Boethous Explained

In Greek mythology, Boethous or Boethos (βοηθὸς, βοηθός or βόηθος) was the Lacedaemonian son of the Pelopid Argeios from Pisa and princess Hegesandra, daughter of King Amyclas of Sparta.[1]


Boethoos was the brother of Melanion and Alector.[2] He was the father of Eteoneus,[3] the man who helped Odysseus to return home to Ithaca.


  1. [Scholia]
  2. Pherecydes, fr. 132 [=Fowler (2013), vol. 1, p. 345 & vol. 2, p. 438] listed the three siblings while in Scholia ad Homer, Odyssey 4.22 mentioned only Alector as his brother
  3. Homer, Odyssey 4.31 & 15.95