Canarsie Pol Explained

Canarsie Pol is an uninhabited island south of Canarsie, Brooklyn in Jamaica Bay, New York City. It is part of Gateway National Recreation Area.[1] Canarsie Pol is an irregular oval of about 300acres (17050000ft2). On 1910 maps, the island was originally much smaller; however, when nearby waterways were dredged to expand them for improved navigation, the sand and soil were piled on Canarsie Pol.[2] Near the island are other islands and marshes in the bay. Canarsie Pol has an elevation of 10feet, and is a popular destination for kayakers embarking from the Canarsie Pier.[3] [4]

Notes and References

  1. Other Jamaica Bay Islands
  2. Satellite view of Canarsie Pol and mainland Canarsie
  3. Visitor Programs and Events—Jamaica Bay Unit
  4. Canarsie Pier