Bryaninops amplus, known commonly as the large whip goby or white-line seawhip goby, is a species of marine fish in the family Gobiidae.
The white-line seawhip goby is widespread throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area, including Hawaii but not the Red Sea.[1]
This fish is a small size that can reach a maximum size of 4.6 cm length.[2]
The large whip gobies are habitat specialists who are found in male-female pairs, or small groups clinging to gorgonian or antipatharian branches for shelter.The gobies don't have a strong preference for any specific type of host coral, but their occupancy depended on colony height. This makes them more likely to be found on multi-branched corals like Dichotella gemmacea than unbranched Junceella juncea.[3] The gobies are more likely to live on taller host-gorgonians because they are a more effective habitat and provide refuge from predators.