Monadofilosa Explained

Monadofilosa is a grouping of Cercozoa.[1] (It is sometimes considered one of three, the other two being Endomyxa and Reticulofilosa.)[2] These organisms are single-celled amoeboid protists.


Monadofilosa includes the testaceans, which are testate filose amoeboids, and the cercomonads.

It is sometimes described as Testaceafilosia and Sarcomonadea.[3]

It has also been described as Sarcomonadea (Cercomonas, Heteromita, Bodomorpha, Proleptomonas, Allantion), Thecofilosea (Cryptodifflugia, Cryothecomonas), Spongomonadea (Spongomonas, Rhipidodendron), and Imbricatea (Thaumatomonas, Thaumatomastix, Allas, Gyromitus, Euglypha, Trinema, Paulinella).[4]

Monadofilosa is sometimes treated as a superclass rather than a subphylum.

Sainouron has been grouped in Monadofilosa.[5]


Phylogeny based on Bass et al. 2009,[6] Howe et al. 2011 and Bass et al. 2016.[7]


Notes and References

  1. Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE . Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa) . Protist . 154 . 3–4 . 341–58 . October 2003 . 14658494 . 10.1078/143446103322454112.
  2. Ruggiero MA, Gordon DP, Orrell TM, Bailly N, Bourgoin T, Brusca RC, Cavalier-Smith T, Guiry MD, Kirk PM. April 29, 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLOS ONE. 10. 4. e0119248. 10.1371/journal.pone.0119248. free . 4418965. 25923521. 2015PLoSO..1019248R .
  3. Wylezich C, Meisterfeld R, Meisterfeld S, Schlegel M . Phylogenetic analyses of small subunit ribosomal RNA coding regions reveal a monophyletic lineage of euglyphid testate amoebae (Order Euglyphida) . J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. . 49 . 2 . 108–18 . 2002 . 12043958 . 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2002.tb00352.x. 33818305 .
  4. Web site: . 2009-06-26 . . 2011-07-16 . dead .
  5. Cavalier-Smith T, Lewis R, Chao EE, Oates B, Bass D . Morphology and phylogeny of Sainouron acronematica sp. n. and the ultrastructural unity of Cercozoa . Protist . 159 . 4 . 591–620 . October 2008 . 18583188 . 10.1016/j.protis.2008.04.002 .
  6. Bass D, Chao EE, Nikolaev S . Phylogeny of Novel Naked Filose and Reticulose Cercozoa: Granofilosea cl. n. and Proteomyxidea Revised . Protist . 160 . 1 . 75–109 . February 2009 . 18952499 . 10.1016/j.protis.2008.07.002 . etal.
  7. Bass . Coprophilic amoebae and flagellates, including Guttulinopsis, Rosculus and Helkesimastix, characterise a divergent and diverse rhizarian radiation and contribute to a large diversity of faecal-associated protists. Environmental Microbiology . 18 . 5 . 1604–1619 . 2016. 26914587. 10.1111/1462-2920.13235 . 2016EnvMi..18.1604B . etal.
  8. Cavalier-Smith . Thomas. 5 September 2017 . Kingdom Chromista and its eight phyla: a new synthesis emphasising periplastid protein targeting, cytoskeletal and periplastid evolution, and ancient divergences . Protoplasma . 255. 1. 297–357 . 10.1007/s00709-017-1147-3. 28875267. 5756292.