Calle Concordia Explained

Alternate Name:Spanish; Castilian: Calle Concordia[1]
Maint:Puerto Rico DTPW
Length Km:1.1
Direction A:South
Terminus A: in Mayagüez barrio-pueblo
Direction B:North
Junction: in Mayagüez barrio-pueblo
Terminus B: in Mayagüez barrio-pueblo
Previous Type:Ter
Previous Route:3301
Next Type:Ter
Next Route:3344

Calle Concordia (Concordia Street) is a short but important thoroughfare running north–south through the Mayagüez, Puerto Rico neighborhood of El Seco. The street runs for 0.72 miles and is signed as Puerto Rico Highway 3342 (PR-3342) and begins at the intersection of PR-102 and PR-64 and ends as a dead end at the Yagüez River, just south of Calle San Pablo (San Pablo Street). Calle Concordia also forms the western boundary of the Concordia Public Housing Complex.[2]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Calle Concordia . . February 28, 2020.
  2. National Geographic Maps . 2011 . Puerto Rico . 1:125,000 . Adventure Map (Book 3107) . Evergreen, Colorado . National Geographic Maps . 978-1566955188 . 756511572.