Bull of Heaven discography explained
Discography for the experimental music group Bull of Heaven.
Numbered releases (2008-2016)
- 001: Weed Problem (2008)
- 002: He Is Not Dead, but Sleepeth (2008)
- 003: Eleven Floors Down (2008)
- 004: Reasoning in State Hospital (2008)
- 005: A Lovely Pear (2008)
- 006: The Myth of Dinosaurs (2008)
- 007: Reptilian Takeover (2008)
- 008: A Wall Between Two Gardens (2008)
- 009: First Our Pleasures Die (2008)
- 010: A White Surveillance Van (2008)
- 011: Spacewalking Your New Way Home (2008)
- 012: Timeship 2012 (2008)
- 013: Elsa, Are You in There? (2008)
- 014: Upon One Pair of English Legs (2008)
- 015: Sun Ritual (2008)
- 016: Get Tree Body (Brainwash Solution) (2008)
- 017: Its Bones are Soft (2008)
- 018: Candles Green, Heads and Skulls (2008)
- 019: Hypnosis, Drugs, and Mind Control (The Beginning: A Touch) (2008)
- 020: Legend of Degree (2008)
- 021: A Series of Elaborate Precautions (2008)
- 022: Man-Lizards, Masters of Venus (2008)
- 023: Odd Things, Brick Buildings (2008)
- 024: Some Vast Unknown (2008)
- 025: Tale of an Earth Man (2008)
- 026: A Curious Picture You See with Your Eyes Closed (2008)
- 027: Spirits Clad in Veils (2008)
- 028: Even to the Edge of Doom (2008)
- 029: Lions on a Banner (2008)
- 030: In That Shadow Lurks a Smile (2008)
- 031: Babylonian Mathematics (2008)
- 032: There is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed Pt. 1 (2008)
- 033: There is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed Pt. 2 (2008)
- 034: There is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed Pt. 3 (2008)
- 035: There is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed Pt. 4 (2008)
- 036: As Two from Ten Thousand Pt. 1 (2008)
- 037: As Two from Ten Thousand Pt. 2 (2008)
- 038: A Foot in Place of a Foot (2008)
- 039: Become Smaller and Smaller (2008)
- 040: A Beautiful Dog (2008)
- 041: By What Eternal Streams (2008)
- 042: Pre-Human Spawn of Cthulhu (2008)
- 043: He is Cruel and Moves with Great Cunning (2008)
- 044: A Corpse in My Arms on Awakening (2008)
- 045: The Wicked Cease from Struggling (2008)
- 046: In All Creatures are Lust and Hunger (2008)
- 047: At One with Their Antagonists (2008)
- 048: Foreign Ideas, Alien Philosophies (2008)
- 049: The Abyss of the Human Species (2008)
- 050: Far from the Black Ocean (2008)
- 051: Our Light is a Voice (2008)
- 052: Without Hope, a Mute Offender (2008)
- 053: La Tristesse Durera Toujours (2008)
- 054: Guns, Girls, Psychoactive Drugs (Birth and Redeath) (2009)
- 055: A Killer's Apology Rebuffed (The Destroyer) (2009)
- 056: Return of Ghost Sheriff (Werewolves are Chasing Me) (2009)
- 057: Narcolepsy: An Introduction (2009)
- 058: Narcolepsy: Dreamtime Collapsing (2009)
- 059: Narcolepsy: Four Thousand BC (2009)
- 060: Narcolepsy: Melting (2009)
- 061: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 1 (2009)
- 062: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 2 (2009)
- 063: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 3 (2009)
- 064: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 4 (2009)
- 065: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 5 (2009)
- 066: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 6 (2009)
- 067: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 7 (2009)
- 068: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 8 (2009)
- 069: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 9 (2009)
- 070: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 10 (2009)
- 071: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 11 (2009)
- 072: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 12 (2009)
- 073: Inflame Thyself in Praying Pt. 13 (2009)
- 074: He Dwells on the Shores of the Sea Pt. 1 (2009)
- 075: He Dwells on the Shores of the Sea Pt. 2 (2009)
- 076: Mysterious Signals from Glowing Orbs (2009)
- 077: The End of the World Must Be Coming (2009)
- 078: Objective Contempt, Objective Conscience (2009)
- 079: Praise to Our Common-Father-Endlessness (2009)
- 080: Your Way and Your Face are Stainless (2009)
- 081: You Took Dead Bones and You Covered Them with Bodies (2009)
- 082: His Tail Dragged a Third of the Stars of Heaven (2009)
- 083: A Great Fire-Red Dragon with Seven Heads and Ten Horns (2009)
- 084: The Marchers with Left Leg Extended (2009)
- 085: Die, Patriarch! The Screams of Infancy (2009)
- 086: The Longest Distance Between Two Places (2009)
- 087: A Half-Grown Boy in Sea Clothes (2009)
- 088: Death with Every Step (2009)
- 089: Death Had Taken Them, One By One (2009)
- 090: Death in Our Pockets (2009)
- 091: Up to the Rim of the Hollow (2009)
- 092: The Long Count (2009)
- 093: They Found Her Footprints There (2009)
- 094: In Human Form This Fiend to Slay (2009)
- 095: Unity Exists in the Categories (2009)
- 096: This is the Primal Identity (2009)
- 097: A Perspective, Not the Truth (2009)
- 098: The Final Mystery is Oneself (2009)
- 099: Quetzalcoatl and the Ancient Astronauts (2009)
- 100: The Thought That Counts (2009)
- 101: Like the First Pine Cone (2009)
- 102: Criminals, Fair and True (2009)
- 103: Her Name is Unending (2009)
- 104: You are the Poltergeist (2009)
- 105: I'm Not Here Anymore (2009)
- 106: Let's Murder the Neighbors (2009)
- 107: Axiom of Choice (2009)
- 108: Did You Know That the Bible Have the Answers? (2009)
- 109: Boxes of Scorpions Released By Tripwire (2009)
- 110: Superstring Theory Refuted (2009)
- 111: Superstring Theory Verified (2009)
- 112: Conquer! That is Enough (2009)
- 113: The Light Higher Than Eyesight (2009)
- 114: Come Forth, O Children, Under the Stars (2009)
- 115: Swift as a Trodden Serpent Turn and Strike! (2009)
- 116: Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times (2009)
- 117: Change Not as Much as the Style of a Letter (2009)
- 118: The Chosen Priest and Apostle of Infinite Space (2009)
- 119: Slippery Buttons, Live in the Upper World, 2003 (2009)
- 120: Everywhere is Violence (The Machine is Killing the Babies) (2009)
- 121: O Nobly-Born, They are Not Really Precipices (2009)
- 122: Drums and Thigh-Bone Trumpets, Skull-Timbrels (2009)
- 123: Eighty Thousand Species of Mischievous Sprites (2009)
- 124: Be Not Daunted Thereby, Nor Terrified, Nor Awed (2009)
- 125: The City Freezing (2009)
- 126: The White Ivy (2009)
- 127: We Seem to Share Your Distress (2010)
- 128: Approaching Them in the Darkness (2010)
- 129: Between Them and Us Stands Our Fear (2010)
- 130: A Slow and Painful Execution (2010)
- 131: Loaded With Buckshot (2010)
- 132: What Filthy Rotten Blood (2010)
- 133: On Wednesday Morning, When the Truck Rolls In (2010)
- 134: Lingering Under the Remainder of Her Disease (2010)
- 135: Under This Umbrella of Satanism (2010)
- 136: The Use of Obsessive Defenses (2010)
- 137: The Meaning of Hysterical Symptoms (2010)
- 138: You Feel a Stillness All Around You, Caressing Your Face (2010)
- 139: My Doctor Gave Me Some (2010)
- 140: And Never Will (2010)
- 141: Creation of Strange Matter (2010)
- 142: Qualia and the Dynamic Core (2010)
- 143: The Hollow Booming of Pieces of Ordnance (2010)
- 144: Poured Onto That Marble Slab (2010)
- 145: Note Notes, Forsooth, and Nothing! (2010)
- 146: Vicious, Cruel, Incapable of Remorse (2010)
- 147: The Most Merciful Thing That a Family Does (2010)
- 148: And Madly Hangs the Grass with Silver Rags (2010)
- 149: Still in My Thought That Lovely Image Breathes (2010)
- 150: With Bare Feet I Trod Upon Thorns and Flints (2010)
- 151: Pleasure Alone Lends Value to Existence (2010)
- 152: The Last Example of These Unclean Horrors (2010)
- 153: The Branch of Gold Consecrated to the Subterranean Goddess (2010)
- 154: In the Form of the Question Concerning the Thingness of Things (2010)
- 155: They Sacrificed Their Sons and Their Daughters Unto Devils (2010)
- 156: Crime and Infamy Have a Right of Asylum Here (2010)
- 157: Fairer Yet Through Sorrow and Separation (2010)
- 158: Prosperity Is Here. Stay With Us, Angel! (2010)
- 159: White as the Petals of Some Water Flower (2010)
- 160: Your Best Loved and Always Known Must Leave (2010)
- 161: Her Song Trembling the Twigs and Small Branches (2010)
- 162: In Their Terror Capable of Anything Pt. 1 (2010)
- 163: In Their Terror Capable of Anything Pt. 2 (2010)
- 164: Regrets Take the Place of Dreams (2010)
- 165: Out of the Nothing Beyond the Lake (2010)
- 166: When the World Is Puddle-Wonderful (2010)
- 167: Isolated Regions of the Human Soul (2010)
- 168: Go With Fiends in That Everlasting Fire (2010)
- 169: Alas! Thy Foul Will Hath Wrought My Woe (2010)
- 170: Low Is the Covering, Unhigh the Sidewalls (2010)
- 171: Buried in a Deep Pit, in a Doorless House (2010)
- 172: Thus Are These Children Filled With Torment (2010)
- 173: Sharp She Was and Keen, and Pleased the Devil (2010)
- 174: It Was Not Known to Thee More Than to Thy Kin (2010)
- 175: Thou Lovedst the Traitors That Were Hateful to God (2010)
- 176: Well Away! And Woe Is Me! That I Ever Came to Thee (2010)
- 177: Then Is That Wretched Life Ended All With Sad Departure (2010)
- 178: For the Devil Taught Thee All, Chief Full Nigh Thy Heart (2010)
- 179: Worms Have Shared Them, Gnawed Their Miserable Bones (2010)
- 180: Now Is Thy Mouth Prevented, for Death Has Closed It (2010)
- 181: All Rueful Is Thy Lot, After Thy Wicked Life (2010)
- 182: When Death, With His Dart, Pineth the Body (2010)
- 183: Victim Accursed, Extend Thy Throat for My Knives (2010)
- 184: Mayst Thou Fall by the Fires of the Heavenly Avenger (2010)
- 185: Submission to Leaders, Hostility to Outsiders (2010)
- 186: A Donkey's Head Sold for Eighty Shekels of Silver (2010)
- 187: Never Mind the Fallibility of All the Human Beings (2010)
- 188: Showering the Rank, Furry Body All Over the Tent (2010)
- 189: From the Threshing Floor? From the Winepress? (2010)
- 190: Our Preferences Do Not Determine What's True (2010)
- 191: With a Sudden Jerk and Involuntary Gesture (2010)
- 192: May God Deal With Me, Be It Ever So Severely (2010)
- 193: Look Death in the Eye and Be Grateful (2010)
- 194: Give Up Your Son So We May Eat Him (2010)
- 195: We Know Who Speaks for the Nations (2010)
- 196: Incoherently Babbling Self-Accusations (2010)
- 197: When the Messenger Comes, Shut the Door (2010)
- 198: A Faint Sensation of a Distant Memory (2010)
- 199: Ere I Forget, or Die, or Move Away (2010)
- 200: So We Cooked My Son and Ate Him (2010)
- 201: How Strangely Still the Water Is Today (2010)
- 202: The Things That Hide in You Come Out Again (2010)
- 203: Like Vast Serpents Infold Around My Limbs (2010)
- 204: For Idle Dreams of Things Which Cannot Be (2010)
- 205: Of What Far Sea Upon What Unknown Ground (2010)
- 206: Like Waters Flowing in the River's Course (2010)
- 207: I Watched You Enter Your Home From Inside a Dumpster (2010)
- 208: As You Etch on the Inner Window of Your Eye (2010)
- 209: Blurred With Tears and Suffering Beyond Hope (2010)
- 210: Like a Wall in Which an Insect Lives and Gnaws (2010)
- 211: With Muffled Sound Obliterating Everything (2010)
- 212: You Went to Meet the Shell's Embrace of Fire (2010)
- 213: Studying the Building From the Changing Angle (2010)
- 214: Modern Man Is Helpless When Confronted With Death (2010)
- 215: And the Bones and the Sinews Were Polished by the Wear (2010)
- 216: Peripatetics and Epicureans Held Very Varying Views (2010)
- 217: The Mongols Were Pagan, Neither Moslem Nor Christian (2010)
- 218: Apparent Uncertainty Among National Security Experts (2010)
- 219: Swift Glances of Caution at the Hurrying Pedestrians (2010)
- 220: Advantages of Making Regular Use of Cleansing Products (2010)
- 221: The Usual Manifestations of Suspicion Were Heightened (2011)
- 222: What Strikes the Oyster Shell Does Not Damage the Pearl (2011)
- 223: There Is More Passing in Their Minds Than We Are Aware Of (2011)
- 224: A Strife of Interests Masquerading as a Contest of Principles (2011)
- 225: When Hostilities Shall Cease on the Part of the Aggressors (2011)
- 226: Stationary If All Statistics Are Invariant Under a Shift in Time (2011)
- 227: Szeretlek, Te Mocskos Kis Kurva! (2011)
- 228: Above the Poor Neglected Graves (2011)
- 229: I Brought a Heart Into the Room (2011)
- 230: From the Garden of the Sun (2011)
- 231: Three Hundred Winters (2011)
- 232: At the Tide's Edge, I Lie (2011)
- 233: Plucked for the Breast of the Dead (2011)
- 234: And I Talk to Them in My Secret Mind (2011)
- 235: In the Conscious Sea, Roused and Prolonged (2011)
- 236: Pitiless Light Over the Stony Landscape (2011)
- 237: Disordered Before the Naked Picture of Despair (2011)
- 238: 2 (2011)
- 239: lcm(2,3) (2011)
- 240: lcm(2,3,5) (2011)
- 241: lcm(2,3,5,7) (2011)
- 242: lcm(2,3,5,7,11) (2011)
- 243: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13) (2011)
- 244: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17) (2011)
- 245: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19) (2011)
- 246: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23) (2011)
- 247: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29) (2011)
- 248: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31) (2011)
- 249: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37) (2011)
- 250: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41) (2011)
- 251: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43) (2011)
- 252: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47) (2011)
- 253: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53) (2011)
- 254: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59) (2011)
- 255: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61) (2011)
- 256: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67) (2011)
- 257: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71) (2011)
- 258: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73) (2011)
- 259: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79) (2011)
- 260: lcm(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83) (2011)
- 261: A Feeling for the Order Lying Behind the Appearance (2011)
- 262: The Insistence on Small Miracles (2011)
- 263: Internet Handle for a Thirteen Year Old Girl (2011)
- 264: The Sun Itself Sees Not Till Heaven Clears (2011)
- 265: Interpret the World According to Certain Patterns (2011)
- 266: An Incestuous Act That God Committed Upon Reality (2011)
- 267: We Shall Draw From the Heart of Suffering (2011)
- 268: Persist Without Solace, Without Illusion (2011)
- 269: Have the Gates of Death Been Opened Unto Thee? (2011)
- 270: Hast Thou Seen the Doors of the Shadow of Death? (2011)
- 271: An Itemized Account of the American Failure (2011)
- 272: O Pleasing Death Come With Your Terrible Hands (2011)
- 273: Whispering to Myself Delicious, Terrible Things (2011)
- 274: Their Cow Calveth, and Casteth Not Her Calf (2011)
- 275: The Snow and the Little Wood Under the Blue Sky (2011)
- 276: In My Old Griefs, and With My Childhood's Faith (2011)
- 277: The Nerve Center of Wisdom and the Knower (2011)
- 278: Because of the Emptiness of the Heart (2011)
- 279: Full of Craters and Frozen Lights (2011)
- 280: You Were Shown a Diagram (2011)
- 281: Heroes, Heroines, Celestial Warriors (2011)
- 282: One Continuous Stream of Vibrations (2011)
- 283: The Blood Beneath My Skin (2011)
- 284: One Hour of Fire, and Let All Be Ended! (2011)
- 285: A Violet Breath (2011)
- 286: 0 (2011)
- 287: n (2011)[1]
- 288: Four Years Ago? Opium. (2012)
- 289: CALCULOR (2012)
- 290: Two-Legged Tigers and Crocodiles (2012)
- 291: Reduction to Elementary Particles and Radiation (2013)
- 292: Human Dignity in Times of Great Suffering and Loss (2013)
- 293: The Ruin and Absence of the World (2013)
- 294: Driven By the Warmth and Force of the Imagination (2013)
- 295: Reduced to a Square of Planed Wood (2013)
- 296: Down the Polished Edge of the Dead Man's Desk (2013)
- 297: I Cut the Liver Out of a Drifter (2013)
- 298: Your Fault Deserveth, I May Pierce Ye (2013)
- 299: Self-Traitor, I Do Bring the Spider Love (2013)
- 300: Songs for Girls (2014)
- 301: Weed Problem II - V (2014)
- 302: It is Part of Space and Time (2014)
- 303: n(k) (2014)
- 304: 0(2^18x5^18) (2014)
- 305: Hostages are Human Beings (2014)
- 306: It is Not a Lack of Love (2014)
- 307: x0(2^18×5^18)p (2014)
- 308: Px0(2^18×5^18)p*k (2014)
- 309: ΣPx0(2^18×5^18)p*k*k (2014)
- 310: ΩΣPx0(2^18×5^18)p*k*k*k (2014)
- 311: Night's Great Perimeter (2014)
- 312: The Shadow of a Fleeting Dream (2014)
- 313: In the Lining of Your Skin (2014)
- 314: Saints and Angels and Martyrs and Holy Men (2014)
- 315: In Walked Orson (2014)
- 316: (2014)
- 317: My Concerns are Global (2014)
- 318: Where the Dead Men Lost Their Bones (2014)
- 319: The Person Witness (2014)
- 320: Following the Sand (2014)
- 321: Burn Dark Sincere Receiver (2014)
- 322: Scoundrel, Rogue, Monster (2014)
- 323: Killing, Dressing, Preparing Their Own Oxen and Swine (2014)
- 324: To Sit on the Night of Sadness (2014)
- 325: I Sent Myself to the Law (2015)
- 326: I Hope You Feel the Hopelessness (2015)
- 327: Elementary Machine Life (2015)
- 328: In Your Soft Authority (2015)
- 329: She Is as the Nights Are Horrible, Pt. 1 (2015)
- 330: She Is as the Nights Are Horrible, Pt. 2 (2015)
- 331: A Ghost Prehistoric, Pt. 1 (2015)
- 332: A Ghost Prehistoric, Pt. 2 (2015)
- 333: Of Course, the Personality Is Gone (2015)
- 334: It Is the Parabola (2015)
- 335: You Can't Buy Shoes in a Painting (2015)
- 336: Lorne Greene's Belgian Woodchuck Orgy (2015)
- 337: On Her Lips a Poison (2015)
- 338: Good Night, Sweet Prince, Vol. 1 (2015)
- 339: Good Night, Sweet Prince, Vol. 2 (2015)
- 340: Good Night, Sweet Prince, Vol. 3 (2015)
- 341: Good Night, Sweet Prince, Vol. 4 (2015)
- 342: Good Night, Sweet Prince, Vol. 5 (2015)
- 343: Virtue's Light, That Beams Beyond the Spheres (2015)
- 344: I Will Climb Alone (2015)
- 345: Moog Variations, Vol. 1 (2015)
- 346: Moog Variations, Vol. 2 (2015)
- 347: Moog Variations, Vol. 3 (2015)
- 348: Moog Variations, Vol. 4 (2015)
- 349: Moog Variations, Vol. 5 (2015)
- 350: Moog Variations, Vol. 6 (2015)
- 351: Total Bliss (2016)
- 352: Future Available Pamphlet (2016)
- 353: To Fill the Mouth of Their Monster (2016)
Aleph series (2009-2011)
- Aleph0 (א0) (2009)
- Aleph1 (א1) (2009)
- Aleph2 (א2) (2009)
- Aleph3 (א3) (2009)
- Aleph4 (א4) (2009)
- Aleph5 (א5) (2009)
- Aleph6 (א6) (2009)
- Aleph7 (א7) (2009)
- Aleph8 (א8) (2009)
- Aleph9 (א9) (2009)
- Aleph10 (א10) (2010)
- Aleph11 (א11) (2011)
Untitled series (2010)
- Untitled1 (2010)
- Untitled2 (2010)
- Untitled3 (2010)
- Untitled4 (2010)
- Untitled5 (2010)
- Untitled6 (2010)
- Untitled7 (2010)
- Untitled8 (2010)
- Untitled9 (2010)
- Untitled10 (2010)
Non-numbered other releases
- Lemniscate 1 (2013)
- Incalzando (2013)
- Imperioso (2013)
- Irato (2013)
- Insistendo (2013)
- Duolo (2013)
- Quasi Una Fantasia (2013)
- Quos Amor Verus Tenuit Tenebit (2013)
- Ex Oblivione (2013)
- Ex Silentio (2013)
- Ex Umbra in Solem (2013)
- Non Omnis Moriar (2013)
- Omnibus Locis Fit Caedes (2013)
- Extinctus Amabitur Idem (2013)
- Sic Faciunt Omnes (2013)
- Z (2013)
Post-Counts era releases
- Fight Night For The Ghosts Of Heaven (2018)
- The Deathless Element (2019)
- In the House of Dust (2020)
- Quest for the Fountain of Apologies (2020)
- It's Jaws and Humming, Like Dancing, Like Glass (2020)
- Driftwood and Bone (2020)
- It Can't Be Just You Who Eats (2020)
- Howling (2020)
- A Standard Smile (2020)
- Distant Spring (2020)
- Memories Misremembered (2020)
- Phantom on Your Shoulder (2020)
- Appear/Not Appear (2020)
- It Is Not Nothing (2020)
- nice shirt (2021)
- Hidden Signs/Secret Meanings (2021)
- Folded Hands (2021)
- 19 nervous breakdowns (I'm about to have) (2021)
- say it again (2021)
- a thoughtless gift (2021)
- things that are lost (2021)
- Who Will Watch Over Me (2021)
- down and back (2021)
- speak to me wordlessly (2022)
- Invisible At Will (2022)
- the Living Wind (2022)
- Burn (2022)
- bloom (2022)
- In the Likeness of Oak (2022)
- He Shall Have It (2022)
- Murmuring Endearments (2022)
- In The Long Ago (2022)
- The Undifferentiated Waters (2022)
- The Dreadful Winds (2022)
- Half Of A Two Headed Creature (2022)
- Turn Pretty Flower Towards The Sun (2023)
- Ignite The Blood (2023)
- Such As Is Not (2023)
- Whose Eyes Are Brightness (2023)
- The Computer May Disagree (2023)
- I Have Heard Him Say These Things (2023)
- Green Glass Box (2023)
- Be Friendly Unto Me (2023)
- It Was as You Said (2023)
- On the Wrong Way (2023)
- The Sleeper's Mind (2023)
- Fragments of the Night (2023)
- Slightly Artificial (2024)
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: Kompys2000 . Review: Bull Of Heaven - 287: n . 2024-02-18 . Sputnikmusic.