Caisse d'allocations familiales explained
Caisse d'allocations familiales |
Type: | Organisation nationale française |
Website: | |
Family allocations make up the family-oriented sector of the French social security system, through a network known as the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (National Office for Family Allocations) or CNAF and the 101[1] Caisse d'allocations familiales (Family Allocations Office, or CAF).
The institution serves more than 10 million beneficiaries.
It was formalized by the decree of October 4, 1945.[2]
The allowances
Family benefits are not taxable, but subject to the contribution for the reimbursement of social debt with the exception of social minima such as RSA, AAH and formerly API and RMI. Their amount is set by legislative texts as a percentage of the monthly basis for calculating Family Allowances.
They are in principle unassignable and unseizable[3] except:
- in the event of fraud or false declaration;
- for the recovery of maintenance claims (canteen costs in particular);
- for the recovery of healthcare costs (hospitalization for example);
- regarding the housing allowance where benefits can be paid directly to the lessor in certain cases.
Without exception, family benefits are paid monthly and in arrears[4] and are due from the first day of the calendar month following the month in which the conditions for entitlement are met.[5] Subject to the rules specific to each service, the prescription is biennial.[6] The end of entitlement is fixed on the first day of the calendar month during which the conditions for opening the entitlement cease to be met, except in the event of death (in this case, the termination of entitlement is the month following the death).[7]
In 2007, the family allowance funds paid the following benefits:
Birth, Adoption, Childcare
- Allowance for the birth of a child (1710,49€ once)
- Allowance for a young child (171,06€/month)
- Adoption allowance
- Aid to the family to hire a licensed mother's assistant (between 374,12€ and 748,24€/month).
- Allowance for raising children at home (between 134,13€ and 530,72€/month)
- Parental education allowance (between 256€ and 350,92€/month)
- Child benefit (between 119-152€/month, more for each child between the ages of 11-20)
- Familial complement (155€/month)
- Allowance for parental presence (39-47€/day + 101€/month)
Back to school
- Allowance for the new school year (286,01€, paid in September)
- Housing aid
- Personalised housing aid
- Bonus for moving house (898-973€, once)
- Aid for scholarship students who move house (300€, once)
- Loan for improvement works to home (1% interest loan, maximum 1067,14€)
The single or separated parent
- Single parent allowance (between 52,90€ and 748,20€)
- Family support allowance (83,76€ - 111,68€/month)
- Recovery of unpaid alimony (the CAF takes legal action to force the other parent to pay alimony)
The handicapped adult or child
- Allocation for the education of a handicapped child (between 119,72€ - 1999,82€/month)
- Allocation for handicapped adults (621,27€)
The minimum salary
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: Number of CAF .
- Decree 4th october 1945
-;jsessionid=77F4C055F2874479FC8D6D065375C3EE.tpdjo11v_3?idSectionTA=LEGISCTA000006156182&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006073189&dateTexte=20110829|Article L 553-4 du code de la sécurité sociale
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