Societat Civil Catalana Explained

Purpose:Spanish unionism
Location:Paseo de Gracia N. 26, 4-2 08007, Barcelona
Leader Name:Elda Mata Miró-Sans
Leader Title:President
Languages:Catalan, Spanish

Societat Civil Catalana (SCC, "Catalan Civil Society") is a Spanish unionist organization based in Barcelona.[1] Launched in 2014,[2] SCC seek to counter the Catalan independence movement.[3] [4] [5] [6]


Elda Mata Miró-Sans is the current president, since April 3, 2022.[7] [8] Former presidents have been Rafael Arenas, Mariano Gomà, and Josep Ramon Bosch.[9] [10] [11] SCC board members have different ideological backgrounds and are or have been associated to pro-union parties such as People's Party of Catalonia, Citizens and Socialists' Party of Catalonia.[12] SCC has delegations in Barcelonès, Baix Llobregat and Tarragona.[13]


SCC was legally constituted on April 7, 2014. SCC stated that its goal is to be a transverse platform against separatism.[14] On April 23 of the same year SCC had its official presentation to the public at the Victoria Theater in Barcelona.[2] [15] Susana Beltrán, who became a deputy of Citizens in Catalonia's Parliament,[16] [17] was the host of the event and Bosch, Domingo and Coll delivered the keynote speeches.[2] José Rosiñol was the moderator and also member of the provisional executive office. Other members from the provisional executive office who also attended the event were Isabel Porcel, Ana María Lindin and Ferran Brunet.[18] The event was attended by members of mainstream political parties with representation in the Spanish parliament such as PP, Citizens, PSC and UPyD[2] Some founding members were members of the Somatemps, including its first president Josep Ramon Bosch, Javier Barraycoa, Josep Alsina and Xavier Codorniu.[19] [20] [21] SCC also received support from Jorge Moragas and Miram Tey.[22] Several leading supporters of the group has far right connections or sympathies.



SCC demonstration calls have received cross-party support from Catalonia's Popular Party, PSC and Citizens[45] [46] [47] and it is regarded by some as the leading anti-independence platforms in Catalonia along with the movement for Tabarnia.[48]

SCC gave public support to a demonstration of the platform Tabarnia along with Vox and PxC.[49] [50] [51] [52]

In the first months of 2018 SCC started a round of meetings with Spanish politicians and political parties to discuss how to manage the Catalan independence movement in the context of the Spanish constitutional crisis. SCC established conversations with political party Cs (Citizens) and with the president of the government of Spain, Mariano Rajoy (president of People's Party).[53] [54] The organization also met with Susana Díaz, president of Andalusia and PSOE-A,[55] [56] and with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of Galicia and galician People's Party. Political parties En Marea and BNG were left out.[57] In April, representatives of SCC met the leader of the Spanish socialist party PSOE Pedro Sanchez.[58]

First proposed by Miriam Tey, Catalan Civil Society and Josep Ramon Bosch have formed a working group in order to negotiate with Manuel Valls his presentation to 2019 Spain's local elections as a Citizen's candidate.[59] [60]

Catalan Civil Society went to the European Parliament to claim that in Catalonia there is linguistic discrimination and that children rights are being violated. They also claimed the existence negative effects in children academic performance due to using Catalan as tuition language in the Catalan education system. This is contradicted by [61] [62] Republican Left of Catalonia former MEP Josep Maria Terricabras, who recalled that PISA report does not show any difference,[63] as is the case of the last PISA report, Spanish regional tests and university admission tests.[64] SCC are not the only ones making these claims. Some related media and other similar entities have self published documents claiming alleged negative effects of the current Catalan school system for Spanish-speakers, based on flawed according to some authors [65] secondary reports[66] analysing PISA and PIRLS tests.[67] [68] [69] Professors of the University of Barcelona Jorge Calero (former President of the Higher Council for Evaluation of the Educational System of Catalonia) and Alvaro Choi published a complete report[70] [71] on the issue based on a detailed analysis of the data from the 2015 PISA reports, which reaches the conclusion that Spanish speakers obtain worse results than Catalan speakers all other variables been equal. As already stated, that report was found to have flaws according to some authors, concretely in its assumptions over the population of the statistical analysis, which are considered unverifiable. The same problems were found in another report from Calero about PIRLS.[72]


Regarding the alleged instrumentation of public education, this has been a common topic among spanishist entities.[73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] However, there's data pointing out that the most decisive factor in changing children's political views is their social networking revolving around their own parents, children and neighbours.[79] [80] There's also data suggesting that schools can't be the source of the increase of Catalan independentism either.[81] There has also been a correction from a local section of the political party Citizens regarding a sound case of alleged indoctrination occurred in Sant Andreu de la Barca[82] [83] stated in a report of SCC.[84] Moreover, Catalan public education syllabus depends on the central government of Spain too, whose history syllabus has been modified to accommodate the political views of the elected central government.

And yet, numerous and abundant publications echo the existence of data that attest to the indoctrination and instrumentalization of Catalan schools in favor of the Catalan nationalist and pro-independence ideology.[85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90]

Javier Barraycoa, former member of SCC and founder of Somatemps,[91] [92] has claimed that SCC received funding from the central government of Spain to support the pro-union demonstrations of the 8th and 12 October 2017.[93] [94] RENFE subsidized 50% of the cost of 245 train tickets for the Diada public act of SCC on September 11, 2014, in Tarragona. Josep Alsina has claimed that SCC receives grants from the Joan Boscà Foundation to which Catalan businesses has provided funding.[95]

The Spanish online newspaper Público claims the balance sheet presented by SCC “lacks transparency” given that whilst SCC has only 75 members and 4,000 collaborators SCC, it managed to collect one million euros in funding in 2014. The members only account for 1.5% of money contributions. Another 1.5% comes from gathering posts and urns. The rest, 97%, comes from private donations. However, audits have found no indication of wrongdoing. Félix Revuelta, founder and principal stakeholder of Naturhouse, stated that he and many other businessmen provided financial support to SCC.

Journalist in pro-independence media claim that a fringe pro-union organisation Somatemps, to some SCC members have links, is a ‘far-right’ organisation as it opposes Catalan secession.[96] They claim that Josep Ramon Bosch,[97] [98] Xavier Codorniu,[99] José Domingo,[100] Ferran Brunet[101] and Joaquim Coll[102] [103] have attended or taken part in events from organisations they label as far-right: Somatemps, PxC, Vox, National Francisco Franco Foundation, National Democracy and Republican Social Movement. They indicate neo-nazi groups have attended mass demonstrations organized by the SCC, even though SCC condemns violence and has clarified it cannot control who attends in their demonstrations.[104]

In 2015 Catalan separatist parties ERC and CiU, together with the Catalan Green party ICV, sent a joint letter to Socialist MEP Sylvie Gillaume, then vice-president of the European Parliament, protesting the awarding of European Citizen's Price to Societat Civil Catalana. In the letter, they claimed that the SCC has links with Catalan far-right groups and promotes xenophobe and extremist ideas. However, SCC received the award in February 2015, triggering another protest letter. Socialist MEP Gillaume dismissed this second letter, arguing that the award had already obtained approval at the Spanish and EU levels with the support from representatives from PP, PSOE, and UPyD. In her award ceremony speech, Ms. Guillaume stressed that the award was given in particular to the fight against fascism and in favor of freedom of expression, tolerance and intercultural dialogue.[105] Members of the European Parliament from PSOE and PP Ramón Jaúregui and Santiago Fisas were decisive in the argument to dismiss the accusations. Catalan Parliament, under the control of separatist groups, accepted a proposal from ICV to file a complaint to the European Parliament. PP, PSC and Citizens voted against the proposal, while ICV-EUiA, ERC, CUP and CiU supported the proposal.[106] [107]

In January 2019, a court of law in Barcelona ruled that several pro-independence associations and politicians had to pay a €15,000 fine for a manifesto published in 2015 which falsely accused SCC of having ties to Nazism and the extreme-right groups.[108] [109] The court also ruled that the defendants should stop making similar defamatory accusations in the future.

See also

Notes and References

  1. News: Planas. Pablo. 2014-04-05. Societat Civil Catalana, la anti-ANC del "unionismo". es-ES. Libertad Digital. 2018-05-13. 2018-05-14. live.
  2. News: Sociedad Civil Catalana llena en su presentación en Barcelona. es. Cronica global. 2018-05-10. 2018-03-30. live.
  3. News: Premi a l’anticatalanisme. ca. El Temps. 2018-05-13. 2018-05-04. live.
  4. News: Bou. Carles Planas. 2018-04-22. El 'procés' se internacionaliza en Alemania. ES. elperiodico. 2018-05-22. 2018-05-22. live.
  5. Web site: Barcelona. AFP in. 2014-10-12. Thousands rally in Barcelona against Catalonian independence. 2018-02-02. The Guardian. en. 2018-02-03. live.
  6. News: Miles de personas participan en la manifestación del 12O en plaza Catalunya en Barcelona. La Vanguardia. 2018-03-19. 2018-03-20. live.
  7. News: Sánchez Costa, nuevo presidente de Societat Civil Catalana. 2020-02-04. es. 2020-02-04. live.
  8. News: Fernando Sánchez Costa se convierte en el nuevo presidente de Societat Civil Catalana. SCC. 2019-06-27. Societat Civil Catalana. 2020-02-14. es-ES. 2021-01-23. live.
  9. News: L'arquitecte Mariano Gomà, nou president de Societat Civil Catalana. ca. 2018-03-29. 2018-03-30. live.
  10. News: Món. El. José Rosiñol, nou president de Societat Civil Catalana. en. El Món. 2018-03-29. 2018-03-30. live.
  11. News: José Rosiñol releva a Mariano Gomà como presidente de Societat Civil Catalana. La Vanguardia. 2018-03-29. 2018-03-30. live.
  12. News: Alejandro. Tercero. 3 July 2017. Societat Civil Catalana: los complejos equilibrios entre PSC, PP y C’s. es. Cronica global. 14 April 2018. 30 March 2018. live.
  13. News: 2018-03-16. Societat Civil Catalana constituye la Junta local de Barcelona ciudad - El Catalán. es-ES. El Catalán. 2018-03-30. 2018-04-01.
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  15. News: Els vincles ocults de l'extrema dreta amb Societat Civil Catalana. Crític. 2018-04-01. ca. 2018-03-30. live.
  16. News: "Yo soy español, español, español...". El Temps. 2018-03-28. ca. 2019-03-05. live.
  17. News: Societat Civil Catalana: los complejos equilibrios entre PSC, PP y C’s. Cronica global. 2018-03-29. es. 2018-03-30. live.
  18. News: Nace 'Societat Civil Catalana. Cronica global. 2018-03-30. es. 2017-11-11. live.
  19. Web site: Jordi Borràs: ‘El nucli fundador de Societat Civil Catalana és Somatemps, organització d’extrema dreta’. 2018-04-06. ca. 2018-04-06. live.
  20. News: Diccionari de l'extrema dreta a Catalunya, de la A a la Z. Crític. 2018-04-06. ca. 2018-04-06. live.
  21. News: Quién está detrás de las asociaciones que han sacado a la calle a miles de ciudadanos por España y por Catalunya. Público. 2018-03-28. es-ES. 2020-10-31. live.
  22. News: El adiós de Moragas: "Irse del poder es difícil y doloroso. Moncloa es una droga". Elmundo. 2018-05-09. es. 2018-05-04. live.
  23. Web site: Communication of the European Parliament concerning the European Citizen’s Prize. 2014-11-19. C 457/4. European Union. 2018-03-20. 2023-03-18. live.
  24. Web site: European Citizen’s Prize. 2018-04-13. 2018-04-14. live.
  25. News: El Parlamento Europeo galardona a Sociedad Civil Catalana con el Premio Ciudadano Europeo 2014. Cronica global. 2018-03-20. es. 2018-03-20. live.
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  27. News: Puig entrega el lunes el premio Broseta a Societat Civil Catalana. 2018-02-02. es. 2018-02-03. live.
  28. Web site: Compromís planta Ximo Puig en el lliurament del Premi a la Convivència a SCC. ca. 2018-03-29. 2018-03-30. live.
  29. News: Ximo Puig lliura el Premi Broseta a SCC sense Compromís ni Podemos. Món. El. El Món. 2018-03-29. en. 2018-03-30. live.
  30. News: La oscura financiación de la asociación antisoberanista Societat Civil Catalana. Público. 2018-03-30. es-ES. 2018-03-30. live.
  31. Web site: Thousands rally in Barcelona against Catalonian independence. Barcelona. AFP in. 2014-10-12. The Guardian. en. 2018-02-02. 2018-02-03. live.
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  40. News: Societat Civil Catalana denuncia en Bruselas el adoctrinamiento en las escuelas de Cataluña. Sánchez. Álvaro. 2017-12-05. El País. 2018-09-11. es. 1134-6582. 2018-09-07. live.
  41. Book: Fidalgo . Sergio . Jimeno . Antonio . El adoctrinamiento escolar en Cataluña . 2020 . Ediciones Hildy . 978-84-948187-8-3 . 1–193 . first .
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  43. News: Unas 7.000 personas participan en la manifestación de SCC en Barcelona, según la Guardia Urbana. 2018-03-18. Europa Press. 2018-03-19. es-ES. 2018-03-19. live.
  44. News: Vídeo: El discurso completo de Manuel Valls en Barcelona. EFE. 2018-03-18. El País. 2018-04-13. es. 1134-6582. 2018-04-13. live.
  45. News: Hundreds of thousands take to streets in defense of Spanish unity. Álvarez. Pilar. 2017-10-29. El País. 2018-04-13. Gálvez. José María Jiménez. en. 1134-6582. 2018-04-14. live.
  46. Web site: Pro-unity Catalans take to the streets to condemn ‘selfish revolution’. Burgen. Stephen. 2017-10-07. The Guardian. en. 2018-04-13. 2018-04-14. live.
  47. News: Los 9 responsables de la derrota del procés separatista. El Español. 2018-04-13. es. 2018-04-14. live.
  48. News: Ciudadanos se aleja de Tabarnia: el partido que dio cancha a la "broma" ahora se desmarca. 2018-04-13. es. 2018-04-14. live.
  49. News: Societat Civil Catalana secunda a Tabarnia en la manifestación del 25 de febrero. La Vanguardia. 2018-04-01. 2018-03-30. live.
  50. Web site: Vox leaders supporting Tabarnia demonstration. VOX Noticias. 2018-05-03. 2023-03-18. live.
  51. Web site: ¿Qué 'influencers' ha retratado el fenómeno Tabarnia?. 2018-01-19. 2018-03-31. 2018-04-01.
  52. Web site: PxC - Tabàrnia ja és aquí! PxC convidada a la seva primera manifestació. 2018-03-31. 2018-03-31.
  53. News: Societat Civil Catalana es reuneix amb Rajoy aquest dijous. Món. El. El Món. 2018-03-29. en. 2018-03-30. live.
  54. News: Rivera apressa Rajoy perquè faci efectiu "el canvi de model educatiu català". Món. El. El Món. 2018-03-29. en. 2018-03-30. live.
  55. News: Sociedad Civil Catalana invita a Susana Díaz a su celebración de Sant Jordi. 2018-03-30. es. 2018-03-30. live.
  56. News: Societat Civil Catalana busca en Susana Díaz su primer apoyo institucional fuera de Catalunya. 31 January 2018. Público. 14 April 2018. es-ES. 2 April 2018. live.
  57. News: Societat Civil Catalana expone a Feijóo, PP y PSOE su rechazo al independentismo. Coruña. La Opinión de A. 2018-03-30. 2018-03-30. live.
  58. News: Pedro Sánchez intercederá ante UGT y CC.OO. para que reciban a Societat Civil. La Vanguardia. 2018-04-13. 2018-04-14. live.
  59. News: 'Operación Manuel Valls', el proyecto secreto para derrotar al populismo y el independentismo. Elmundo. 2018-07-19. es. «¿Por qué no le invitamos a un acto y lo convertimos en un puntal contra el separatismo?», se pregunta Tey. Comparte esa impresión con otros cargos de SCC y deciden iniciar los trámites para traerle a España.. 2018-07-18. live.
  60. Web site: Josep Ramon Bosch asesora a Manuel Valls. es. 2018-07-19. Josep Ramon Bosch i Codina es el factótum encargado de convencer a Manuel Valls para que encabece la lista "constitucionalista" por Barcelona en las municipales del 2019.. 2018-07-19. live.
  61. Web site: Catalonia’s Language Immersion Education. Benítez. Enrique. 2017-07-11. Enrique Benítez. 2018-09-11. 2018-07-17. live.
  62. News: Wong . Alia . 2017-11-03 . Is Catalonia Using Schools as a Political Weapon? . en-US . The Atlantic . live . 2018-09-11 . . 2018-09-13 . Spanish nationalists have blamed Catalan-language instruction as a sinister force for fostering separatist sentiments..
  63. Web site: Row in Brussels over 'linguistic discrimination' in Catalonia. Jordan. Guifré. en-gb. 2018-08-06. 2018-07-18. live.
  64. News: What level of Spanish do Catalan children have?. Quintáns. Jessica Mouzo. 2018-02-23. El País. 2018-08-06. Álvarez. Pilar. en. 1134-6582. 2018-07-17. live.
  65. Ruiz . Mariano . February 24, 2021 . Efectos de la inmersión lingüística sobre el alumnado castellanoparlante en Cataluña . Profesorado . 24 . 1 . 334–336 . Revistas de la Universidad de Granada.
  66. Web site: European Foundation Society and Education . Efectos de la inmersión lingüística sobre el alumnado castellanohablante en Cataluña . 7 February 2019 . sociedadyeducació . Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación.
  67. Web site: Convivencia Cívica Catalana . La evaluación PISA en Cataluña . . Convivencia Cívica Catalana . 1 January 2016.
  68. Web site: Convivencia Cívica Catalana . La educación primaria en Cataluña . . Convivencia Cívica Catalana . 1 January 2017.
  69. News: Rodríguez . Rubén . La escabechina de los castellanohablantes en Cataluña . 1 March 2017 . El Confidencial . El Confidencial.
  70. Web site: Calero . Jorge . Efectos de la inmersión lingüística sobre el alumnado castellanohablante en Cataluña . . Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación . 1 January 2019.
  71. Calero . Jorge . The effect of language immersion on cognitive competencies . Education Research and Evaluation . 1 January 2022 . 27, 2022 . 5-8 . 1 January 2022.
  72. Ruiz . Mariano . January 2022 . Reseña de "La Calidad del Profesorado en la Adquisición de Competencias de los Alumnos. Un Análisis Basado en PIRLS-2011 . Statistical Reports . 39 . 1–3 . Research Gate.
  73. News: Wong . Alia . 2017-11-03 . Is Catalonia Using Schools as a Political Weapon? . The Atlantic . live . 2023-03-29 . . 2018-09-13.
  74. Muro . Diego . Quiroga . Alejandro . March 1, 2005 . Spanish nationalism: Ethnic or civic? . Ethnicities . 5 . 1 . 23–24 . 10.1177/1468796805049922.
  75. News: Latorre . Eloi . 2017-11-05 . "Niños llorando" o la construcción mediática del "adoctrinamiento" escolar en Catalunya . es . "Crying children" or the media construction of school "indoctrination" in Catalonia . . 2023-03-27 . 2530-5913.
  76. Web site: Suarez . Gonzalo . 16 October 2017 . Los españolistas catalanes salen del armario: "Ya hemos pagado la hipoteca franquista" . The Catalan Spanishists supporters come out of the closet: "We have already paid the Francoist mortage" . . 2017-10-16 . 2023-03-29 . es . Y ahora, ¿qué? Es el dilema que afrontan los españolistas. Unos, como SCC, optan por mantener la movilización callejera. Otros, como C's, creen que ha sido un movimiento imprescindible, pero puntual. «Las mayorías se demuestran en las urnas», afirma De Páramo. «No podemos manejar la democracia contando manifestantes, sino votos»..
  77. Web site: Montalar . M A C . 9 October 2017 . Barcelona: Razia españolista en tiempos de propaganda . Barcelona: Spanishist raid in times of propaganda . 2023-03-29 . . es . La SCC es algo así como el alterego españolista de la Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC), aunque las dos niegan esta relación tienen algo en común, ambas son asociaciones civiles que trabaja por un objetivo político concreto. En el caso de SCC por defender la españolidad de Catalunya..
  78. Carrasco . Rafael . Villar . Ernesto . Tejedor . Laura . Twitter como herramienta de comunicación política en el contexto del referéndum independentista catalán: asociaciones ciudadanas frente a instituciones públicas . Twitter as a political communication tool in the context of Catalan independence referendum: civic associations vs. public institutions . IconO 14 . 16 . 1 . 76 . Las cuentas de los grupos que apoyan el referéndum son más de cuatro veces más eficientes que las cuentas del grupo en contra de la consulta. El resultado tiene un aparente sesgo cuantitativo, en el sentido de que la causa independentista cuenta con dos altavoces (Òmnium y ANC) frente a solo una voz activa entre los españolistas (Societat Civil Catalana), pero esta circunstancia no afecta al análisis cualitativo, ya que el hecho de haya dos asociaciones en lugar de una no indica que la masa social sea necesariamente el doble ni que su eficacia deba duplicarse, si tenemos en cuenta que lo que se analiza no es el volumen total de tuits enviados, sino la viralización y eficiencia que éstos logras atendiendo a la fórmula matemática empleada. . Redalyc.
  79. Wilson Daily . Ann . Kemmelmeier . Markus . April 12, 2019 . Youth Perceptions of Voting Participation in the Midst of Catalonia’s Active Struggle for Independence . Youth & Society . 53 . 2 . 21 . 10.1177/0044118X19840965 . Notably, the public debate concerning Catalan independence seemed to create distinct atmospheres at different schools. Average school levels of Catalan identification predicted perceived importance of voting in a referendum; that is, students in a school with many Catalan identifying students were more likely to consider voting in a referendum as important—regardless of their level of Catalan identification. While again evidencing the extraordinary nature of the independence debate, this observation is compatible with Hierro’s (2015) finding that Catalan schools help craft student identification with Catalonia, but not with Spain. . SAGE.
  80. Hierro . María José . 2015-06-22 . Crafting identities in a multinational context: evidence from Catalonia . Nations and Nationalism . 21 . 3 . 461–482 . 10.1111/nana.12124 . The results, which draw on the analysis of a household survey, suggest that more years of schooling makes more likely that individuals develop a dual identity; however, parents' attachment to Catalonia is key in fostering an exclusive identification with Catalonia. Results also suggest that residence in neighbourhoods in which the proportion of natives and immigrants from other regions of Spain favours contact between children from different identity backgrounds is decisive in promoting a more Catalan-oriented identification between second generations..
  81. Web site: Orriols . Lluís . 18 October 2017 . ¿Es la escuela catalana una fábrica de independentistas? . Is the Catalan school a factory of independentistas? . . 2017-11-04 . 2023-03-29 . . es.
  82. Web site: Talegón . Beatriz . 2021-12-12 . El portavoz de CS en Sant Andreu de la Barca afirma que no ha habido adoctrinamiento en el instituto Palau y que "todo fue un malentendido" . The CS spokesman in Sant Andreu de la Barca affirms that there has been no indoctrination in the Palau institute and that "it was all a misunderstanding" . 2023-03-29 . . es.
  83. Web site: Albertus . Joel Carrasco . 2021-12-12 . Ciudadanos rectifica: los maestros de Sant Andreu de la Barca no adoctrinaron . Citizens correction: the teachers of Sant Andreu de la Barca did not indoctrinate . 2023-03-29 . . es.
  84. Web site: Fernández . Antonio . 27 September 2018 . El informe que denuncia cómo se adoctrina en el nacionalismo a los niños catalanes . The report that denounces how Catalan children are indoctrinated into nationalism . 2023-03-29 . . es.
  85. Vann . Robert E. . Language Exposure in Catalonia: An example of indoctrinating linguistic ideology . Word . 15 May 2015 . 15 May 2015.
  86. News: The Local . Catalan schools accused of indoctrinating children with pro-independence ideas . 4 May 2018 . The Local Es . The Local.
  87. News: Open Kat . Further links of indoctrination and linguistic inmmersion in Catalonia . 25 December 2021 . Open Kat . Open Kat.
  88. News: Manning . Joshua . Teachers' union in Catalonia denounces pro-independence indoctrination in school textbooks . 21 June 2022 . Euroweekly News . Euroweekly News.
  89. News: Williams . Andréane . Quand l'espoir d'un pays naît à l'école . 24 December 2018 . La Presse + . La Presse +.
  90. News: Alvarez . Pilar . Educación amplía las advertencias a los colegios por 'adoctrinamiento' . 11 October 2017 . El País . El País.
  91. News: SCC nega que Javier Barraycoa sigui soci fundador de l'entitat. Món. El. El Món. 2018-03-29. en. 2018-03-30. live.
  92. News: Emerge la Cataluña silenciada. Barraycoa. Javier. 2014-04-22. Elmundo. 2018-04-01. es. 2018-04-02. live.
  93. News: Un dirigent de Somatemps denuncia finançament de Madrid per a manifestacions de SCC. Món. El. El Món. 2018-03-29. en. 2018-03-29. live.
  94. Web site: Somatemps asegura que el gobierno español financió manifestaciones unionistas. 2018-03-29. 2018-03-29. live.
  95. News: Sobre Tabarnia y Sociedad Civil Catalana — La Tribuna de Cartagena. es. La Tribuna de Cartagena. 2018-04-09. 2018-04-09.
  96. News: 2017-11-07. Felicitaciones a Sociedad Civil Catalana por su nuevo Presidente: José Rosiñol. es-ES. 2018-04-08. 2018-04-08.
  97. News: Món. El. SCC convoca una manifestació en defensa de la bandera espanyola a Sabadell. en. El Món. 2018-05-10. 2018-03-30. live.
  98. News: NacióDigital. Societat Civil reconeix que Bosch va assistir a un acte de la Fundació Franco. ca. 2018-03-31. 2018-03-31. live.
  99. News: Un fundador de SCC va cridar lemes franquistes davant de la seu d'ERC durant una concentració ultra. ca. El Temps. 2018-05-10. 2018-03-29. live.
  100. Web site: Jordi Borràs posa en evidència José Domingo, secretari de SCC. 2018-03-29. ca. 2018-03-30. live.
  101. Web site: Cazorla. Bertran. 2014-11-08. Exposen una revista negacionista en un centre cívic de Barcelona durant un acte de Somatemps. 2018-03-31. Directa. ca-ES. 2018-03-31. live.
  102. Web site: del Pueblo. Las Voces. 2014-07-26. Orella considera de "suicida" no responder con medidas contundentes y definitivas a la amenaza separatista en Cataluña. 2018-04-25. Las Voces del Pueblo.
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  104. News: La extrema derecha aprovecha el conflicto catalán para reactivarse. es. 2018-09-10. ¿Quiénes han sido los agresores? En algunos casos la Policía los ha identificado con entidades de la extrema derecha, que han participado activamente en las marchas constitucionalistas organizadas por Sociedad Civil Catalana (SCC). Pero no todos responden al perfil clásico de neonazi. Desde esta asociación se desmarcan y condenan estos sucesos. Reconocen, además, que no pueden controlarlos.. 2018-11-16. live.
  105. Web site: European Parliament . European Citizen's prize 2014 . . European Parliament . 1 January 2015.
  106. News: Jáuregui y Fisas han sido claves para que Sociedad Civil Catalana recibiera el premio Ciudadano Europeo . es . El Confidencial Digital . live . 2018-04-01 . . 2018-04-01.
  107. News: ICV propone elevar una queja a la Eurocámara por premiar a Societat Civil . es . Elmundo . live . 2018-04-01 . . 2018-04-01.
  108. Web site: Periódico . El . 2019-01-10 . Condenan a varias entidades por vulnerar el derecho al honor de Societat Civil Catalana . live . . 2019-02-02 . 2019-02-01 . elperiodico . es.
  109. Web site: 2019-01-09 . Obligan a indemnizar a Societat Civil Catalana por vincularla a la extrema derecha . live . . 2019-02-02 . 2019-02-01 . abc . es.