronounced as //ˈɔkes//
"goose – geese"
pronounced as //ɣw// ⟨gu⟩ → ⟨gü⟩llengua llenes pronounced as //ˈʎeŋɡwə//, pronounced as //ˈʎeŋɡwəs//
pronounced as //ˈʎeŋɡwa//, pronounced as //ˈʎeŋɡwes//
pronounced as //kw// ⟨qu⟩ → ⟨qü⟩pasqua pases pronounced as //ˈpaskwə//, pronounced as //ˈpaskwəs//
pronounced as //ˈpaskwa//, pronounced as //ˈpaskwes//
pronounced as //s// ⟨ç⟩ → ⟨c⟩plaça places pronounced as //ˈpɫasə//, pronounced as //ˈpɫasəs//
pronounced as //ˈplasa//, pronounced as //ˈplases//
pronounced as //ʒ//
pronounced as //d͡ʒ//
⟨j⟩ → ⟨g⟩pluja pluges pronounced as //ˈpɫuʒə//, pronounced as //ˈpɫuʒəs//
pronounced as //ˈplud͡ʒa//, pronounced as //ˈplud͡ʒes//
pronounced as //d͡ʒ//
pronounced as //d͡ʒː//
platja platges pronounced as //ˈpɫad͡ʒə//, pronounced as //ˈpɫad͡ʒəs//
pronounced as //ˈpɫad͡ʒːa//, pronounced as //ˈpɫad͡ʒːes//

Pa → pans (m). Capità → capitans (m). Acció → accions (f).

"Bread – breads." "Captain – captains." "Action – actions."

Sofà → sofàs. Bambú → bambús.

"Sofa – sofas." "Bamboo – bamboos."

Home → homes or hòmens. Orfe → orfes or òrfens

"Man – men." "Orphan – orphans."

Gas → gasos /ˈgas – ˈgazus ~ ˈgazos/. Braç → braços /ˈbɾas – ˈbɾasus ~ ˈbɾasos/.

"Gas – gases." "Arm – arms."

Fracàs → fracassos. Pastís → pastissos. Barnús → barnussos

"Failure – failures." "Cake – cakes." "Bathrobe – bathrobes"

Gos → gossos. Arròs → arrossos. Os → ossos.

"Dog – dogs." "Rice – rices." "Bear – bears". (also "Bone – bones").

Llapis → llapis. Òmnibus – òmnibus

"Pencil – pencils." "Omnibus – omnibuses."

Pols → pols.

"Dust – dusts."

Calç → calçs pronounced as //ˈkaɫs ~ ˈkals//.

"Lime – limes."

Reflex → reflexos pronounced as //rəˈflɛksus ~ reˈflɛksos//. Índex → índexs pronounced as //ˈindəks ~ ˈindeks//.

"Reflection – reflections." "Index – indexes."

Calaix → calaixos.

"Drawer – drawers."

Faig → faigs pronounced as //ˈfatʃ//. Passeig → passeigs pronounced as //pəˈsɛtʃ ~ paˈsɛtʃ//.

Faig → fajos /ˈfat͡ʃ – ˈfaʒus ~ ˈfad͡ʒos/. Mig → mitjos. /ˈmit͡ʃ – ˈmidʒus ~ mid͡ʒːos/.

"Beech – beeches." "Half – halves."

Bosc → boscs or boscos. Gust → gusts or gustos. Pretext → pretexts or pretextos

"Forest – forests." "Taste – tastes." "Pretext – pretexts."

Host → hosts.

"Army – armies."


A Catalan adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun it accompanies. Most adjectives are placed after the nouns. Adjectives can be divided into three declension paradigms. The number inflection rules are the same as the nouns.


Catalan adjectives can be divided in three groups according to the distinct forms it has.

Adjective with 4 forms:
verd "green"! !! masculine !! feminine
singular verd verda
pluralverds verdes
Adjective with 3 forms:
feliç "happy"
masculine feminine
singular feliç
pluralfeliços felices
Adjective with 2 forms:
indiferent "indifferent"
masculine feminine
singular indiferent
plural indiferents

Formation of the feminine singular from the masculine singular

In adjectives with distinct feminine singular form, the masculine is usually unmarked for gender, and ends in a consonant. The feminine singular form of regular adjectives can be created from the masculine singular.

Unmarked masculine forms

Sec – seca. Fred – freda. Continu – contínua.

"Dry." "Cold." "Continuous."

Voicing alternations
becomes voiced remains unvoiced
change masculine feminine gloss masculine feminine gloss
⟨-t⟩ → ⟨-d-⟩
/t/ → /ð/
buit buida "empty" lent lenta "slow"
⟨-c⟩ → ⟨-g-⟩
/k/ → /ɣ/
groc groga "yellow" ric rica "rich"
⟨-s⟩ → ⟨-s-⟩
/s/ → /z/
obès obesa "obese" gras grassa "fat"

Pla – plana. Rodó – rodona.

"Flat." "Round."

Blau – blava. Europeu – europea. Viu – viva. Nou – nova.

"Blue." "European." "Alive." "New."

Marked masculine forms ending in -e or -o

If the masculine form ends in -e or -o, the final vowel is substituted with -a. Many of the adjectives ending in -o come from Spanish.

Ample – ampla. Maco – maca (Cf. Sp. "majo").

"Wide." "Nice."

Adjectives with indistinct masculine and feminine forms

Some adjectives may have the same form in the masculine singular and feminine singular.

Cap – cap. Fel – fel. Prec – prec.

"Capable." "Happy." "Precocious."

Central -central. Rebel – rebel. Hostil – hostil. Mòbil – mòbil.

"Central." "Rebel." "Hostile." "Mobile."

Vulgar – Vulgar


Irregular feminine forms

Some feminine adjectives are formed irregularly and do not adhere to the aforementioned formation rules.

Common Catalan irregular adjectives
masculine feminine gloss
oblic obliqua "oblique"
boig boja "insane"
roig roja " red"
lleig lletja "ugly"
mig mitja "half"
nul nul·la "null"
tranquil tranquil·la "quiet"
cru crua "raw"
nu nua "nude"
jueu jueva/jueua "Jewish"
sueu sueva/sueua "Suebian"
mal mala "bad"
paral·lel paral·lela "parallel"
car cara "expensive"
clar clara "clear"
avar avara "avaricious"
rar rara "rare"

Degrees of comparison

Degrees of comparison are expressed with a construction implying the adverb més "more" or menys "less":

Sóc més alt que tu.

"I am taller than you."

Sóc el més alt de tots

"I am the tallest of all".

Sóc menys alt que tu.

"I am less tall than you."

Absolute superlative

Like many other Romance languages, Catalan adjectives have an absolute superlative form, expressed with the suffix -íssim, placed between the stem and the gender / number suffix.

Aquest home és altíssim.

"This man is very very tall."

Aquestes dones són altíssimes.

"These women are very very tall."


Catalan adverbs, like their English counterparts, are used to modify adjectives, other adverbs, and verbs or clauses. They do not display any inflection; that is, their form does not change to reflect their precise role, nor any characteristics of what they modify.


In Catalan, as in English, most adverbs are derived from adjectives. In most cases, this is done by adding the suffix -ment ("-ly") to the adjective's feminine singular form. For example, the feminine singular form of lent ("slow") is lenta, so the corresponding adverb is lentament ("slowly").

As in English, however, the adjective stem is sometimes modified to accommodate the suffix:

And, as in English, many common adverbs are not derived from adjectives at all:

així ("thus", "so").

ahir ("yesterday").


The placement of Catalan adverbs is almost the same as the placement of English adverbs.

An adverb that modifies an adjective or adverb comes before that adjective or adverb:

completament cert ("completely true").

massa ben fet ("too well done").

An adverb that modifies an infinitive (verbal noun) generally comes after the infinitive:

caminar lentament ("to walk slowly").

An adverb that modifies a main verb or clause comes either after the verb, or before the clause:

Lentament ell comença a caminar or Ell comença lentament a caminar ("Slowly, he begins to walk" or "He begins slowly to walk").Note that, unlike in English, this is true even of negative adverbs:

Mai jo no he fet això or Jo no he fet mai això ("Never have I done that" or "I have never done that").


Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns are inflected for person and number of the possessor, and for gender and number of the possession.The table below summarizes all the possible forms.

Possessive pronouns
singular plural
masculinefemininemasculine feminine
singular firstmeu meva
meus meves
secondteu teva
teus teves
thirdseu seva
seus seves
plural firstnostre nostra nostres
secondvostre vostra vostres
thirdllur llurs

El cotxe és meu.

"The car is mine."

The feminine forms meva, teva, and seva may appear dialectally with pronounced as //w// instead of pronounced as //β ~ v//: meua, teua, and seua. Their plural forms follow the same variation (meues, teues, and seues).

Possessive adjectives

Possessive adjectives are, like the possessive pronouns, inflected for person and number of the possessor, and for gender and number of the possession. The table below summarizes all the possible forms. Notice how the plural possessor forms are identical to the possessive pronoun forms.

Possessive adjectives
singular plural
masculinefemininemasculine feminine
singular firstmon ma mons mes
secondton ta tons tes
thirdson sa sons ses
plural firstnostre nostra nostres
secondvostre vostra vostres
thirdllur llurs

Central Catalan has abandoned almost completely unstressed possessives (mon, etc.) in favour of constructions of article + stressed forms (el meu, etc.), a feature shared with Italian and Portuguese.

Ton pare. Son avi.

"Your father." "His / her grandfather."

En ma vida.

"In my whole life."

Mon cotxe. (literary, archaic)

El meu cotxe. (more common)

"My car."


Personal pronouns

See main article: Catalan personal pronouns. The morphology of Catalan personal pronouns is complex, specially in unstressed forms, which are numerous (13 distinct forms, compared to 11 in Spanish or 9 in Italian; French has such a different system that comparisons are not feasible). Features include the neuter gender (ho) and the great degree of freedom when combining different unstressed pronouns (65 combinations).

This flexibility allows Catalan to use extraposition extensively, much more than French or Spanish. Thus, Catalan can have m'hi recomanaren ("they recommended me to him"), whereas in French one must say ils m'ont recommendé à lui, and in Spanish me recomendaron a él. This allows the placement of almost any nominal term as a sentence topic, without having to use so often the passive voice (as in French or English), or identifying the direct object with a preposition (as in Spanish).

  !! singular !! plural
first personjo, mi nosaltres
second person informaltu vosaltres
respectfulvósArchaic in most dialects.
third person masculineell ells
feminine ella elles
! singular !! plural
first personaccusative, dative, reflexiveem ens
second personet us
third personaccusative masculine el els
femininela les
objective neuterho
dativeli els
adverbialablative, genitiveen


See main article: Catalan verbs and Catalan conjugation.

Catalan verbs express an action or a state of being of a given subject, and like verbs in most of the Indo-European languages, Catalan verbs undergo inflection according to the following categories:

time !! simple !! perfect
indicativepresentcantes has cantat
pastimperfectcantaves havies cantat
remote preteritecantares hagueres cantat
futurecantaràs hauràs cantat
subjunctivepresentcantis hagis cantat
pastcantéssis haguéssis cantat
conditionalcantaries hauries cantat
Non-finite Catalan verb forms for cantar ("to sing")! !! simple !! perfect
infinitivecantar haver cantat
gerundcantant havent cantat
Like all the Romance languages, Catalan verbal inflection is more complex than the nominal. Suffixation is omnipresent, while morphological alternations play a secondary role. Vowel alternances are active, as well as infixation and suppletion. However, these are not as productive as in Spanish, and are mostly restricted to irregular verbs.

The Catalan verbal system is basically common to all Western Romance, except that most dialects replace the analytic perfect indicative with a periphrastic tense composed of vaig, vas (vares), va, vam (vàrem), vau (vàreu), van (varen) and the infinitive.

Catalan verbs are traditionally divided into three conjugations, with vowel themes -a-, -e-, -i-, the last two being split into two subtypes. However, this division is mostly theoretical. Only the first conjugation is nowadays productive (with about 3500 common verbs), while the third (the subtype of servir, with about 700 common verbs) is semiproductive. The verbs of the second conjugation are fewer than 100, and it is not possible to create new ones, except by compounding.

Verbal periphrases

Verbal periphrases of obligation:

(*) Although it is not correct the usage of the verbal periphrasis *tenir + que + infinitive (obligation) in the Standard (instead of haver + de, which is roughly equivalent to English "have to"), it is widely used in colloquial Catalan and Valencian. The same occurs with *haver-hi + que + infinitive.

Verbal periphrases of probability:

Verbal periphrases of imminence, intention or future:

Other modal and aspectual verbal periphrases:


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