2010 Yeonpyeong bombardment explained

Conflict:Bombardment of Yeonpyeong
Partof:the Korean conflict
Date:23 November 2010
Place:Yeonpyeong Island, Ongjin County, Incheon, South Korea
Result:Small number of fatalities and wounded suffered by the Republic of Korea (ROK); ROK civilian evacuation of Yeonpyeong.[1] Tensions increased between the two countries.
Combatant1: North Korea
Combatant2: South Korea
Commander1:Kim Jong-il
Kim Jong-un
Ri Yong-ho
Col. Kim Kyong Su
Commander2:Lee Myung-bak
Kim Tae-young
Strength1:One battalion BM-21
Five MiG-23
Strength2:Six K9 Thunder SPGs
Four F-15K
Four KF-16
Casualties1:North Korean claim:
South Korean claim:
5–10 killed and 20–30 wounded (presumed)
Casualties2:2 soldiers killed
19 soldiers wounded
2 civilians killed
3 civilians wounded
Two K9 self-propelled guns damaged

The Bombardment of Yeonpyeong was an artillery engagement between the North Korean military and South Korean forces stationed on Yeonpyeong Island on 23 November 2010.[2] Following a South Korean artillery exercise in disputed waters near the island, North Korean forces fired around 170 artillery shells and rockets at Yeonpyeong Island, hitting both military and civilian targets.[3]

Shelling caused widespread damage on Yeonpyeong. South Korea retaliated by shelling North Korean gun positions. In total, between four and 20 people (military personnel and civilians) were killed on both sides and approximately 40–55 people were wounded.

The North Koreans subsequently stated that they had fired in response to South Korean artillery firing into North Korean territorial waters.[4]

The incident caused an escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula and prompted widespread international condemnation of the North's actions. The United Nations declared it to be one of the most serious incidents since the end of the Korean War,[5] and former US ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson said tensions had escalated to become "the most serious crisis on the Korean peninsula since the 1953 armistice, which ended the Korean War".[6]


A western maritime line of military control between the two Koreas was established by United Nations Command (UNC) in 1953, called the Northern Limit Line (NLL).[7] which is a maritime boundary that demarcates the territorial waters of South and North Korea in the West Sea. The boundary line extends from the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) into the sea, running between the mainland portion of Gyeonggi-do province, historically part of Hwanghae before 1945, and the adjacent offshore islands, including Yeonpyeong and Baengnyeongdo.

The UNC established the NLL in 1953 as a Western maritime line of military control following the Korean War. However, its proximity to the North Korean mainland has resulted in prolonged tension and disputes over territory and fishing rights in the area. Straddling between peace and conflict According to Time, "The North does not recognize the border that was unilaterally drawn by the United Nations at the close of the 1950–53 Korean War."[8] Under the armistice, the United Nations has designated five Northwest Islands to remain within its jurisdiction - Baengnyeongdo, Yeonpyeongdo, Daecheongdo, Socheongdo, and Udo. These islands strategically lie in the Yellow Sea just off the North Korean coast, causing disputes over their control and posing a persistent security threat to South Korea.[9] The countries' western maritime boundary has long been a flash point between the two Koreas.[8]

North Korea did not dispute or violate the line until 1973.[10] The NLL was drawn up at a time when a three-nautical-mile territorial waters limit was the norm, but when in the 1970s a twelve nautical mile limit became internationally accepted, the implementation of the NLL prevented North Korea, in areas, from accessing, arguably actual or prospective, territorial waters.[11] Later, after 1982, it also hindered North Korea establishing a United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Exclusive Economic Zone to control fishing in the area.

In 1999, North Korea drew up their own line, the "West Sea Military Demarcation Line" which claims a maritime boundary farther south that encompasses valuable fishing grounds (though it skirts around South Korean-held islands such as Yeonpyeong). This claim is not accepted by either South Korea or the United Nations Command.[12] [13]

The United Nations Command perspective remained unchanging, explaining that the NLL must be maintained until any new maritime military demarcation line could beestablished through the Joint Military Commission on the armistice agreement.[14]

In an effort to assert its territorial claims, North Korea has pursued a strategy of challenging South Korean control of the waters south of the NLL. It has made several incursions that have sparked clashes between the two sides, notably a naval battle near Yeonpyeong island in 1999 as well as another engagement in the same area in 2002.[15] Although there were no further serious clashes for a time, in 2009 increasing tensions along the disputed border led to a naval battle near the island of Daecheong, and accusations that a North Korean submarine had sunk the South Korean corvette Cheonan off Baengnyeong Island in March 2010.[16] [17] The Northern Limit Line (NLL) is not officially recognized by North Korea, and as a result, its fishing boats regularly operate close to or over the line, escorted by North Korean naval vessels. This has led to confrontations between North and South Korean navy ships, further heightening tensions in the area.

However, on April 27, 2018, North Korea and South Korea adopted the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity, and Unification of the Korean Peninsula. As part of this agreement, areas surrounding the Northern Limit Line were designated as a maritime peace zone, intended to prevent accidental military clashes and ensure safe and sustainable fishing activities for both countries. This landmark agreement brought hope for a peaceful resolution to the long-standing conflict over the NLL, although its implementation is yet to be fully realized.

Days before the incident, the North Korean government revealed their new uranium enrichment facility,[18] [19] prompting the South Korean government to consider requesting that the United States station tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea for the first time in 19 years.[20] On the same day, South Korea and the United States began the annual Hoguk exercise, a large-scale military drill involving the South Korean and US militaries. The 2010 exercise involved 70,000 troops from all four branches of the South Korean military, equipped with 600 tracked vehicles, 90 helicopters, 50 warships, and 500 aircraft. The United States contributed its 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and the Seventh Air Force to the land and sea elements of the exercise.[21]

It had originally been intended that the United States Navy and Marine Corps would participate in a joint amphibious exercise in the Yellow (Western) Sea, west of South Korea. However, the US pulled out of the joint exercise citing "scheduling conflicts",[22] though South Korean observers suggested that the real reason was the opposition of China, which regards a large portion of the Yellow Sea as its own territory. The North Korean government regards the exercises as preparation for a combined arms attack on the North.


On the morning of 23 November 2010, North Korea reportedly "wired a complaint [to the South] ... asking whether (the [Hoguk] exercise) was an attack against the North." It warned that it would not tolerate firing in what it regarded as its territorial waters.[23] South Korean forces went ahead with a live-fire exercise in waters off Baengnyeong Island and Yeonpyeong Island within South Korean-held territory.[24]

According to a South Korean military official, shells fired as part of the exercise were directed at waters in the south, away from North Korea.[25] A Marine colonel on the island indicated the shells had been fired towards the southwest.[26] South Korean Minister of National Defense, Kim Tae-young, said the firing was not part of the Hoguk exercise, but was a separate routine monthly drill carried out 4–5 km away from the NLL,[27] contrary to previous media reports. The usual firing range is 40km (30miles) by 20km (10miles) in size and runs parallel to the NLL to the south-west of Yeonpyeong Island,[28] and is largely within North Korea's 12nmi territorial waters claimed in 1955.[29]

At 14:34 local time, North Korean coastal artillery batteries on Mudo, and a recently redeployed 122-mm MRL at Kaemori,[30] in North Korea's South Hwanghae Province, opened fire on the island of Yeonpyeong. The bombardment took place in two waves, from 14:34 to 14:55 and again from 15:10 to 15:41. Many of the shells landed on a military camp, but others hit the island's principal settlement, destroying numerous homes and shops, and starting fires.[31] About 108 shells were fired total, according to a North Korean defector who had served in an artillery battery.

Three of the six K9 Thunder 155 mm guns stationed on Yeonpyong returned fire, while two were damaged and one blocked by a dud shell.[32] South Korean artillery fired 80 shells in total. Initially, the South Koreans targeted barracks and command structures on Mudo, but began firing at the MRL at Kaemori about thirteen minutes later,[33] due to the AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar not properly functioning, which meant the guns initially targeted general locations, such as the barracks.[34]

South Korean KF-16 and F-15K jets were also scrambled to the area, though they did not engage North Korean targets, as the North Korean artillery did not start a third barrage. South Korean counterstrikes ended at 16:42.[35] It was the first artillery battle to take place between North and South Korea since the 1970s[36] and was seen as one of the most serious attacks by the North on the South since the 1953 Armistice.[37]

With power on Yeonpyeong knocked out and several fires breaking out as a result of the North Korean shelling, the South Korean military ordered civilians to evacuate to bunkers.[38] [39]


(All times in Korea Standard Time: UTC+9.)

08:20: North sends a telex message requesting a halt to the South's artillery training exercise.

10:00: South starts the artillery training exercise.

14:30: North deploys five MiG-23ML fighters from the 60th Regiment at Pukchang Airport; 122 mm MRL battalion near Kaemori conducts a short firing exercise.

14:34: North starts firing shells (around 150, of which about 60 land on military positions)

14:38: South conducts emergency sorties with two KF-16 fighters.

14:40: South deploys four F-15K fighters.

14:46: South conducts additional emergency sorties with two KF-16 fighters.

14:47: South fires back with the first round of K-9 howitzers (50 shells).

14:50: South issues a 'Jindogae Hana' (Jindo Dog 1) alert, the highest military alert given for a local provocation.[40]

14:55: North stops firing temporarily.

15:12: North starts firing for the second time (20 shells, all of which landed on the island).

15:25: South resumes firing back with K-9 howitzers (30 shells).

15:30: South telexes the North's military general level talk representative requesting an immediate halt to artillery shelling.

15:40 – 16:00: The South's Joint Chiefs of Staff Han Min-gu and USFK Commander Walter L. Sharp have a video conference (a review of cooperative crisis management).

15:41: North stops firing.

16:30: First military casualty reported.

16:35 – 21:50: Foreign and National Security representatives have a meeting.

16:42: South stops firing.

18:40: Lee Hong-gi, the South's Joint Chief of Staff Director of Operations, holds a press briefing.

19:00: North Korea's Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army releases a statement labelled "Our Army is Making No Empty Talk" publicized through KCNA.[41]

20:35 – 21:10: South Korean President Lee Myung-bak meets with his Joint Chief of Staff.[42]


Casualties and damage

The shelling caused a number of casualties among South Koreans living on Yeongpyeong. Two South Korean marines, Hasa (Staff Sergeant) Seo Jeong-wu and Ilbyeong (Lance Corporal) Moon Gwang-wuk, were killed. Six other military personnel were seriously wounded, and ten were treated for minor injuries. Two construction workers, Kim Chi-baek, 61, and Bae Bok-chul, 60, were also killed.[43] [44]

Most of the islanders were evacuated in the aftermath of the shelling. Around 1,500 of the 1,780 residents on the island were taken aboard fishing boats and government vessels, with many of them being taken to Incheon on the mainland.[45] The Incheon city authorities sent 22 fire engines and ambulances to the island, along with firefighters and paramedics, to help with the recovery and relief effort. 2,000 boxes of emergency relief materials and more than 3,500 relief kits and boxes of food were sent to help residents recover.

The attack started widespread fires on the island. According to the local county office, 70 percent of the island's forests and fields were burned and 21 houses and warehouses and eight public buildings were destroyed in the bombardment. Some of the public buildings were formerly military structures, leading the South Korean military to believe the attack was planned from old maps.[46]

North Korea states that it suffered no military casualties.[47] However, Lee Hong-gi, the Director of Operations of the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), claimed that as a result of the South Korean retaliation "there may be a considerable number of North Korean casualties".[48] A North Korean defector who had served in an artillery battery, however, stated that the South had likely failed to destroy the North Korean artillery batteries due to its slow response. South Korean media reported that 5–10 North Korean soldiers had been killed and 30 wounded, and the National Intelligence Service suggests damage to North Korean troops had been considerable during the South Korean counter-battery fire.[49] [50] Satellite images released by STRATFOR cast doubt on effectiveness of South Korean artillery and damage dealt to North as asserted by JCS and NIS,[51] [52] [53] [54] with no signs of any North Korean rocket launchers being destroyed. Similarly, despite targeting the barracks, there were little signs that the underground facilities suffered significant damage.[55]

Political and financial impact

The South Korean government called the attack a "clear armed provocation." It suspended interchanges with the North, cancelling inter-Korean Red Cross talks and banning visits to the jointly operated Kaesong Industrial Region.

The main South Korean political parties condemned the North's attack. A spokesman for the ruling Grand National Party said: "It is impossible to hold our rage toward the North's shelling of the Yeonpyeong Island. North Korea must be held accountable for all the losses." The chairman of the opposition Democratic Party urged the North Koreans to "stop all provocation that threaten the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula". He called for "the two Koreas to begin talks to prevent the situation from worsening" and urged the government to protect the peace and safety of South Koreans.

On 25 November, South Korea's defense minister, Kim Tae-young, announced his resignation after he was criticized for leading a response to the incident considered too passive by members of both the ruling and opposition political parties.[56]

The North Korean news agency KCNA released a Korean People's Army communique stating that North Korea responded after the South had made a "reckless military provocation" by firing dozens of shells into North Korean territorial waters around Yeonpyeong Island from 13:00, as part of "war maneuvers". It warned that "should the South Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of the DPRK even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it."[4] The South Korean Deputy Minister of Defense acknowledged that South Korean artillery units had been carrying out live-fire exercises, but denied that the shots had crossed into the North Korean sea area.[57]

Four days after the shelling, North Korea's KCNA said about the death of civilians that, "[i]f that is true, it is very regrettable, [...] [b]ut the enemy should be held responsible for the incident as it took such inhuman action as creating 'a human shield' by deploying civilians around artillery positions and inside military facilities."[58]

The North Korean attack had a global impact on the financial markets. Several Asian currencies weakened against the euro and U.S. dollar, while at the same time Asian stock markets declined.[59] The impact of the shelling on the financial industry led South Korea's central bank, the Bank of Korea, to hold an emergency meeting to assess the impact of the fighting on the markets.[60]

Military responses

President Lee instructed the South Korean military to strike North Korea's missile base near its coastal artillery positions if there were an indication of further provocation.[61] Lee Hong-gi of the JCS told the media that the attack had been a "premeditated, intentional illegal violation of the U.N. Convention, the Armistice Agreement and the inter-Korean non-aggression accord. It is also an inhumane atrocity, in which [North Korea] indiscriminately fired shells into unarmed civilian residential areas." He said that the military had "strengthened our surveillance and monitoring to keep watch on North Korean military activities through close cooperation with the United States. We are closely cooperating to draw up joint response directions."[62]

On 24 November, the US aircraft carrier departed for joint exercises in the Yellow Sea with the Republic of Korea Navy, in part to deter further North Korean military action but also to "send a message"[63] to China.[64] [65]

On 28 November, South Korean news agency Yonhap News said that North Korea had readied surface-to-surface missiles as the United States and South Korea began military drills.[66]

On 21 December, South Korea carried out another live-fire artillery exercise into the same disputed waters just south of the NLL, despite diplomatic opposition from China and Russia.[28] [67]

One year after the event the South Korean military presence on the island had been substantially increased with the deployment of more K-9 howitzers, K-10 automatic ammunition re-supply vehicles, 130-millimeter, 36-round, truck-mounted Kooryong multiple rocket launchers and AH-1S Cobra attack helicopters. On 19 May 2013 the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that "dozens" of Spike NLOS missiles had been deployed on Baengnyeong Island and Yeonpyeong Island.[68]

Speculation on North Korean motives

North Korea's motives for the attack were unclear and were the subject of widespread speculation in the South and elsewhere. The North Korean Foreign Ministry stated the North Korean bombardment was retaliation due to South Korea's shelling into sea that North Korea claims as its territorial waters.[69] But some experts suggested that it was at least partly related to Kim Jong-un's appointment as the designated successor to Kim Jong-il, which is believed to have caused tensions within the North Korean leadership. Robert Kelly, an assistant professor at Pusan National University in South Korea, says that Seoul's increasing global stature may have provoked Pyongyang. "My primary guess is that this is a response to the recent international prestige taken by South Korea at the G20. The G20 highlighted North Korean backwardness in the same way that it highlighted that South Korea was a partner of this global elite organization, setting international rules and the North Koreans don't like this", he said.[70] It has also been suggested that the attack was linked to the North's need for food aid.[71]

The JoongAng Ilbo newspaper suggested that the attack had been ordered by Kim Jong-il himself. Kim and his son were reported to have visited the Kaemori artillery base, whence many of the North Korean shells were fired, the day before the attack. The Kims had visited a nearby fish farm on 22 November in the company of various senior military figures. According to a source quoted by the newspaper, "Firing artillery across the Northern Limit Line at sea is difficult without a direct order from Pyongyang’s highest authorities; firing inland would have been impossible without the will of Kim Jong-Il."[72] [73]

Robert Gates's account of incident

In 2014, Robert Gates, who was United States Secretary of Defense during the incident, wrote in his memoirs that the South Korean government planned a "disproportionately aggressive" military retaliation "involving both aircraft and artillery". Gates said he, US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had numerous telephone calls with South Korean counterparts to deescalate tension. Seoul declined to confirm Gates's version of events.[74]

International reactions

Images of the shelling were widely disseminated by media and across the internet.[75] The sight of burning houses and plumes of smoke prompted international reaction.[76]

The spokesman of Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi expressed concern in a press release and said that "Pakistan urges all concerned to exercise restraint and to resolve all issues peacefully".[109]

The Singaporean Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the incident, describing it as a "reckless and provocative action that dangerously heightened tensions in what was an already highly fraught and uncertain situation. [...] We urge both parties to exercise utmost restraint."[117]

See also


External links

Video links

Notes and References

  1. News: China calls for emergency talks amid Korea crisis. BBC News. 28 November 2010. 5 December 2010.
  2. News: Report: N. Korea fires on S. Korea, injuring at least 17 . CNN . 23 November 2010 . 2010-11-23.
  3. http://www.koreaherald.com/national/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20101123001048 N.K. artillery strikes S. Korean island
  4. News: KPA Supreme Command Issues Communique . . 23 November 2010 . 2010-11-24 . https://web.archive.org/web/20101127010627/http://www.kcna.co.jp/item/2010/201011/news23/20101123-19ee.html . 2010-11-27.
  5. News: Tensions high as North, South Korea trade shelling. 2010-11-24. Dawn. 24 November 2010.
  6. News: Richardson presents proposals to North Korea aimed at easing crisis. 2010-12-18. 18 December 2010. CNN.
  7. Ending naval clashes on the Northern Limit Line and the quest for a West Sea peace regime . Kotch . John Barry . Abbey, Michael . 2003 . Asian Perspectives . 27 . 2 . 175–204 . 10.1353/apr.2003.0024 . 2010-11-27 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20110725020759/http://www.asianperspective.org/articles/v27n2-f.pdf . 25 July 2011.
  8. Kim, Kwang-Tae. "After Exchange of Fire, N. Korea Threatens More Strikes on South," Time (US). 2010-11-23
  9. Ryoo, Moo Bong. (2009). "The Korean Armistice and the Islands," p. iii (OMB Form No. 0704-0188). Strategy research project at the U.S. Army War College. Retrieved 22 December 2010.
  10. News: Factbox: What is the Korean Northern Limit Line?. Reuters. 23 November 2010.
  11. Web site: The Maritime boundary between North & South Korea in the Yellow (West) Sea . Jon Van Dyke . . U.S.-Korea Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies . 29 July 2010 . 28 November 2010.
  12. Ryoo, p. 10; excerpt, The UNC stated in August 1999: "... the NLL issue was nonnegotiable, because the demarcation line had been recognized as the de facto maritime border for many years by both Koreas."
  13. Ryoo, p. 11; excerpt,
    "The NLL has served as an effective means of preventing military tension between North and South Korean military forces for 46 years. It serves as a practical demarcation line, which has contributed to the separation of forces." --1999. 6. 11, United Nations Command (Korea).
  14. News: NLL – Controversial Sea Border Between S.Korea, DPRK . South Korea and the UNC insisted at that time that the NLL was the de facto sea border and that it must be maintained until a new maritime MDL could be established through the Joint Military Commission on the armistice agreement . People's Daily . 21 November 2002 . 26 November 2010.
  15. Web site: Northern Limit Line (NLL) West Sea Naval Engagements . GlobalSecurity.org . 2010-11-23.
  16. News: North Korea says naval skirmish was 'planned provocation' by South . Blaine . Harden . . 12 November 2009 . 2010-11-23.
  17. News: Ryall . Julian . North Korea's investigation into sinking of Cheonan decries 'conspiratorial farce' . . 3 November 2010 . 2010-11-23 . London.
  18. Web site: North Korea – Construction of Nuclear Power Plant. . https://archive.today/20130122212451/http://www.eurasiareview.com/analysis/9787-north-korea-construction-of-nuclear-power-plant . dead . 2013-01-22 . Eurasia Review . 2010-11-20 .
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  20. Web site: VOANews "S. Korea Could Seek Deployment of US Tactical Nuclear Weapons" 22 November 2010 . Voice of America . 2010-11-24 . https://web.archive.org/web/20101125141401/http://www.voanews.com/english/news/South-Korea-Could-Seek-Deployment-of-US-Tactical-Nuclear-Weapons-109819069.html . 25 November 2010 . dead .
  21. Son, Won-je. "Experts cite succession and diplomatic pressure following artillery fire". The Hankyoreh, 2010-11-24
  22. News: US Marine won't participate in exercise in West Sea . 18 November 2010 . . Jung . Sung-ki . 2010-11-27.
  23. News: Military to kick off annual defense drill next week . YonHap News Agency . 16 November 2010 . 2010-11-27.
  24. Sang-ho, Song. "North Korea fires artillery into sea near western border ." The Korea Herald, 2010-11-23
  25. News: N. Korea fires artillery onto S. Korean island; 2 dead. 23 November 2010. 2010-11-25. Associated Press. USA Today. During the drills, South Korean marines on the island shot artillery toward southern waters, away from North Korea, the official said..
  26. News: South Korean military defends response to attack. Kim. Jack. Reuters. 25 November 2010. "North Korea argues that we fired at them first, but this is the direction that we fired," he said standing on the northern tip of the normally idyllic island of fishermen, pointing southwest, away from North Korea..
  27. Kim, Christine. "South thwarts even bigger attack". JoonAng Daily, 2010-11-25.
  28. News: Live fire drill for military's pride . . 21 December 2010. 23 December 2010.
  29. Maritime Claims Reference Manual – Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea) . 23 June 2005 . U.S. Department of Defense . DoD 2005.1-M . 14 March 2012 . https://web.archive.org/web/20120915174104/http://www.jag.navy.mil/organization/documents/mcrm/korea_north.pdf . 2012-09-15.
  30. http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/11/26/2010112600954.html Military Knew of N.Korean Artillery Move Before Attack
  31. http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/11/24/2010112400306.html Seoul Warns of 'Severe Punishment' Over N.Korean Attack
  32. https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/11/113_77022.html Extent of NK damage remains uncertain
  33. News: S.Korea 'Unlikely' to Have Damaged N.Korean Artillery Positions . . 2 December 2010 . https://web.archive.org/web/20101203084548/http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/12/01/2010120101038.html . 3 December 2010.
  34. Web site: - Vol. 1, No. 11 - November 2010. 2021-10-29. www.kpajournal.com. en.
  35. "North Korea shells southern island, two fatalities reported". JoonAng Daily, 2010-11-23.
  36. Kwon, Hyuk-chul. "President Lee has changed his position from controlled response to manifold retaliation". The Hankyoreh, 2010-11-24.
  37. "NK fires shells onto S. Korean island, kills 2 Marines". The Dong-a Ilbo, 2010-11-24.
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  43. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11827080 Two South Korean civilians 'died in attack by North'
  44. http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2010/11/24/38/0301000000AEN20101124012600315F.HTML Two civilians found dead on S. Korean island shelled by N. Korea
  45. http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=050000&biid=2010112539998 "Yeonpyeong residents continue evacuation of island"
  46. http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2928905 N. Korea fired thermobaric bombs
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  51. Web site: South Korean Defense Nominee Vows Airstrikes If North Attacks. Mark. McDonald. 3 December 2010. The New York Times.
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