Binary cyclic group explained

In mathematics, the binary cyclic group of the n-gon is the cyclic group of order 2n,


, thought of as an extension of the cyclic group


by a cyclic group of order 2. Coxeter writes the binary cyclic group with angle-brackets, ⟨n⟩, and the index 2 subgroup as (n) or [''n'']+.

It is the binary polyhedral group corresponding to the cyclic group.[1]

In terms of binary polyhedral groups, the binary cyclic group is the preimage of the cyclic group of rotations (


) under the 2:1 covering homomorphism


of the special orthogonal group by the spin group.

As a subgroup of the spin group, the binary cyclic group can be described concretely as a discrete subgroup of the unit quaternions, under the isomorphism


where Sp(1) is the multiplicative group of unit quaternions. (For a description of this homomorphism see the article on quaternions and spatial rotations.)


The binary cyclic group can be defined as the set of


th roots of unity—that is, the set


, where






using multiplication as the group operation.

See also

Notes and References

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