Rhododendron subsect. Brachycalyx explained

Rhododendron subsection Brachycalyx is a subsection of the genus Rhododendron, in section Tsutsusi, subgenus Azaleastrum, consisting of fifteen species of azaleas from Asia.


Leaves deciduous, pseudoverticillate, rhombic, crowded at the shoot apex and monomorphic, hairs usually confined to axils.


The section Brachcalyx was first proposed by JC Tate based on the Chinese Rhododendron farrerae, and described by Robert Sweet in 1831, in The British Flower Garden.


Image Name Distribution
Rhododendron amagianum Japan (C. Honshu)
Rhododendron dilatatum Japan
Rhododendron farrerae S. China.
Rhododendron hidakanum Japan
Rhododendron kiyosumense Japan (Honshu)
Rhododendron lagopus Japan (Honshu, Shikoku)
Rhododendron mariesii China, Taiwan
Rhododendron mayebarae Japan (Kyushu)
Rhododendron nudipes Japan (Kyushu)
Rhododendron reticulatum Central & S. Japan
Rhododendron sanctum Japan (C. Honshu)
Rhododendron tashiroi Japan, Nansei-shoto, Taiwan
Rhododendron viscistylum Japan (S. Kyushu)
Rhododendron wadanum Japan (C. Honshu)
Rhododendron weyrichii Japan, Korea


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