CER-22 explained

CER (sr|Цифарски Електронски РачунарDigital Electronic Computer) model 22 is a transistor based computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1967-1968. It was originally intended for banking applications and was used for data processing and management planning in banks, trade and utility companies in Belgrade. Three CER-22 computers were purchased by Beobanka, Jugopetrol and BVK–Belgrade companies. (For more details see: Ref.# 1, #2, #3, and #4).

The principal designers and chiefs of the project teams were:

Technical characteristics of the CER-22

See also


  1. Electronic Computer System CER-22 (Dušan Hristović, Ljubivoje Marković, Slavoljub Rajić), Proc. of IV Symp. Informatika-68, pp. 271–278, Ljubljana-Bled, October 1968; In Serbian.
  2. Computer CER-22 (Dušan Hristović), HPEEA journal, No 10, pp. 5–12, Belgrade October 1969; In Serbian.
  3. Digital electronic computers CER (M. Momčilović, D. Hristović, et al.), Proc. of the seminar Mehanizacija i AOP u preduzećima, pp. 38–58, Nova Varoš, May 22, 1969; In Serbian.
  4. “TIM Computers” (D. Milićević, D. Hristović Ed.), pp. 165–166, Naucna knjiga, Belgrade 1990;
  5. Review and Analysis of the computers CER (Vladislav Paunović, Dušan Hristović), Proc. of the 44. Conf. ETRAN-2000, vol.3, pp. 79–82, Soko Banja, June 26, 2000. In Serbian.
  6. Computing technology in Serbia, by Dusan Hristovic, PHLOGISTON journal, No 18/19, pp. 89–105, Museum MNT-SANU, Belgrade 2010/2011. In Serbian.

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