Carex longebrachiata, commonly known as Australian sedge or drooping sedge, is a plant species in the sedge family, Cyperaceae. It is native to Australia.
It is 30- high with the leaves being strongly keeled, Y-shaped and are 3- wide.[1] The species culms are erect, smooth on the bottom and scabrous above. They are 40– in length and are circa in diameter. It has drooped inflorescence which are 40– in length and are usually longer than the culm. The species have 1-8 spikes which are long-pedicellate and droop by maturity. They are 2.5– long and are distant from each other. The upper spike is gynaecandrous but under rare circumstances can be androgynaecandrous. Glumes are yellowish-brown to red-brown are acute, obtuse and mucronate. Female glumes are 3.5– while narrowly obovoid utricles are 4.5– long and 1.5– wide. They are hispid above, pale brown coloured while their beak is 1.5– in length. Its apex is split with the anthers being circa in length (excluding appendages).[2]