Rifle shooting at Cambridge University explained

The sport of rifle shooting at Cambridge University has been practised since at least the early 19th century. Beginning as part of the military training of the Cambridge University Rifle Volunteers, it has since been conducted by a number of student clubs, and is currently carried out predominantly by the Cambridge University Rifle Association and Cambridge University Small Bore Club, with some participation by the Cambridge University Revolver and Pistol Club for the discipline of gallery rifle.

Cambridge shooters compete in a number of Varsity matches against the University of Oxford, which constitute one of the longest-running Oxbridge sporting rivalries. The oldest of these is the Chancellors', currently contested in the discipline of target rifle, which dates to 1862. In 1869, an inter-university long range fixture was set up, which later became the match-rifle Varsity match known as the Humphry. Other Varsity matches include several smallbore fixtures and a gallery rifle match, which replaced the former revolver match in 1997.

Shooting is generally a Half Blue sport at Cambridge, though shooters can be awarded Full Blues for exceptional shooting success. Several Cambridge shooters have become notable in the sport during and after their time at the university, including several winners of the Sovereign's Prize, the most prestigious contest in British target shooting.

Disciplines and clubs

See also: Fullbore target rifle and Smallbore rifle shooting.

Target rifle shooting in the United Kingdom is traditionally divided into smallbore and fullbore shooting. Smallbore shooting is conducted at shorter ranges, generally between 25yd100yd, with .22 calibre rifles. As smallbore ranges are often indoors, the competition season runs throughout the year. Fullbore shooting is carried out with larger-calibre rifles (in the modern era, usually .308 calibre) at ranges in the hundreds of yards. The fullbore season runs from March until October, which corresponds approximately to the Easter term of Cambridge University. The discipline of fullbore shooting includes target rifle, shot at shorter ranges — NaNyd in the modern era — with open sights and strict rules on the positions and equipment permitted, and match rifle, shot at longer ranges — NaNyd — with fewer restrictions on equipment and positions, which include allowing the use of telescopic sights.

Smallbore shooting at Cambridge is conducted by Cambridge University Small-Bore Club, which predominantly operates in the Michaelmas and Lent terms. Fullbore shooting is conducted by the Cambridge University Rifle Association, which largely trains and competes during the Easter term and the 'long vacation' between July and October.

The discipline of gallery rifle, which historically evolved from pistol shooting, is conducted by Cambridge University Revolver and Pistol Club.

Cambridge fullbore shooting, particularly match rifle, maintains close links with the English Eight Club, which administers the England national match rifle team. In 1954, Cambridge undergraduates (along with those of other shooting universities) were granted honorary membership of the English Eight; since 1960, both Oxford and Cambridge Universities have maintained a gun room in the English Eight's clubhouse at Bisley, and have used it as their base on the camp.


The first formal shooting club at Cambridge University was formed in 1859, shortly before the 1860 raising of the Cambridge University Rifle Volunteers, a militia unit recruited from the student body. According to a Cambridge rumour, Horatio Ross, one of the great rifle shooters of the nineteenth century, whose son Edward was a member of CURV, once fired from the top of the tower of the Cambridge University Press building at a target 2000 yards away, thereby setting the record for the longest range at which shooting had been conducted in Cambridge.

The CURV, initially part of the Cambridge Rifle Club (which included units from the town's non-student population), first shot on a range on Mill Road, but became an independent organisation on 7 February 1861 and acquired its own range on Grange Road (immediately north of where Leckhampton House was constructed in the 1880s, and opposite what would become Selwyn College) on 30 October. The new range allowed firing at up to 1100yd. It is unclear precisely when the range fell out of use: it was noted on an Ordnance Survey map surveyed in 1950, by which part of the range had been built upon, but is absent from maps from the 1960s.

Prominent Cambridge shots of the nineteenth century included Edward Ross, the winner of the inaugural Queen's Prize in 1860. In 1871, A.P. Humphry equalled Ross's feat of winning the Queen's, and subsequently won the Grand Aggregate in 1878 – successes which made him one of the most famous rifle shooters of his time. The Cambridge University Long Range Rifle Club was founded in 1864, to conduct the two-day 'Cambridge Cup' match rifle meeting. The Long Range Rifle Club is no longer formally associated with the university, but continues to administer the Cambridge Cup competition, now held at Barton Road, to which members of the club and recent alumni of the Oxford and Cambridge rifle teams are invited.

Cambridge University Revolver and Pistol Club was founded in 1907, and competed in its first Varsity match the following year. In 1909, the Cambridge University Rifle Association broke off from the CURV as an independent club. The commanding officer of Cambridge University Officers' Training Corps, the descendant of the CURV, remains president of CURA.In a 1913 survey of sport at Oxford, Cambridge and the English public schools, the cricketer and writer Robert Lyttelton noted the nineteenth-century history of shooting at Cambridge, but judged that the sport had "not made much headway" until the foundation of the Officers' Training Corps in 1908. In 1910, A.M. Humphry, a lieutenant in the OTC and son of the Queen's Prize winner, won the St. George's Prize with a record score of 139. Philip Richardson, a Cambridge graduate who made the top 100 shooters of the Sovereign's Final seven times between 1886 and 1907, went on to shoot in the 1908 and 1912 Olympic Games, winning a silver medal in 1908. He later served as chairman of the National Rifle Association's council between 1939 and 1945, and gives his name to a competition shot during the NRA's Imperial Meeting. By 1913, most Cambridge colleges had their own rifle clubs affiliated to CURA, which had a total membership of around 300.

Cambridge University Small-Bore Club existed as a separate club by the 1920s. On 7 March 1952, CUSBC competed by telegram against Harvard University, each team shooting on their own range and sending the results to the other. Harvard won the match by 1581–1554, despite handicapping themselves by firing in the less stable standing and kneeling positions as well as Cambridge's prone.

Varsity and other matches

There are currently several annual Varsity matches in rifle shooting contested between Cambridge University and Oxford University. The Oxford–Cambridge shooting rivalry is believed to be one of the longest-running Varsity competitions between the two university.

Other than the Heslop and Bentata, the Varsity matches are normally contested during the Imperial Meeting, a series of shooting competitions administered by the British National Rifle Association at Bisley each July.

Both CURA and CUSBC compete in British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS). They also compete in matches against clubs, universities and schools throughout the year.

In 1903, a 'Universities' Snap-Shooting Match' was inaugurated in response to the view of Frederick Roberts, then Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, that potential soldiers should be trained in accurate, rapid short-range fire. Each team, consisting of a 'commander' and eight firers, fired from behind cover at head-and-shoulders targets away, exposed ten times for three seconds each at irregular intervals of between five and ten seconds. The match was contested until at least the 1920s, but no longer takes place.

In addition to the formal Varsity matches, Cambridge compete in three additional annual smallbore fixtures against Oxford. These are the Kensington (2nd VIII), the Ex-Captains' Challenge (3rd VIII) and the Lerman (three-position). An informal black-powder shooting match, known as the Roads Cup, is sometimes contested during the Imperial Meeting. This match is named after Christopher Roads, an ex-Cambridge shooter who donated the trophy in the late 20th century. Within the university, an annual inter-college competition, known as 'Cuppers', is held annually in smallbore shooting.

The Chancellors' Challenge Plate

In 1862, the chancellors of Oxford and Cambridge universities — William Cavendish and Edward Smith-Stanley — agreed to award a trophy for a shooting match between the two universities: a silver plate set into a large silver stein. The inaugural match was won by Cambridge.

Originally, the match was shot at 200,, and seven shots were fired by each shooter. The first matches were shot with muzzle-loading Pattern 1853 Enfield rifles, though breech-loading Snider–Enfield rifles were used from 1871. In 1883, Martini–Henry rifles were introduced, followed by magazine-fed Lee–Enfield rifles in 1897, which remained the standard until the modern era of target shooting in the mid-20th century.

In modern times, it has been contested at 300,, with each shooter firing one sighter and ten scoring shots. Any rifle that meets the criteria of the target rifle discipline may be used.

The Humphry Challenge Cup

The Humphry is the long-range Varsity shooting match, in the discipline originally known as 'any rifle' (to distinguish it from shorter-range shooting, in which all competitors were required to use the same model of rifle) and currently known as match rifle. Its lineage can be traced to the Inter-University Long-Range Match, first contested in 1869, but it takes its name from A.P. Humphry, who donated the challenge cup awarded to its winner in 1881. From 1897, the match changed from 'any rifle' to match rifle.

The distance shot for the Humphry, in common with other match rifle competitions, has increased over time as rifles, ammunition and optics have improved. The first matches took place at 800,, which increased to 900, from 1910 and to 1000, from 1963.

The match is currently shot on Stickledown Range at Bisley. Until 1874, the venue alternated between Cambridge and Oxford; after a lapse in which no match took place between 1875 and 1877, it was shot at Welwyn in 1878 before being added to the programme of the NRA competitions in 1879, first at Wimbledon, and then at Bisley from 1890.

The Humphry is shot between teams of four, with fifteen scoring shots fired at each range by each shooter. Unusually for a modern shooting match, coaches who are not otherwise eligible to shoot in the match may be part of the team, though firers must be current students of the university they represent.

The Oxford and Cambridge Match

The Oxford and Cambridge Match is contested in gallery rifle. It was first shot informally in 1908, with formal matches beginning at Bisley in 1909.

The match was originally shot with revolvers, and so named the 'Universities Revolver Match'. In this format, each shooter fired twelve shots at each of 20yd50yd.

The trophy for the match was presented by Ian Heslop in 1929. The match was officially known as the Heslop Cup between 1929 and 1948, and continues to be informally known as 'the Heslop' among CURPC shooters. In 1949, the official name was changed to the 'Oxford and Cambridge Revolver Match', followed by the 'Oxford and Cambridge Pistol Match' in 1962.

Following the UK ban on fullbore pistol shooting in 1997, the match moved to lever-action .357 centre-fire gallery rifles. Each university enters a team of four.

The Heslop Cup

The annual smallbore Varsity match is held in February. Since the 1920s, it has been named for Ian Heslop, a British naturalist and conservationist who helped Cambridge to a period of dominance in the match between 1923 and 1926.

The Heslop is contested between teams of eight shooters, each shooting two ten-spot cards at 25yd, with a total highest possible score of 200. It is traditionally held on a neutral range: in the 21st century, venues have included the National Smallbore Rifle Association at Bisley, The Perse School in Cambridge and Sevenoaks School in Kent.

The Bentata Cup

The Bentata is the newest of the Varsity matches, contested since around 1990. It is named for David Bentata, an Oxford University alumnus who established the match and donated its trophy.

The match is contested between women's teams of four shooters. It is shot to the same conditions and at the same time as the Heslop, and shooters may shoot the two concurrently, counting their score in the Heslop for both.

Varsity match results


Year! scope="col"
Winning TeamScore
1862 Cambridge 372 – ?
1863 Cambridge 402 – ?
1864 Cambridge 415 – ?
1865 Cambridge 314 – ?
1866 Oxford 412 – ?
1867 Oxford 369 – ?
1868 Cambridge 424 – ?
1869 Cambridge 395 – ?
1870 Cambridge 410 – ?
1871 Oxford 433 – ?
1872 Cambridge 520 – ?
1873 Oxford 455 – ?
1874 Oxford 509 – 501
1875 Cambridge 561 – 552
1876 Oxford 552 – ?
1877 Oxford 537 – ?
1878 Cambridge 621 – ?
1879 Cambridge 565 – ?
1880 Cambridge 603 – ?
1881 Oxford 555 – ?
1882 Oxford 471 – ?
1883 Oxford 653 – ?
1884 Cambridge 607 – ?
1885 Cambridge 606 – ?
1886 Cambridge 609 – ?
1887 Oxford 638 – ?
1888 Cambridge 645 – ?
1889 Cambridge 615 – ?
1890 Oxford 598 – ?
1891 Cambridge 637 – ?
1892 Cambridge 611 – ?
1893 Cambridge 671 – 610
1894 Cambridge 665 – ?
1895 Cambridge 624 – ?
1896 Cambridge 606 – ?
1897 Cambridge 715 – ?
1898 Cambridge 724 – ?
1899 Oxford 712 – ?
1900 Oxford 637 – ?
1901 Cambridge 713 – ?
1902 Cambridge 736 – ?
1903 Cambridge 727 – ?
1904 Cambridge 710 – ?
1905 Cambridge 707 – ?
1906 Oxford 691 – ?
1907 Oxford 719 – ?
1908 Cambridge 736 – ?
1909 Oxford 750 – ?
1910 Cambridge 756 – ?
1911 Cambridge 748 – ?
1912 Cambridge 750 – ?
1927 Oxford
1929 Oxford 1029 – 1028
1998Cambridge 1150.106v – 1112.80v
1999Cambridge 1143.107v – 1120.88v
2000Cambridge 1157.123v – 1111.93v
2001Cambridge 1142.108v – 1129.110v
2002Cambridge 1164.116v – 1146.105v
2003Cambridge 1170.125v – 1164.132v
2004Cambridge 1143.108v – 1142.111v
2005Oxford 1155.112v – 1142.115v
2006Cambridge 1122.80v – 1109.83v
2007Cambridge 1133.106v – 1066.64v
2008Cambridge 1141.99v – 1127.96v
2009Cambridge 1157.126v – 1133.96v
2010Cambridge 1153.125v – 965.75v
2011Cambridge 1149.107v – 1126.85v
2012Cambridge 1141.100v – 1127.91v
2013Cambridge 1142.86v – 1115.93v
2014Oxford 1141.99v – 1111.91v
2015Cambridge 1148.102v – 1096.83v
2016Cambridge 1166.128v – 1118.123v
2017 Cambridge 1120.82v – 1079.76v
2018 Cambridge 1155.116v – 1104.62v
2019 Cambridge 1158.111v – 1152.115v
2020 Cambridge 1024.125v – 1000.97v
2021 Oxford 1149.112v – 1141.116v
2022Cambridge 1163.128v – 1101.93v
2023 Oxford 1127.88v – 1121.93v
2024Cambridge 1137.98v – 1100.83v


Year! scope="col"
Winning TeamScore
1880 Cambridge 676 – ?
1881 Oxford 717 – ?
1882 Oxford 706 – ?
1883 Oxford 662 – ?
1884 Oxford 634 – ?
1885 Oxford 706 – ?
1886 Oxford 739 – ?
1887 Oxford 638 – ?
1888 Oxford 626 – ?
1889 Oxford 707 – ?
1890 Oxford 750 – ?
1891 Cambridge 791 – ?
1892 Cambridge 746 – 686
1893 Cambridge 761 – ?
1894 Cambridge 795 – ?
1895 Oxford 766 – 726
1896 Cambridge 742 – ?
1897 Cambridge 774 – 633
1898 Oxford 755 – ?
1899 Oxford 758 – ?
1900 Cambridge 731 – 708
1901 Oxford 790 – ?
1902 Oxford 735 – 692
1903 Cambridge 697 – 688
1904 Cambridge 801 – 784
1905 Cambridge 753 – ?
1906 Cambridge 763 – 750
1907 Oxford 760 – 721
1908 Oxford 836 – ?
1909 Cambridge 831 – ?
1910 Cambridge 777 – ?
1911 Oxford 722 – ?
1912 Oxford 763 – ?
1913 Oxford 766 – 711
1914 Oxford 766 – 711
1915No match
1920 Oxford
1921 Oxford
1922 Oxford 809 – 797
1923 Oxford 803 – 799
1924 Oxford
1925 Cambridge 846 – 836
1926 Cambridge 826 – 805
1927 Cambridge 826 – 805
1928 Oxford 805 – 797
1929 Cambridge
1931 Cambridge
1932 Cambridge
1933 Cambridge
1934 Cambridge
1935 Cambridge
1936 Oxford
1937 Oxford ? – 838
1938 Cambridge
1939 Oxford
1940No match
2001 Cambridge
2002 Cambridge
2003 Cambridge
2004 Cambridge
2005 Cambridge 806.52v – 802.41v
2006 Cambridge 827.59v – 823.60v
2007 Cambridge 854.76v – 846.68v
2008 Cambridge 836.74v – 835.70v
2009 Cambridge 845.64v – 815.46v
2010 Cambridge 783.49v – 732.27v
2011 Cambridge 792.50v – 773.42v
2012 Cambridge 812.57v – 776.43v
2013 Cambridge 836.36v – 816.54v
2014 Cambridge 837.72v – 820.50v
2015 Cambridge 831.71v – 722.33v
2016 Cambridge 858.79v – 781.43v
2017 Cambridge 860.93v – 827.53v
2018 Cambridge 872.93v – 841.68v
2019 Cambridge 837.76v – 816.46v
2020 Oxford 867.83v – 851.85v
2021 Cambridge 835.60v – 832.68v
2022 Cambridge 828.67v – 794.51v
2023 Cambridge 837.66v – 835.67v
2024 Oxford 843.90v – 837.68v

Revolver and gallery rifle

Oxford and Cambridge Match (1998–)

Year! scope="col"
Winning TeamScore
2004 Cambridge 709 – ?
2005 Cambridge 710 – 666
2006 Cambridge 736 – 577
2007 Oxford 1099 – 894
2008 Oxford 682 – 639
2009 Oxford 335– 334
2010 Cambridge 722 – 658
2011 Cambridge 739 – 701
2012 Cambridge 742 – 701
2013 Cambridge 1488 – 1389
2014 Cambridge 1492 – 1462
2015 Cambridge 1520 – 1485
2016 Oxford 1536 – 1529
2017 Oxford 1523 – 1499
2018 Oxford 1509 – 1500
2019 Cambridge 1488 – 1322
2022 Oxford 1293.11x – 1172.10x
2023 Cambridge 1292.18x – 1256.9x
2024 Cambridge 2168.33x – 1829.16x

Revolver match (1909–1997)

Year! scope="col"
Winning TeamScore
1909Cambridge 433 – ?
1910Cambridge 485 – ?
1911Cambridge 495 – ?
1912Cambridge 481 – ?
1913Cambridge 436 – ?
1914Cambridge 410 – ?
1915No match
1920Cambridge 102 – ?
1921Cambridge 264 – ?
1922Oxford 302 – ?
1923Cambridge 360 – ?
1924Cambridge 327 – ?
1925Cambridge 275 – ?
1926Cambridge 255 – ?
1927Cambridge 287 – ?
1928Cambridge 239 – ?
1929Cambridge 233– ?
1930Cambridge 233– ?
1931Cambridge 250 – ?
1932Cambridge 242 – ?
1933Cambridge 235 – ?
1934Cambridge 257 – ?
1935Cambridge 247 – ?
1936Cambridge 206 – ?
1937Cambridge 219 – ?
1938Oxford 220 – ?
1939Cambridge 251 – ?
1940No match
1946Cambridge 207 – ?
1947Cambridge 232 – ?
1948Cambridge 221 – ?
1949Oxford 191 – ?
1950Cambridge 249 – ?
1951Cambridge 220 – ?
1952Cambridge 238 – ?
1953Oxford 222 – ?
1954Oxford 248 – ?
1955Oxford 278 – ?
1956Oxford 295 – ?
1957Oxford 295 – ?
1958Cambridge 284 – ?
1959Oxford 280 – ?
1960Oxford 331 – ?
1961Oxford 1418 – ?
1962Oxford 1393 – ?
1963Oxford 1356 – ?
1964Oxford 1394 – ?
1965Oxford 1396 – ?
1966Cambridge 1274 – ?
1967Cambridge 1361 – ?
1968Oxford 1415 – ?
1969Cambridge 1297 – ?
1970Cambridge 1386 – ?
1971Cambridge 1321 – ?
1972Cambridge 1416 – ?
1973Oxford 1356 – ?
1974Oxford 1333 – ?
1975Oxford 1338 – ?
1976Cambridge 1364 – ?
1977Oxford 1452 – 1344
1978Cambridge 1397 – 1297
1979Cambridge 1355 – 1319
1980Oxford 1395 – ?
1981Cambridge 1435 – ?
1982Oxford 1426 – ?
1983Cambridge 1414 – ?
1984Oxford 1374 – 1368
1985Oxford 2154– 1817
1986Oxford 2162– 2013
1987Oxford 2073– ?
1988Oxford 2081 – ?
1989Oxford 2081 – 1556
1990Oxford 2045 – 2012
1991Cambridge 1978 – 1962
1992Oxford 2095 – ?
1993Cambridge 1909 – ?
1994Oxford 2064 – ?
1995Oxford 1370 – 1300
1996Oxford 1442 – ?

In 2017, an informal revolver Varsity match was conducted in Switzerland, fired with a revolver used during one of the early 20th-century matches. Cambridge won by 626 to 568.

Heslop (smallbore)

Year! scope="col"
Winning TeamScore
1923 Cambridge
1924 Cambridge
1925 Cambridge
1926 Cambridge
1931 Oxford
1932 Oxford
1933 Oxford
1934 Cambridge
1935 Cambridge
1936 Cambridge
1937 Cambridge 785 – 777
1940No match
1958 Cambridge
1959 Cambridge
1960 Cambridge
1962 Cambridge
1963 Cambridge
1964 Cambridge
1967 Cambridge
1968 Cambridge
1969 Cambridge
1970 Cambridge
1971 Cambridge
1972 Cambridge
1973 Cambridge
1974 Cambridge
1975 Cambridge
1976 Oxford
1977 Cambridge
1989 Oxford
2007 Draw
2008 Cambridge
2009 Cambridge 1530 – 1508
2010 Cambridge 1511 – 1485
2011 Cambridge 1513 – 1479
2012 Cambridge 1519 – 1499
2013 Cambridge 1515 – 1514
2014 Cambridge 1505 – 1496
2015 Cambridge 1522 – 1473
2016 Cambridge 1526 – 1466
2018 Cambridge 1544 – 1479
2019 Cambridge
2020 Cambridge 1555 – 1517
2021No match
2022 Cambridge 1525 – 1498
2023 Cambridge 1536 – 1517
2024 Cambridge 1537 – 1526


Year! scope="col"
Winning TeamScore
2009 Cambridge 768 – 706
2010 Cambridge 729 – 716
2012 Cambridge 744 – 691
2013 Cambridge 756 – 690
2014 Cambridge 753 – 719
2015 Cambridge 745 – 687
2016 Oxford
2017 Cambridge
2018 Cambridge 760 – 751
2019 Cambridge
2020 Cambridge 772 – 740
2021No match
2022 Cambridge 753 – 718
2023 Oxford 763 – 761
2024 Cambridge 770 – 762

Blues and club colours

Rifle shooting is a Discretionary Full Blue sport, meaning that shooters who compete in Varsity matches are usually awarded Half Blues, but can be awarded Full Blues if they meet certain additional criteria. To be awarded a Half Blue for smallbore shooting, a shooter must score at least 190 out of 200 in the Heslop or Bentata match; in fullbore, those shooting in the Chancellors' or Humphry are automatically awarded one.

The breast pocket of the Half Blue jacket displays a lion, one of the traditional symbols of Cambridge University. A shooter who has won the Half Blue for competing in the Chancellors' will have the Roman numerals 'VIII' stitched beneath the lion; a shooter who has competed in the Humphry will alternatively or additionally stitch 'IV' above the lion. Those who have won the Half Blue in small-bore shooting stitch the initials 'CUSBC' lowermost upon the pocket.

Shooters who represent the university against Oxford, whether in 1st-team competition or at a lower level, may wear the club colours. These consist of a jacket and matching tie, sometimes with a cap, in maroon and Cambridge blue.

Notable Cambridge shooters


