Cameron Prize for Therapeutics of the University of Edinburgh explained

The Cameron Prize for Therapeutics of the University of Edinburgh is awarded by the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine to a person who has made any highly important and valuable addition to practical therapeutics in the previous five years. The prize, which may be awarded biennially, was founded in 1878 by Andrew Robertson Cameron of Richmond, New South Wales, with a sum of £2,000. The University's senatus academicus may require the prizewinner to deliver one or more lectures or to publish an account on the addition made to practical therapeutics.[1] A list of recipients of the prize dates back to 1879.

Cameron Prize Recipients

1879Paul BertFaculty of Sciences, Paris The SorbonneDecompression sickness, toxicity of high concentrations of oxygen[2]
1880William RobertsOwens College, Manchester Discovered the antibacterial effects of penicillium moulds, coined the word "enzyme"[3]
1889Louis PasteurPasteur InstitutePrinciples of vaccination, first vaccines for rabies and anthrax, microbial fermentation, pasteurization first resolution of optical isomers[4]
1890Joseph ListerKing's College Hospital, LondonPioneer of antiseptic surgery[5]
1891David FerrierKing's College Hospital, LondonCortical localisation[6] [7]
1893Victor HorsleyNational Hospital for Paralysis and EpilepsyDeveloped the Horsley–Clarke apparatus, stereotactic neurosurgery, epilepsy[8]
1894Emil von BehringUniversity of Marburg, Marburg, GermanyDiphtheria antitoxin[9]
1896William MacewenUniversity of GlasgowAseptic procedures in the operating theatre, a pioneer of brain surgery and for the development of a number of successful operating techniques and procedures in bone surgery[10]
1897Thomas FraserDepartment of Materia Medica EdinburghIntroduced strophanthus and physostigmine [11]
1898Sydney CopemanMinistry of Health. UKAuthority on vaccination[12]
1899David BruceNetley Hospital at Netley, UKInvestigated brucellosis and trypanosomes, identifying the cause of African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)[13]
1900Waldemar HaffkinePasteur Institute in ParisVaccines against cholera and bubonic plague[14]
1901Patrick MansonThe London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineDiscoveries in parasitology and a founder of the field of tropical medicine
1902Ronald RossUniversity College, Liverpool, United KingdomMalaria, by which he showed how it enters the organism. Won Nobel Prize in 1902
1904Niels Ryberg FinsenCopenhagen University HospitalTreatment of lupus vulgaris with concentrated light radiation. Won Nobel Prize in 1903
1910August BierCharité - Universitätsmedizin, BerlinSpinal anesthesia using cocaine and intravenous regional anesthesia[15]
1911Simon FlexnerRockefeller Institute for Medical ResearchStudies into poliomyelitis and the development of serum treatment for meningitis[16]
1914Paul EhrlichFrankfurt University, GermanyHematology, immunology, and antimicrobial chemotherapy, discovered arsphenamine (Salvarsan), the first effective medicinal treatment for syphilis, concept of a silver bullet. Nobel Prize in 1908[17]
1915Thomas Lauder BruntonSt. Bartholomew's Hospital, LondonUse of amyl nitrite to treat angina pectoris, dissertation on digitalis
1920Robert JonesMilitary orthopaedic hospital at LiverpoolRadiography in orthopaedics, described the Jones fracture.[18]
1921Jules BordetUniversité Libre de BruxellesDevelopment of serological tests for syphilis, isolated Bordetella pertussis in pure culture in 1906 and posited it as the cause of whooping cough. Nobel Prize 1921.[19]
1922Frederick HopkinsUniversity of CambridgeDiscovery of growth-stimulating vitamins, the amino acid tryptophan and the discovery and characterization of glutathione. Nobel Prize 1929. [20]
1923J J R MacleodUniversity of TorontoIsolation of insulin, Nobel Prize 1923[21]
1924Harvey CushingHarvard Medical School[22] Cushing's disease[23]
1925Rudolf MagnusUniversity Medical Center UtrechtDiuretic effect of the excretions of the pituitary gland, the reflexes involved in mammal posture, studied the effects of narcotics and poison gasses on the lungs[24]
1926Henry Hallett DaleNational Institute for Medical ResearchStudy of acetylcholine as agent in the chemical transmission of nerve impulses. Nobel Prize 1936[25]
1927Frederick BantingUniversity of TorontoTreated dogs so that they no longer produced trypsin, insulin could then be extracted and used to treat diabetes. Nobel Prize 1923[26]
1928Constantin LevaditiCarol Davila University of Medicine and PharmacyDiscovered in the presence of the polio virus in tissues other than nervous and this was the basis for the development of vaccine (by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin)[27]
1929Leonard RogersHospital for Tropical DiseasesEffects of hæmostatic and other drugs on the intravascular coagulability of the blood and treatment of cholera with hypertonic saline, worked on Entamoeba histolytica, which he correctly associated with both dysentery and hepatic abscess[28]
1930George R MinotHarvard UniversityDiscovered an effective treatment for pernicious anemia. Nobel Prize 1934[29]
William P. MurphyBrigham Hospital, BostonShared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1934 with George Minot and George Whipple combined work in devising and treating macrocytic anemia (specifically, pernicious anemia). :iver had been tried on people with pernicious anemia and later were able to isolate Vitamin B12[30]
1931Marie CurieÉcole Normale SupérieureFirst woman to win a Nobel Prize with her husband, coined the word "radioactivity", and isolated radium chloride and pure radium. Nobel Prizes 1903 and 1911[31]
1932Edward MellanbyUniversity of SheffieldDetermined that cause of rickets is lack of vitamin D[32]
1933Gladys Rowena Henry DickUniversity of ChicagoIsolated hemolytic streptococcus, co-developed a vaccine for scarlet fever, and introduced the Dick Test[33]
George Frederick DickUniversity of ChicagoIsolated hemolytic streptococcus, co-developed a vaccine for scarlet fever, and introduced the Dick Test
1935Edward Albert Sharpey SchaferUniversity of EdinburghFounder of endocrinology, coined the word "insulin" after theorising that a single substance from the pancreas was responsible for diabetes mellitus. Schafer's method of artificial respiration, introduced the use of suprarenal extract (containing adrenaline as well as other active substances)[34]
1936Julius Wagner-JaureggClinic for Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases in ViennaIntroduced malaria inoculation in the treatment of dementia paralytica (neurosyphilis) and research on goiter, cretinism, and iodine. Nobel Prize 1927[35]
1937Carl Hamilton BrowningUniversity of GlasgowWorked in Germany with Paul Ehrlich, discovered the therapeutic qualities of acridine dyes[36]
1938James B CollipMcGill University in MontrealWorking with the Toronto group that isolated insulin he prepared a pancreatic extract pure enough to be used in clinical trials, pioneering work with parathyroid hormone. Nobel Prize 1923[37]
1938Karl LandsteinerUniversity of ViennaRockefeller Institute for Medical ResearchDiscovered three human blood groups (O, A, and B), the Rhesus factor, and isolated the polio virus. Nobel Prize 1930[38]
1939Bayer laboratories at WuppertalDiscoverer of sulfonamidochrysoidine (Prontosil) effective against streptococci, eventually led to the development of the antituberculosis drugs thiosemicarbazone and isoniazid. Nobel Prize 1939, lectured in 1954 (forced until then to decline Nobel Prize)[39]
1940Charles DoddsCourtauld Institute of BiochemistryPentose phosphate pathway which generates NADPH, the discovery of stilboestrol, a synthetic and powerfully active non-steroid analogue of the naturally occurring oestrogenic hormone[40]
1944Otto LoewiNew York University College of MedicineShowed Acetylcholine to be released by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve and augmentation of adrenaline release by cocaine, a connection between digitalis and the action of calcium. Invented the mydriatic test in which an experimental form of diabetes in dogs led a change in the response of the eye to adrenaline. Nobel Prize 1936[41]
1945Alexander FlemingSt Mary's Hospital, LondonDiscovered the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance benzylpenicillin (penicillin G) from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928. Nobel Prize 1945 with Florey[42]
1945Howard FloreyUniversity of OxfordCarried out the first clinical trials of penicillin in 1941. Nobel Prize 1945 shared with Fleming[43]
1946Albert Szent-GyörgyiNational Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MarylandDiscovering vitamin C and the components and reactions of the citric acid cycle, identifying fumaric acid and other steps in what became known as the Krebs cycle. Nobel Prize 1937[44]
1947Neil Hamilton FairleyLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineSaved thousands of Allied lives from malaria and other diseases during World War II, researched quinine, sulphonamides, atebrin, plasmoquine, and paludrine[45]
1948Edwin B. AstwoodTufts University School of Medicine, BostonHormonal control of the mammary gland, the initial rise in uterine weight in response to estrogen could be suppressed by progesterone and the basic mechanisms of thyroid physiology and assessment of relative potency of antithyroid drugs in man, established rational therapeutic regimens for most thyroid diseases, identification of a third pituitary gonadotropin, which he named luteotrophin.[46]
1949Daniel BovetUniversity of Rome La Sapienza.Antihistamines discovered succinylcholine to be a depolarizing muscle relaxant. He also synthesized gallamine, the first completely artificial curariform drug to be clinically useful, work on synthetic analogs of bioactive amines and antihistamines. Nobel Prize 1957.[47]
1950Rudolph Albert PetersInstitute of Animal Physiology, BabrahamBritish Anti-Lewisite (Dimercaprol) and treatment of post-arsphenamine jaundice researched pyruvate metabolism, focussing particularly on the toxicity of fluoroacetate[48]
1951Tadeusz ReichsteinPharmaceutical Institute of the University of BaselSynthesized vitamin C by what is now called the Reichstein process, isolated aldosterone, a hormone of the adrenal cortex. Nobel Prize 1950 Jointly with Kendall[49]
E C KendallPrinceton UniversityIsolation of thyroxine, the active principle of the thyroid gland, the crystallization of glutathione, the hormones of the cortex of the adrenal glands and the anti-inflammatory effect of cortisone. Nobel Prize 1950 [50]
1954Russell Claude BrockGuy's and the Brompton hospitalsCardiac surgeon, operated on Fallot's tetralogy patients with pulmonary stenosis and mitral stenosis resulting from rheumatic fever, introduced new developments, notably hypothermia and the heart-lung machine[51]
1956William D.M. PatonUniversity of OxfordInterest in hyperbaric physiology, cholinergic transmission in particular decamethonium and hexamethonium, histamine release by licheniform and other basic substances, mechanism of action of gaseous anaesthetic agents, pharmacology of cannabis, the rate theory of drug action[52]
Eleanor J ZaimisThe Royal Free Hospital, Londonmuscle relaxants and ganglionic blockers, the structure-activity relationships of methonium compounds[53]
1958Charles B HugginsUniversity of ChicagoDiscovered in 1941 that hormones could be used to control the spread of some cancers, specializing in prostate cancer, castration or estrogen administration led to glandular atrophy, androgen ablation of metastases, development of biomarker based on serum phosphatase. Nobel Prize 1966[54]
1960John F EndersChildren's Hospital BostonIn vitro culture of poliovirus, isolated measles virus and began development of measles vaccine and conducted trials on 1,500 mentally retarded children in New York City and 4,000 children in Nigeria. Nobel Prize 1954[55]
1962Alan Sterling ParkesUniversity College, LondonReproductive biology, research in low-temperature biology leading to the discovery that glycerol protected spermatozoa against damage during freezing and storage at very low temperatures[56]
1964Willem J KolffUniversity of UtahPioneer of hemodialysis for kidney failure and the development of artificial organs, in particular the artificial heart[57]
1966Gregory PincusWorcester Foundation for Experimental Biology in Shrewsbury, MassachusettsConfirmed earlier research that progesterone would act as an inhibitor to ovulation, co-inventor the combined oral contraceptive pill, in vitro fertilization in rabbits[58]
1968Robert Gwyn MacfarlaneOxford UniversityDeciphered the enzymic cascade of blood coagulation and the treatment of haemophilia, studied the venom of many different snakes and isolated the poison of the Russell's Viper[59]
1970Georges MathéHôpital Paul-BroussePerformed the first bone marrow graft and first successful kidney grafts between unrelated donors, the development of several important immunosuppressant molecules such as acriflavine, bestatine, ellipticine, oxaliplatin, triptoreline and vinorelbine[60]
1972George H HitchingsWellcome Research Laboratories, Tuckahoe, New YorkWork included 2,6-diaminopurine (a compound to treat leukemia) and p-chlorophenoxy-2,4-diaminopyrimidine (a folic acid antagonist), new drug therapies for malaria (pyrimethamine), leukemia (6-mercaptopurine and thioguanine), gout (allopurinol), organ transplantation (azathioprine) and bacterial infections (co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim) pointed the way that led to major antiviral drugs for herpes infections (acyclovir) and AIDS (zidovudine). Nobel Prize 1988 shared with Black[61]
1974John CharnleyWrightington Hospital, Lancashire British orthopaedic surgeon pioneered hip replacement, development of the low friction arthroplasty concept, use of bone cement that acted as a grout rather than glue[62]
1976Norman ShumwayHuman heart transplant operation, pioneered the use of cyclosporine to prevent rejection.[63]
1978Sune K BergstromKarolinska Institute, StockholmSucceeded in producing pure prostaglandins and determining the chemical structures of two important examples, PGE and PGF, showed that these are formed through the conversion of unsaturated fatty acids, used to trigger contractions during childbirth, induce abortions, or reduce the risk of gastric ulcer. Nobel Prize 1982 Shared with John Vane
1980James BlackKing's College Hospital Medical School, LondonDeveloped propranolol, a beta-blocker that has a calming effect on the heart by blocking the receptor for adrenaline,[64] developed cimetidine that suppresses the formation of gastric acid and is used to fight ulcers. Nobel Prize 1988 shared with Hitchings
1988Hans W KosterlitzUniversity of AberdeenEndorphins, used electrically stimulated strip of guinea pig intestine to assess opiate activity in pig brain homogenates.[65]
1990Roy Yorke CalneUniversity of Cambridgeorgan transplantation pioneer, improvement of immunosuppression techniques
1993Virgil Craig JordanGeorgetown UniversityDiscovered the breast cancer prevention properties of tamoxifen, the prevention of multiple diseases in women using his new discovery, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) raloxifene trial.[66] [67]
1996Patrick HumphreyGlaxoPharmacological profile of selective 5-HT 4 receptor agonists, TD-5108, tegaserod, adenosine A1 receptor agonists.[68] 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, triptans as the most important breakthrough in headache medicine – Sumatriptan, naratriptan, alosetron, ondansetron, vapiprost and salmeterol[69]
2004Ravinder Nath MainiImperial College School of MedicineIdentified TNF alpha as a key cytokine in rheumatoid arthritis and discoverer of anti-TNF therapy as an effective treatment[70]
Marc FeldmannKennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of OxfordDiscoverer of anti-TNF therapy as an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, infliximab and etanercept, treatments for Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis[71] [72]
2007Garret A. FitzGeraldUniversity of PennsylvaniaProstanoid research, pharmacological inhibition of COXs versus the microsomal PGE synthase– 1,[73] involved in the interdisciplinary PENTACON consortium, integration of basic and clinical research in yeast, mammalian cells, fish, mice and humans with the objective of predicting NSAID efficacy and cardiovascular hazard in patients[74]
2018Sally DaviesChief Medical Officer for EnglandFor her work leading the global response to the threat of antimicrobial resistance.
2020Michael SofiaArbutus BiopharmaFor his work developing Sofosbuvir, and thereby revolutionising the treatment of Hepatitis C infection.[75] [76]
2022Katalin KarikóUniversity of PennsylvaniaFor their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19[77]
University of PennsylvaniaFor their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19
2024Ian FrazerThe University of QueenslandFor his work on HPV virus-like particles that led to the world’s first vaccine for cervical cancer

See also

Notes and References

  1. 1925. The Cameron Prize Lectures. Lancet. 206. 5332. 979. 10.1016/S0140-6736(01)69072-X.
  2. University of Edinburgh:Cameron Prize . British Medical Journal . 9 August 1879 . 235. II. London. Ernest. Hart.
  3. Book: The Edinburgh University Calendar . 1888–1889 . James Thin . Edinburgh . 421 . Fellowships, Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes in Medicine.
  4. Edinburgh. British Medical Journal . 6 July 1889 . 343. 1488. II. London. Ernest. Hart.
  5. Book: Fisher . Richard B. . Joseph Lister, 1827–1912 . 1977 . Stein and Day . New York . 978-0812821567. 2595463. 292.
  6. Book: The Edinburgh University Calendar . 1893–1894 . James Thin . Edinburgh . 520 . Fellowships, Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes in Medicine.
  7. Sandrone. S. 2014. David Ferrier (1843-1928). J Neurol. 261. 6. 1247–1248. 10.1007/s00415-013-7023-y. 23846770. 20.500.11850/383939. 2849337.
  8. Book: Aminoff . Michael J. . The World's First Neurosurgeon and His Conscience . 2022 . Cambridge University Press . Cambridge . 89–104 . Measures of the Man.
  9. Book: Schlessinger . Bernard S. . Schlessinger . June H. . The who's who of Nobel Prize winners, 1901-1995 . 1996 . Oryx Press . Phoenix, Arizona . 94 . en . Medicine and physiology.
  10. Scotland . The Lancet . 15 August 1896 . 497 . London. II.
  11. Sir Thomas Richard Fraser, M.D., F.R.S., LL.D.Aberd., Glasg., Edin., Sc.D.Camb., Etc., Emeritus Professor Of Materia Medica And Clinical Medicine In The University Of Edinburgh . The British Medical Journal . 17 January 1920 . 1 . 3081 . 100–101 . 20339801 . 0007-1447.
  12. MacNalty . A. S. . Craigie . J. . Sydney Arthur Monckton Copeman. 1862-1947 . Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society . 1948 . 6 . 17 . 37–50 . 10.1098/rsbm.1948.0018 . 768910 . 162306021 . 1479-571X.
  13. Major-General Sir David Bruce KCB . Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps Volumes 118–119 . 1903 . 118-119 . 144 . Royal Army Medical Corps.
  14. Hawgood . Barbara J . Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine, CIE (1860–1930): prophylactic vaccination against cholera and bubonic plague in British India . Journal of Medical Biography . February 2007 . 15 . 1 . 9–19 . 10.1258/j.jmb.2007.05-59 . 17356724 . 42075270 .
  15. Web site: Bier, August Karl Gustav (1861 - 1949) . Plarr’s Lives of the Fellows . The Royal College of Surgeons of England . 20 January 2023 . 10 April 2013.
  16. Rous . Frances Peyton . Simon Flexner, 1863-1946 . Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society . November 1949 . 6 . 18 . 408–445 . 10.1098/rsbm.1949.0006 . 159733258 . en . 1479-571X.
  17. Web site: Mechnikov . Ilya . Paul Ehrlich . Nobel Prize . The Nobel Foundation . 20 January 2023.
  18. American Orthopedic Association. British Orthopædic Association. News notes . The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery . 1920 . 2 . 483 . University of Chicago. 52032149.
  19. Web site: Curriculum Vitae Professor Dr Jules J. B. V. Bordet . German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina . Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V. . 26 January 2023 . Halle (Saale).
  20. Hopkins . F. G. . Cameron Prize Lectures ON THE PRESENT POSITION OF THE VITAMIN PROBLEM: Delivered in the University of Edinburgh, June 27th and 28th, 1923 . BMJ . 27 October 1923 . 2 . 3278 . 748–750 . 10.1136/bmj.2.3278.748. 20771329 . 2317579 .
  21. Web site: Biography of John James Rickard Macleod (1876-1935) . The Discovery and Early Development of Insulin . University of Toronto Library. . 19 January 2023.
  22. Feldberg . W. S. . Henry Hallett Dale. 1875-1968 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . November 1970 . 16 . 77–174 . Royal Society . 10.1098/rsbm.1970.0006 . 769587 . 11615480 . 7383038 . 0080-4606.
  23. Scientific Notes and News . Science . 16 October 1925 . 62 . 1607 . 347–349 . 10.1126/science.62.1607.347.
  24. Cameron Prize Lectures ON SOME RESULTS OF STUDIES IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF POSTURE. . The Lancet . September 1926 . 208 . 5377 . 585–588 . 10.1016/S0140-6736(01)10017-6.
  25. Feldberg . W. S. . Henry Hallett Dale. 1875-1968 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . 1970 . 16 . 77–174 . Royal Society . 10.1098/rsbm.1970.0006 . 769587 . 11615480 . 7383038 . 0080-4606.
  26. Web site: Notice for Banting's Cameron Prize Lecture . The Discovery and Early Decvelopment of Insulin . University of Toronto Library. . 19 January 2023 . Toronto . 30 October 1928.
  27. Scientific Notes and News . Science . 1928 . 67 . 1729 . 187–191 . 10.1126/science.67.1729.187 . 1652570 . 0036-8075.
  28. Book: Scott . Henry Harold . A History of Tropical Medicine: Based on the Fitzpatrick Lectures Delivered Before the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1937-38 . 1939 . E. Arnold & Company . 645 . 1. en.
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  30. Book: Schlessinger . Bernard S. . Schlessinger . June H. . The who's who of Nobel Prize winners, 1901-1995 . 1996 . Oryx Press . Phoenix, Arizona . 287 . en . Medicine and physiology.
  31. Web site: Marie Curie . Physics History Network - People . American Institute of Physics . 8 January 2023.
  32. OBITUARY . BMJ . 5 February 1955 . 1 . 4909 . 355–361 . 10.1136/bmj.1.4909.355. 220164122 .
  33. Book: Stanley . Autumn . Mothers and Daughters of Invention: Notes for a Revised History of Technology . 1995 . Rutgers University Press . 978-0-8135-2197-8 . 157 . en.
  34. Sir Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, 1850-1935 . Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society . December 1935 . 1 . 4 . 400–407 . 10.1098/rsbm.1935.0005. free .
  35. Whitrow . Magda . Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857–1940) . Journal of Medical Biography . August 1993 . 1 . 3 . 137–143 . 10.1177/096777209300100302. 11615254 . 30909638 .
  36. Oakley . C. L. . Carl Hamilton Browning. 1881-1972 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . 1973 . 19 . 173–215 . 769560 . 11615721 . 0080-4606.
  37. Barr . ML . Rossiter . RJ . James Bertram Collip, 1892-1965. . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . 1973 . 19 . 235–67 . 10.1098/rsbm.1973.0009 . 11615724 . 35038024 .
  38. Shaw . Lily BZL . Shaw . Robert A . The Pre- Anschluss Vienna School of Medicine – The medical scientists: Karl Landsteiner (1868–1943) and Otto Loewi (1873–1961) . Journal of Medical Biography . August 2016 . 24 . 3 . 289–301 . 10.1177/0967772014533062. 25052151 . 20840435 .
  39. News: Prof. Gerhard Domagk Dead; Won '39 Nobel Prize for Drug; Developed Prontosil, the First Sulfonamide — Studied Cancer and TB . 11 January 2023 . The New York Times . The New York Times Company . 26 April 1964.
  40. Dickens . Frank . Edward Charles Dodds, 13 October 1899 - 16 December 1973 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . November 1975 . 21 . 227–267 . 10.1098/rsbm.1975.0006 . 11615718 . 1912525 .
  41. Book: Kurian . George Thomas . The Nobel Scientists: A Biographical Encyclopedia . 2002 . Prometheus Books . 978-1-57392-927-1 . 283 . en.
  42. Web site: Sir Alexander Fleming, F.R.C.S. . History . The American Association of Immunologists . 12 January 2023 . Rockville.
  43. Announcements . Nature . March 1945 . 155 . 3932 . 299 . 10.1038/155299e0. free .
  44. Web site: Albert Szent-Györgyi . The Nobel Prize . Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2023 . 3 February 2023.
  45. Woodruff . AW . Sir Neil Hamilton Fairley . Munks Roll . 1966 . VI . 171 . Royal College of Physicians . en.
  46. Book: Greep . Roy O. . Greer . Monte A. . Edwin Bennett Astwood 1909—1976 . 1985 . National Academy of Sciences . Washington . 30 .
  47. Web site: Daniel Bovet . The Nobel Foundation . Nobel Prize Outreach AB 202 . 13 January 2023 . 1957.
  48. Thompson . R. H. S. . Ogston . A. G. . Rudolph Albert Peters. 13 April 1889-29 January 1982 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . 1983 . 29 . 495–523 . 10.1098/rsbm.1983.0018 . 769811 . 71876050 . 0080-4606.
  49. Rothschild . Miriam . Tadeus Reichstein. 20 July 1897-1 August 1996 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . 1999 . 45 . 451–467 . 770287 . 11624287 . 0080-4606.
  50. Announcements . Nature . 12 May 1951 . 167 . 4254 . 756 . 10.1038/167756e0 .
  51. Russell Claude Brock . Edinburgh Medical Journal . 1954 . 313 . Oliver and Boyd.
  52. OBITUARY Sir William Paton, CBE DM FRCP FRS . British Journal of Pharmacology . 1994 . 113 . 1079–1080 . Macmillan Press Ltd.
  53. Paton . William . Wolstenholme . Gordon . Luniewska . Valérie . Eleanor Zaimis . Munk's Roll . VII, 1915-1982 . 628 . Royal College of Physicians . London.
  54. Book: Lindsten . Jan . Nobel Lectures Physiology Or Medicine, 1963-1970 . 1999 . World Scientific . Singapore . 978-981-02-3412-6 . 248 . en.
  55. Enders . JF . Vaccination against measles: Francis Home redivivus. . The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine . 1961-02-12 . 34 . 3–4 . 239–60 . 13890171. 2605051 .
  56. Book: Marshall's Physiology of Reproduction. Chapman & Hall. 1994. 978-94-010-4561-2. Lamming. G.E.. 4th. 3. xviii. 10.1007/978-94-011-1286-4. 36620187.
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  58. Book: Ingle . Dwight J. . Gregory Goodwin Pincus . 1971 . National Academy of Sciences . Washington .
  59. Born . Gustav Victor Rudolf . Weatherall . David John . Robert Gwyn MacFarlane, 26 June 1907 — 26 March 1987 . Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . March 1990 . 35 . 209–245 . 10.1098/rsbm.1990.0010. 11622278 . 32223845 .
  60. Web site: Gaston-Mathé . Catherine . Georges Mathé : a pioneer of modern immunotherapy and oncology . Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Santé . 26 January 2023 . Paris . 2017. 972902883.
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  62. Book: Waugh . William . John Charnley: The Man and the Hip . 6 December 2012 . Springer Science & Business Media . 978-1-4471-3159-5 . Appendix . en.
  63. Robbins. Robert C. Profiles in Cardiology, Norman E. Shumway. Clinical Cardiology. 23. 6. 462–466. 10.1002/clc.4960230620. 10875041. 2000. 6654789.
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  66. Web site: Piana . Ronald . V. Craig Jordan, CMG, OBE, PhD, DSc, FMedSci, the 'Father of Tamoxifen,' Recounts a Life of Adventure and Science . The Asco post . HSP News Service, L.L.C. . 20 December 2022 . 10 September 2022.
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  69. Web site: Patrick P A Humphrey . International Headache Society . 26 January 2023 . London.
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  72. Web site: Professor Sir Marc Feldmann . Faculty of Medicine, Densistry and Health Sciences . University of Melbourne . 21 January 2023.
  73. FitzGerald. Garret. 2001. COX-2 inhibitors and the cardiovascular system. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 19. 6 Suppl 25. S31-6. 11695249.
  74. Web site: Garret A. FitzGerald CV . Membership directory . eutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V . 12 January 2023 . Halle . en.
  75. Web site: Inventor of Hepatitis C cure receives prestigious prize . News . University of Edinburgh . 20 December 2022 . 1 May 2020.
  76. Web site: Inventor of Hepatitis C cure receives prestigious prize . News . University of Edinburgh . 8 January 2023.
  77. News: Covid-19 vaccine scientists win prestigious prize . 7 January 2023 . News . University of Edinburgh . 6 January 2023.