Bradyrhizobium retamae explained
Bradyrhizobium retamae is a bacterium from the genus of Bradyrhizobium.[1] [2] [3]
- UniProt
- 23602626. 2013. Guerrouj. K. Definition of a novel symbiovar (sv. Retamae) within Bradyrhizobium retamae sp. nov., nodulating Retama sphaerocarpa and Retama monosperma. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 36. 4. 218–23. Ruíz-Díez. B. Chahboune. R. Ramírez-Bahena. M. H.. Abdelmoumen. H. Quiñones. M. A.. El Idrissi. M. M.. Velázquez. E. Fernández-Pascual. M. Bedmar. E. J.. Peix. A. 10.1016/j.syapm.2013.03.001.
- 10.1601/tx.25596 . Taxonomic Abstract for the species Bradyrhizobium retamae. The NamesforLife Abstracts. 2008. Parker. Charles Thomas. Garrity. George M.. Charles Thomas. Parker. George M. Garrity.