Cabinet Haslauer jun. I explained

The First Haslauer jun. cabinet governed Salzburg from the 2013 Salzburg state election until the 2018 Salzburg state election. The head of the government was Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer, the son of Wilfried Haslauer, who was head of the state from 1977 until 1989. The government's members were voted into power by the Salzburg parliament on June 10, 2013, with 21 votes of Austrian People's Party, Grüne und Team Stronach, against the 15 votes of SPÖ and FPÖ. For the first time since 1945, the SPÖ was not participating in the state government.

On December 14, 2015, state counselor Hans Mayr left Team Stronach, and he continued to be member of the government. Hans Mayr resigned on January 30, 2018. The former president of the state parliament, Brigitta Pallauf (ÖVP) was his successor. Josef Schöchl (ÖVP) succeeded Pallauf as president of the parliament.[1]

LandeshauptmannWilfried HaslauerÖVPEconomy, tourism, labor market, municipalities, education, internal affairs, fire department, security, presidential affairs, Europe
1. Landeshauptmann-StellvertreterinAstrid RösslerGreenNature, environment, water, business affairs, spatial planning, building law
2. Landeshauptmann-StellvertreterChristian StöcklÖVPFinance, state properties and participations, health and hospitals
LandesrätinMartina BertholdGreenchildcare, adult education, universities, research, science, youth, family, generations, integration, migration, sports, women, equality
LandesrätinBrigitta PallaufÖVPtraffic, infrastructure, housing; since Januare 31. 2018, as successor of Hans Mayr
LandesratJosef SchwaigerÖVPagriculture, forestry, water management, energy, staff
LandesratHeinrich SchellhornGreensocial affairs, care, culture, folk culture, museums
retired members
LandesratHans MayrSBGtraffic, infrastructure, housing; until January 30, 2018, succeeded by Brigitta Pallauf

Notes and References

  1. Salzburger Wohnbaulandesrat Hans Mayr tritt zurück