Carolyne Adalla Explained

Carolyne Adalla is a Kenyan writer, author of Confessions of an AIDS victim (1993).[1] [2] [3]

Carolyne Adalla was born in Kenya. Confessions of an AIDS victim is a short epistolatory novel. The protagonist Catherine Njeri discovers that she has AIDS and cannot continue with her plans to study in the United States.[4]


Notes and References

  1. Agnes Muriungi . Narrative, contradiction and HIV/AIDS in Kenya: The Case of Carolyne Adalla's Confessions of an Aids Victim . Scrutiny2 . 10 . 2 . 57–68 .
  2. Marie Krüger . Narrative in the time of AIDS: postcolonial Kenyan women's literature . Research in African Literatures . 35 . 1 . 108–129 . Spring 2004 . 10.1353/ral.2004.0018 . 145302340 .
  3. Japheth Peter Muindu . Negotiating Disruption in Carolyne Adalla's Confessions of AIDS Victim and Wahome Mutahi's The House of Doom . International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences . 5 . 5 . Sep–Oct 2020 .
  4. Four Short Novels from Africa dealing with HIV/AIDS . Mots Pluriels . 1 . 3 .
  5. Book: Adalla, Carolyne . Confessions of an AIDS Victim . 1993 . Spear Books . 978-9966-46-846-8 . en.