Bilaspur is a village in Umaria district, Madhya Pradesh, India. Bilaspur is covered under Anuppur Assembly constituency at state level and Shahdol parliamentary constituency at national level.Bilaspur village is a gram panchayat as per the 2011 Census of India. The village has 250 houses with a population of 1,118 members consisting of 561 males and 557 females. Male literacy is 57.4% and female literacy is 40.04% making an average of 48.75%. Bilaspur is headed by a sarpanch who is elected through local elections.
Bilaspur is in Umaria District[1] [2] and is . It is about north of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
Bilaspur is dependent on the nearest town Anuppur located away for major economic activities.
Bilaspur is well connected by public and private buses from nearest towns and the nearest railway station is away.