C Sharp syntax explained

This article describes the syntax of the C# programming language. The features described are compatible with .NET Framework and Mono.



An identifier is the name of an element in the code. It can contain letters, digits and underscores (_), and is case sensitive (FOO is different from foo). The language imposes the following restrictions on identifier names:

Identifier names may be prefixed by an at sign (@), but this is insignificant; @name is the same identifier as name.

Microsoft has published naming conventions for identifiers in C#, which recommends the use of PascalCase for the names of types and most type members, and camelCase for variables and for private or internal fields.[1] However, these naming conventions are not enforced in the language.


Keywords are predefined reserved words with special syntactic meaning.[2] The language has two types of keyword - contextual and reserved. The reserved keywords such as false or byte may only be used as keywords. The contextual keywords such as where or from are only treated as keywords in certain situations. If an identifier is needed which would be the same as a reserved keyword, it may be prefixed by an at sign to distinguish it. For example, @out is interpreted as an identifier, whereas out as a keyword. This syntax facilitates reuse of .NET code written in other languages.

The following C# keywords are reserved words:

A contextual keyword is used to provide a specific meaning in the code, but it is not a reserved word in C#. Some contextual keywords, such as partial and where, have special meanings in multiple contexts. The following C# keywords are contextual:[3]


Character escapes in strings
Unicode character followed by the hexadecimal unicode code point
Extended_ASCII character followed by the hexadecimal extended ASCII code point
Null character
Carriage return
Form feed
Single quote
Double quote
Line feed

Digit separators

Starting in C# 7.0, the underscore symbol can be used to separate digits in number values for readability purposes. The compiler ignores these underscores.int bin = 0b1101_0010_1011_0100;int hex = 0x2F_BB_4A_F1;int dec = 1_000_500_954;double real = 1_500.200_2e-1_000;Generally, it may be put only between digit characters. It cannot be put at the beginning or the end of the value (or), next to the decimal in floating point values, next to the exponent character, or next to the type specifier .


Variables are identifiers associated with values. They are declared by writing the variable's type and name, and are optionally initialized in the same statement.[8] [9]

Declareint myInt; // Declaring an uninitialized variable called 'myInt', of type 'int'

Assigningint myInt; // Declaring an uninitialized variablemyInt = 35; // Assigning the variable a value

Initializeint myInt = 35; // Declaring and initializing the variable

Multiple variables of the same type can be declared and initialized in one statement.int a, b; // Declaring multiple variables of the same type

int a = 2, b = 3; // Declaring and initializing multiple variables of the same type

Local variable type inference

This is a feature of C# 3.0.

C# 3.0 introduced type inference, allowing the type specifier of a variable declaration to be replaced by the keyword var, if its actual type can be statically determined from the initializer. This reduces repetition, especially for types with multiple generic type-parameters, and adheres more closely to the DRY principle.var myChars = new char[] ; // or char[] myChars = new char[] ;

var myNums = new List; // or List myNums = new List;


Constants are immutable values.


When declaring a local variable or a field with the const keyword as a prefix the value must be given when it is declared. After that it is locked and cannot change. They can either be declared in the context as a field or a local variable. Constants are implicitly static.const double PI = 3.14;

This shows both uses of the keyword.public class Foo


The readonly keyword does a similar thing to fields. Like fields marked as const they cannot change once initialized. The difference is that one can choose to initialize them in a constructor, or to a value that is not known until run-time.[10] This only works on fields. readonly fields can either be members of an instance or static class members.

Code blocks

Curly braces are used to signify a code block and a new scope. Class members and the body of a method are examples of what can live inside these braces in various contexts.

Inside of method bodies, braces can be used to create new scopes:void DoSomething

Program structure

A C# application consists of classes and their members. Classes and other types exist in namespaces but can also be nested inside other classes.

Main method

Whether it is a console or a graphical interface application, the program must have an entry point of some sort. The entry point of a C# application is the Main method. There can only be one declaration of this method, and it is a static method in a class. It usually returns void and is passed command-line arguments as an array of strings.static void Main(string[] args) // string[] args can be omitted if the program doesn't have any command-line arguments.

The main method is also allowed to return an integer value if specified.static int Main(string[] args)

Async Main

This is a feature of C# 7.1.

Asynchronous Tasks can be awaited in the Main method by declaring the method's return type as Task.static async Task Main(string[] args)

All the combinations of Task, or Task<int>, and with, or without, the string[] args parameter are supported.

Top-level statements

This is a feature of C# 9.0.

Similar to in scripting languages, top-level statements removes the ceremony of having to declare the Program class with a Main method.

Instead, statements can be written directly in one specific file, and that file will be the entry point of the program. Code in other files will still have to be defined in classes.

This was introduced to make C# less verbose, and thus more accessible for beginners to get started.using System;

Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");Types are declared after the statements, and will be automatically available from the statements above them.


Namespaces are a part of a type name and they are used to group and/or distinguish named entities from other ones.System.IO.DirectoryInfo // DirectoryInfo is in the System.IO-namespace

A namespace is defined like this:namespace FooNamespace

A namespace can be put inside a namespace like this:namespace FooNamespace

It can also be done like this:namespace FooNamspace

namespace FooNamspace.BarNamespace

In C# 10 and later, namespaces can also be defined using file-scoped declarations by doing the following:[11] namespace FooNamespace; // the brackets are omitted here in favor of a semicolon.

using directive

The using directive loads a specific namespace from a referenced assembly. It is usually placed in the top (or header) of a code file but it can be placed elsewhere if wanted, e.g. inside classes.using System;using System.Collections;

The directive can also be used to define another name for an existing namespace or type. This is sometimes useful when names are too long and less readable.using Net = System.Net;using DirInfo = System.IO.DirectoryInfo;


The directive loads the static members of a specified type into the current scope, making them accessible directly by the name of the member.using static System.Console;

WriteLine("Hello, World!");


Operator categoryOperators
Logical (boolean and bitwise),,,,,,,,
String concatenation
Increment, decrement,
Relational (conditional),,,,,
Member access,,
Conditional (ternary)
Delegate concatenation and removal,
Object creation
Type information,,,
Overflow exception control,
Indirection and Address,,,
Lambda expression

Operator overloading

Some of the existing operators can be overloaded by writing an overload method.public static Foo operator+(Foo foo, Bar bar)

These are the overloadable operators:

,,,,,,, Unary operators
,,,,,,,,, Binary operators
==, !=,,, <=, >=Comparison operators, must be overloaded in pairs

Conversion operators

The cast operator is not overloadable, but one can write a conversion operator method which lives in the target class. Conversion methods can define two varieties of operators, implicit and explicit conversion operators. The implicit operator will cast without specifying with the cast operator and the explicit operator requires it to be used.

Implicit conversion operator
class Foo// Implicit conversionFoo foo = 2;

Explicit conversion operatorclass Foo// Explicit conversionFoo foo = (Foo)2;

as operator

The as operator will attempt to do a silent cast to a given type. It will return the object as the new type if possible, and otherwise will return null.Stream stream = File.Open(@"C:\Temp\data.dat");FileStream fstream = stream as FileStream; // Will return an object.

String str = stream as String; // Will return null.

Null coalesce operator

This is a feature of C# 2.0.The following:return ifNotNullValue ?? otherwiseValue;is shorthand for:return ifNotNullValue != null ? ifNotNullValue : otherwiseValue;Meaning that if the content of variable is not null, that content will be returned, otherwise the content of variable is returned.

C# 8.0 introduces null-coalescing assignment, such thatvariable ??= otherwiseValue;is equivalent toif (variable is null) variable = otherwiseValue;

Control structures

C# inherits most of the control structures of C/C++ and also adds new ones like the foreach statement.

Conditional structures

These structures control the flow of the program through given conditions.

if statement

The if statement is entered when the given condition is true. Single-line case statements do not require block braces although it is mostly preferred by convention.

Simple one-line statement:if (i

3) ... ;

Multi-line with else-block (without any braces):if (i

2) ...else ...

Recommended coding conventions for an if-statement.if (i

3)else if (i


switch statement

The switch construct serves as a filter for different values. Each value leads to a "case". It is not allowed to fall through case sections and therefore the keyword break is typically used to end a case. An unconditional return in a case section can also be used to end a case. See also how goto statement can be used to fall through from one case to the next. Many cases may lead to the same code though. The default case handles all the other cases not handled by the construct.switch (ch)

Iteration structures

Iteration statements are statements that are repeatedly executed when a given condition is evaluated as true.

while loop

while (i


do ... while loop

dowhile (i


for loop

The for loop consists of three parts: declaration, condition and counter expression. Any of them can be left out as they are optional.for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

Is equivalent to this code represented with a while statement, except here the variable is not local to the loop.int i = 0;while (i < 10)

foreach loop

The foreach statement is derived from the for statement and makes use of a certain pattern described in C#'s language specification in order to obtain and use an enumerator of elements to iterate over.

Each item in the given collection will be returned and reachable in the context of the code block. When the block has been executed the next item will be returned until there are no items remaining.foreach (int i in intList)

Jump statements

Jump statements are inherited from C/C++ and ultimately assembly languages through it. They simply represent the jump-instructions of an assembly language that controls the flow of a program.

Labels and goto statement

Labels are given points in code that can be jumped to by using the goto statement.start: ....... goto start;Note that the label need not be positioned after the goto statement; it may be before it in the source file.

The goto statement can be used in switch statements to jump from one case to another or to fall through from one case to the next.switch (n)

break statement

The break statement breaks out of the closest loop or switch statement. Execution continues in the statement after the terminated statement, if any.int e = 10;for (int i = 0; i < e; i++)

continue statement

The continue statement discontinues the current iteration of the current control statement and begins the next iteration.int ch;while ((ch = Console.Read) != -1)

The while loop in the code above reads characters by calling, skipping the statements in the body of the loop if the characters are spaces.

Exception handling

Runtime exception handling method in C# is inherited from Java and C++.

The base class library has a class called from which all other exception classes are derived. An -object contains all the information about a specific exception and also the inner exceptions that were caused.Programmers may define their own exceptions by deriving from the class.

An exception can be thrown this way:throw new NotImplementedException;


Exceptions are managed within blocks.trycatch (Exception ex)finally

The statements within the try block are executed, and if any of them throws an exception, execution of the block is discontinued and the exception is handled by the catch block. There may be multiple catch blocks, in which case the first block with an exception variable whose type matches the type of the thrown exception is executed.

If no catch block matches the type of the thrown exception, the execution of the outer block (or method) containing the try ... catch statement is discontinued, and the exception is passed up and outside the containing block or method. The exception is propagated upwards through the call stack until a matching catch block is found within one of the currently active methods. If the exception propagates all the way up to the top-most method without a matching catch block being found, the entire program is terminated and a textual description of the exception is written to the standard output stream.

The statements within the finally block are always executed after the try and catch blocks, whether or not an exception was thrown. Such blocks are useful for providing clean-up code.

Either a catch block, a finally block, or both, must follow the try block.


C# is a statically typed language like C and C++. That means that every variable and constant gets a fixed type when it is being declared. There are two kinds of types: value types and reference types.

Value types

Instances of value types reside on the stack, i.e. they are bound to their variables. If one declares a variable for a value type the memory gets allocated directly. If the variable gets out of scope the object is destroyed with it.


Structures are more commonly known as structs. Structs are user-defined value types that are declared using the struct keyword. They are very similar to classes but are more suitable for lightweight types. Some important syntactical differences between a class and a struct are presented later in this article. struct Foo

The primitive data types are all structs.

Pre-defined types

These are the primitive datatypes.

Primitive types
Type nameBCL equivalentValueRangeSizeDefault value
integer−128 through +1278-bit (1-byte)
integer−32,768 through +32,76716-bit (2-byte)
integer−2,147,483,648 through +2,147,483,64732-bit (4-byte)
integer−9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through
64-bit (8-byte)
unsigned integer0 through 2558-bit (1-byte)
unsigned integer0 through 65,53516-bit (2-byte)
unsigned integer0 through 4,294,967,29532-bit (4-byte)
unsigned integer0 through 18,446,744,073,709,551,61564-bit (8-byte)
signed decimal number−79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 through
128-bit (16-byte)
floating point number±1.401298E−45 through ±3.402823E+3832-bit (4-byte)
floating point number±4.94065645841246E−324 through
64-bit (8-byte)
Boolean or 8-bit (1-byte)
single Unicode character through 16-bit (2-byte)

Note: is not a struct and is not a primitive type.


Enumerated types (declared with enum) are named values representing integer values.enum Season

Enum variables are initialized by default to zero. They can be assigned or initialized to the named values defined by the enumeration type.Season season;season = Season.Spring;

Enum type variables are integer values. Addition and subtraction between variables of the same type is allowed without any specific cast but multiplication and division is somewhat more risky and requires an explicit cast. Casts are also required for converting enum variables to and from integer types. However, the cast will not throw an exception if the value is not specified by the type definition.season = (Season)2; // cast 2 to an enum-value of type Season.season = season + 1; // Adds 1 to the value.season = season + season2; // Adding the values of two enum variables.int value = (int)season; // Casting enum-value to integer value.

season++; // Season.Spring (1) becomes Season.Summer (2).season--; // Season.Summer (2) becomes Season.Spring (1).

Values can be combined using the bitwise-OR operator

Notes and References

  1. Web site: C# Coding Conventions. sec. Naming conventions. Microsoft Learn. https://web.archive.org/web/20230116184259/https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/coding-style/coding-conventions. January 16, 2023. live.
  2. Web site: Bill . Wagner . C# Keywords . August 26, 2022 . docs.microsoft.com . en-us.
  3. Web site: Bill . Wagner . C# Keywords . August 26, 2022 . docs.microsoft.com . en-us.
  4. Web site: Wagner . Bill . Integral numeric types . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  5. Web site: Wagner . Bill . Floating-point numeric types . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  6. Web site: Wagner . Bill . char . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  7. Web site: Wagner . Bill . Strings and string literals . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  8. Web site: Wagner . Bill . Declaration statements . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  9. Web site: Wagner . Bill . Assignment operators . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  10. Web site: Wagner . Bill . readonly . 2024-10-27 . learn.microsoft.com . en-us.
  11. Web site: 2021-10-05 . Exploring C# 10: Save Space with File-Scoped Namespaces . 2024-11-19 . Dave Brock . en.