Canis Major in Chinese astronomy explained

According to traditional Chinese uranography, the modern constellation Canis Major is located within the southern quadrant of the sky, which is symbolized as the Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què).

The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 大犬座 (dà quǎn zuò), meaning "the giant dog constellation".


Four SymbolsMansion (Chinese name)RomanizationTranslationAsterisms (Chinese name)RomanizationTranslationWestern star nameChinese star nameRomanizationTranslation
Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀)JǐngWell軍市JūnshìMarket for Soldiers
β CMa[1] 軍市一 Jūnshìyī1st star
ν3 CMa軍市二 Jūnshìèr2nd star
15 CMa軍市三 Jūnshìsān3rd star
π CMa[2] 軍市四 Jūnshìsì4th star
ο1 CMa軍市五 Jūnshìwu5th star
ξ1 CMa軍市六 Jūnshìliù6th star
ν1 CMa軍市增一 Jūnshìzēngyī1st additional star
ξ2 CMa軍市增二 Jūnshìzēngèr2nd additional star
12 CMa軍市增三 Jūnshìzēngsān3rd additional star
ο2 CMa軍市增五 Jūnshìzēngwǔ5th additional star
野雞YějīWild Cockerelν2 CMa野雞Yějī(One star of)
[3] SūnGrandson
ζ CMa孫增一Sūnzēngyī1st additional star
λ CMa孫增二Sūnzēngèr2nd additional star
天狼TiānlángCelestial Wolf
α CMa
天狼Tiānláng(One star of)
狼星LángxīngWolf star
天狼星TiānlángxīngStar of Celestial Wolf
賊星ZéixīngThief star, the meteor
11 CMa天狼增一Tiānlángzēngyī1st additional star
θ CMa天狼增二Tiānlángzēngèr2nd additional star
μ CMa天狼增三Tiānlángzēngsān3rd additional star
γ CMa天狼增四Tiānlángzēngsì4th additional star
ι CMa天狼增五Tiānlángzēngwǔ5th additional star
弧矢HúshǐBow and Arrow
δ CMa
弧矢一Húshǐyī1st star
矢中星ShǐzhōngxīngArrow in the center of the star
矢星ShǐxīngStar of the arrow
天园东北星TiānyuándōngběixīngStar in the northeast of Celestial Orchard constellation
η CMa
弧矢二Húshǐèr2nd star
矢后星ShǐhòuxīngArrow in front of the star
ε CMa
弧矢七Húshǐqī7th star
弧矢西第二星HúshǐxīdìèrxīngSecond western star
κ CMa弧矢八 Húshǐbā8th star
10 CMa弧矢增一Húshǐzēngyī1st additional star
σ CMa弧矢增二Húshǐzēngèr2nd additional star
ω CMa弧矢增三Húshǐzēngsān3rd additional star
27 CMa弧矢增四Húshǐzēngsì4th additional star
26 CMa弧矢增五Húshǐzēngwǔ5th additional star
τ CMa弧矢增六Húshǐzēngliù6th additional star
UW CMa弧矢增七Húshǐzēngqī7th additional star
FV CMa弧矢增二十五Húshǐzēngèrshíwǔ25th additional star
LZ CMa弧矢增二十六Húshǐzēngèrshíliù26th additional star

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 16 日
  2. Atlas Comparing Chinese and Western Star Maps and Catalogues (Yi Shitong, 1981) and Star Charts in Ancient China (Chen Meidong, 1996) identify 4th star with 17 CMa
  3. this is not original mansion for this constellation and listing is only for additional stars