Campanario Formation Explained

Campanario Formation
Type:Geological formation
Age:Late MioceneEarly Pliocene
Prilithology:Tuff, breccia, welded tuff, andesite lava, dacite lava
Namedby:Robert E. Drake
Year Ts:1974
Region:Maule & Bío Bío Regions
Neuquén Province
Country:Chile, Argentina
Coordinates:-36°N -71.6°W

Campanario Formation (es|Formación Campanario) is a Miocene geological formation in the high Andes of Central Chile and northern Neuquén Province in Argentina. The formation crops out around the upper parts of the basins of Maule and Ñuble rivers.[1] [2] [3]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Estudio hidrogeológico cuenca bío bío - Dga.
  2. Geología y estructuras del limite Mesozoico-Cenozoico de la cordillera principal entre 35º30' y 36º S, región del Maule, Chile
  3. Web site: Ñuble geological map.