Capital punishment in Bulgaria explained

Capital punishment in Bulgaria was abolished on December 12, 1998 with the last execution, that of attempted saboteur Georgi Alinski, having been carried out on November 4, 1989.[1] The Parliament of Bulgaria had introduced a moratorium on executions on July 7, 1990 and Protocol 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights came into force on October 1, 1999.

A 2016 poll found that 47% of Bulgarians were opposed to the Death Penaty, while 33% were in support.[2] [3] [4]

Notable executions in the 20th-century

Kingdom of Bulgaria

Executed personGenderDate of sentenceDate of executionPlace of executionCrimeMethodRef.
Male27 May 1925SofiaCommunist terrorists participating in the St Nedelya Church assaultHanging[5]
Petar Zadgorski
Georgi Koev
27 June 1925AntonConspiring to aid communist activityFiring squad[6]
The Gostevi brothers
Sokrat Kirshveng14 April 1937Sofia"The Killer with the Adze"; serial killer who killed his aunt and her husband during a robbery in Sofia, but had previously been convicted of killing two wives and attempting to kill a third in 1919. The first sentence was commuted to 17 years imprisonment, and he was released in 1937.Hanging[7]
26 June 1942Instigating communist rebellion; tried as part of the ""Firing squad[8]
Trifon Georgiev
Vasil Yotov
Ivan Izatovski
Yozef Baido
Andon Bekyarov
Dimitar Dimitrov
Vasil Dodov
Stefan Pashev
Boris Tomchev
Delcho Naplatanov
Ivan Drenovski
Georgi Kratunchev
Dimitar Teplyakov
Ivan Ivanov
Georgi Bashikarov
Yanko Komitov
Todor Nikolov
Nikolai Romanov
Mirko Petkov
Simeon Slavov
Ivan Shterev
Milyo Milev
Dimo Astadzhov
Vladimir Chernov
23 July 1942Communist revolutionaries in opposition to the Filov government[10]
Nikola Vaptsarov[12]
18 August 1942Participation in the League of Communists of YugoslaviaHanging[15]
4 December 1942Participation in the Workers Youth LeagueFiring squad[16]
21 March 1943SkopjeParticipation in the League of Communists of YugoslaviaHanging[17]
13 October 1943VidinAiding communist rebellion[18]
17 December 1943PlevenFiring squad[19]
1 March 1944LomLeading a communist partisan squadronHanging[20]
1 June 1944PlovdivAiding communist rebellionFiring squad[21]
FemaleEleshnitsaParticipating on the communist side during the ""[22]
Frank ThompsonMale10 June 1944[23]
Lazar Atanasov
Hristo Gurbov
1945SofiaMember of the Tsarist government[24]
Kiril, Prince of Preslav1 February 1945Member of the royal family and regent of Bulgaria[25]
Nikola MihovLieutenant general and regent of Bulgaria[26]
Dobri BozhilovFormer Prime Minister of Bulgaria, supposed charges of war and financial crimes[27]
Petar GabrovskiFormer Prime Minister of Bulgaria and lawyer[28]
Ivan BagrianovMember of the Tsarist government[29]
Bogdan Filov2 February 1945Prime Minister of Bulgaria and regent of the Tsarist government[37]
Aleksandar StaliyskiCollaboration with pro-Axis cabinet[38]
Member of the Tsarist government[39]
6 March 1945unknown[40]
Konstantin Lukash15 March 1945SofiaOfficer and Chief of Staff of the Bulgarian Army[41]
Member of the Tsarist government[42]
21 April 1945[43]
September 1945KyustendilGoryanin, waging rebellion against the communist governmentHanging[44]
26 October 1945unknownAttempted rebellion against the communist governmentFiring squad[45]

People's Republic of Bulgaria

Executed personGenderDate of sentenceDate of executionPlace of executionCrimeMethodRef.
Male1948NevrokopGoryanin, waging rebellion against the communist governmentHanging[46]
Pavel Djidjov3 October 1952SofiaCatholics, subverting communist ideologyFiring squad
Eugene Bossilkov11 November 1952[47]
Josaphat Chichkov[48]
Kamen Vitchev
4 January 1964Espionage on behalf of the United StatesShooting[49]
18 February 1969Espionage on behalf of the United States, France and Albania[50]
Georgi Yordanov1975Known as "Joro the Paver, the Second". Serial rapist who raped ten women in Sofia in the early 1970s, committing a double murder in the process.[51]
Zhivko Dimitrov1981TolbuhinSerial killer. Murdered six people in Dobrich Province from 1975 to 1981 for money.[52]
Georgi Alinski4 November 1989SofiaAttempted to sabotage a lift in Borovets to prevent the country from participating in a ski championship

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Дърводелец-диверсант е последният разстрелян при Тато. Carpenter-diversant was the last one executed under Tato. November 24, 2009. bg.
  2. Web site: Summer Issues: Sports and Death . 11 August 2016 .
  4. Web site: Almost half of Bulgaria's citizens are against death penalty .
  5. Book: Историческите събития и деятели от навечерието на Освобождението ни до днес. Petar Peshev. BAN. 1993. bg. Historical events and figures on the eve of our Freedom to this day.
  6. Book: В бой с фашизма 1941-1944: Документи, статии и спомени из борбата на софийските трудещи се. Bulgarian Communist Party. 1960. 30–31. Battling fascism 1941-1944: Documents, articles and memories about the battle with Sofia's working class.
  7. Web site: The creepy story of Bulgaria's first serial killer - the cruel Sokrat Kirshveng. Milena Tracheva. 4 May 2018. Bulgarian.
  8. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 308. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  9. Book: Живот - борба. Книга за Цвятко Радойнов. Petar Ostoich and Maria Karavasileva. Partizdat. 1986. bg. Life - fight. Book about Cvyatko Radoinov.
  10. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 224. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  11. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 225. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  12. Web site: Годишнина от разстрела на Никола Вапцаров. bg-history. July 23, 2009. bg. Anniversary of the execution of Nikola Vaptsarov. February 3, 2014. The Wayback Machine.
  13. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 224–227. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  14. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 225. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  15. Book: Makedonska enciklopedija. Blaže Ristovski. Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite. 2009. 64. 9786082030234. mk. Macedonian Encyclopedia.
  16. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 289. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  17. Book: Makedonska enciklopedija. Blaže Ristovski. Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite. 2009. 230. 9786082030234. mk. Macedonian Encyclopedia.
  18. Web site: 75 години от обесването на Боян Чонос. October 18, 2018. bg. 75 years since the hanging of Boyan Chonos.
  19. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 68. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  20. Book: История на антифашистката борба в България 1943-1944. Partizdat. 1976. 81, 83. bg. History of the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria 1943-1944.
  21. Book: Миналото на град Раковски. Bozhidar Dimitrov. Sofia Press. 1989. bg. The history of Rakovski city.
  22. Book: Кратка българска енциклопедия в пет тома. Том 5: Строи-Яя. BAN. 1969. bg. Short bulgarian encyclopedia in five tomes. Tome 5.
  23. Book: Монархофашизмът срещу народната съпротива 1941-1944. Donko Donchev. Partizdat. 1983. 148. bg. Monarchofascism against the national resistance 1941 - 1944.
  24. Web site: Трагедията на Велики четвъртък: Атентатът в катедралата "Свети Крал" на 16 април 1925 г.. DnesPlus. April 16, 2011. November 26, 2012. bg. The tragedy on Maundy Thursday: The attack on the "St. Kral" cathedral on 16 April 1925.
  25. Web site: Принц Кирил разстрелян в името на Симеон. bg. Prince Kiril shot in the name of Simeon.
  26. Web site: 76 години от смъртта на ген. Никола Михов – достойния син на Велико Търново и България. Радио Велико Търново . Radio Veliko Tarnovo. February 1, 2021. bg. 76 years since the death of Gen. Nikola Mihov - the worthy son of Veliko Tarnovo and Bulgaria.
  27. Book: Пътят на комунистическата партия към властта (1939 – 1944). Daniel Vachkov. Siela. 2009. 978-954-28-0588-5. 96. bg. The path of the communist party to power (1939 – 1944).
  28. Book: Министрите на България 1879-1999. Tasho Tasev. Academic Press 'Dr. Marin Drinov'. 1990. 9789544306038. 103–104. bg. The ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1999.
  29. Web site: В деня за почит към жертвите на комунизма: "И никакви съображения за хуманност". February 2014.
  30. Book: Министрите на България 1879-1999. Tasho Tasev. Academic Press 'Dr. Marin Drinov'. 1990. 38–39. 9789544306038. bg. The ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1999.
  31. Book: Министрите на България 1879-1999. Tasho Tasev. Academic Press 'Dr. Marin Drinov'. 1990. 38–53–54. 9789544306038. bg. The ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1999.
  32. Book: Министрите на България 1879-1999. Tasho Tasev. Academic Press 'Dr. Marin Drinov'. 1990. 74. 9789544306038. bg. The ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1999.
  33. Book: Министрите на България 1879-1999. Tasho Tasev. Academic Press 'Dr. Marin Drinov'. 1990. 74. 9789544306038. bg. The ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1999.
  34. Web site: Улица в Златоград носи името на прадядото на шефа на парламента.. Petya Gaidarova. Marica. December 6, 2021. bg. A street in Zlatograd bears the name of the grandfather of the head of Parliament.
  35. Web site: Какво е да си д-р Александър Станишев. Katerina Ivanova and Dea Manolova. April 16, 2018. bg. What is it to be Dr. Alexander Stanishev.
  36. Book: Министрите на България 1879-1999. Tasho Tasev. Academic Press 'Dr. Marin Drinov'. 1990. 107–108. 9789544306038. bg. The ministers of Bulgaria 1879-1999.
  37. Web site: Кой се страхуваше от дневника на Филов. Rosen Tahov. March 1, 2020. bg. Who was afraid of Filov's diary.
  38. Web site: Чудовищното зверство "Народен съд"!. January 31, 2015. bg. The "People's Court", a monstruous atrocity.
  39. Web site: Архитект спасява Борис III от покушение. Rumyana Nikolova. Standart News. June 4, 2005. bg. Architect saves Boris III from assassination.
  40. Web site: 30 януари – рожденият ден на уникалния добруджанския журналист Любен Станчев, екзекутиран от "Народния съд" през 1945 г... Petar Petrov. January 30, 2018. bg. 30 January - the birthday of the incredible dobrudzhan journalist Lyuben Stanchev, executed by the People's Court in 1945.
  41. Book: Командването на българската войска през войните за национално обединение 1885, 1912-1913, 1915-1918. Svetlozar Nedev. War Publishing. 1993. bg. Commanding the Bulgarian army during the wars for national reunification 1885, 1912-1913, 1915-1918.
  42. Book: Три държавни преврата или Кимон Георгиев и неговото време. Nedyu Nedev. Siela. 2007. 9789542801634. bg. The three coups or Kimon Georgiev and his time.
  43. Book: Българската войска 1941-1945/ Енциклопедичен справочник. Tasho Tasev. War Press. 2008. 40. 9789545094071. bg. The Bulgarian Army 1941-1945/ Encyclopedia directory.
  44. Web site: Указ № 399 ОТ 15 декември 2016 г. за награждаване посмъртно на Васил Иванов Златевски с орден "За гражданска заслуга" първа степен, обнародван в "Държавен вестник", брой 102 от 23 декември 2016 г... December 23, 2016. bg. Decree № 399 from 15 December 2016 for posthumously rewarding Vasil Ivanov Zlatevski with a first-degree "Community Service", posted in "State Newspaper".
  45. Book: История на комунизма в България - том II - Съпротивата - Възникване, форми и обхват. Dinyu Sharlanov. Siela. 2009. 9789542805441. 205. bg. History of communism in Bulgaria - Tome II - Rise, forms and scope.
  46. Web site: Мариан Гяурски, Константин Касабов Въоръжена съпротива срещу комунистическия режим в България – Горянското движение (1944 – 1955 г.). Petko Rusanov. PR ZONE . PRzone. July 30, 2021. bg. Mariyan Gyaurski, Konstantin Kasabov: Armed resistance against the communist regime in Bulgaria - Goryani movement (1944 - 1955).
  47. Hogland, V:"A Modern Christian Martyr: Bishop Eugene Bossilkov, C.P.",
  48. Web site: Блажени отци-успенци Йосафат Шишков, Павел Джиджов и Камен Вичев. bg. Blessed Fathers of the Assumption Josaphat Shishkov, Pavel Djidjov and Kamen Vitchev.
  49. Web site: Шпионин от "яд и от злоба". Karmelita Deneva. Standart. June 2005. A spy from "anger and spite". bg. August 28, 2011.
  50. Web site: "Аферата" д-р Радан Сарафов - триумф на комунистическата шпиономания.. Ivan Butovski. 168 Chasa. March 28, 2021. The Dr. Radan Sarafov "Affair" - triumph of the communist spy-mania. bg. June 5, 2023.
  51. Web site: Вижте ТОП 10 на най-бруталните убийци в България. May 11, 2019. Joro the Paver is among the most brutal murderers in Bulgaria. bg. June 5, 2023.
  52. Web site: Милиционер убива две касиерки и авер за 100 бона. 2021. Militiaman kills two clerks and acquaintance for 100,000. bg. October 31, 2022.