Best Secret GmbH explained

Best Secret GmbH
Hq Location City:Aschheim (Dornach), Munich (district), Upper Bavaria
Hq Location Country:Germany
Areas Served:-->
Key People:Managing Directors: Dr. Moritz Hahn, Claudius Peleskei, Dr. Andreas Reichhart, Ralph Goedecke
Num Employees:1400-1600
Parent:Schustermann & Borenstein GmbH

The Best Secret GmbH, a subsidiary of Schustermann & Borenstein GmbH, is an e-commerce company for designer merchandise based in Dornach (near Munich), Germany.[1] Best Secret functions as a closed shopping community.


The beginning of Schustermann & Borenstein date back to 1924. The traditional family-run business is run by the third generation. Best Secret was founded as a subsidiary of Schustermann & Borenstein in 2007 to create an online presence.[2] [3]

Business Model

Best Secret's works as a closed shopping community. This means that the offers are only available to registered members and these members have access to a selection of permanently reduced designer merchandise.[4] In order to maintain this pricing policy and yet protect the exclusivity of the brands, access to the online store is limited to 250,000 members.[5] [6] [7] A prospective user must be recommended by an existing member to gain access. However, the COO, Marian Schikora, will review any new recommendation to ensure that the total number of members is kept low (for example, only a limited number of people per region can become members).


The company is active in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Bulgaria and Romania.[8] In addition, Best Secret GmbH acquired the Swiss online fashion retailer FashionFriends on April 1, 2016.[9] [10]


In 2012, Schustermann & Borenstein sold two-thirds of its shares to Axa Private Equity Group (now Ardian), which included shares in Best Secret GmbH.[11] The remaining shares remained family-owned by Daniel Schustermann, Emil Schustermann, Benno Borenstein and Daniel Borenstein, who continue to run the operating business.

In 2016, Ardian sold the Schustermann & Borenstein and BestSecret company shares to Permira. The enterprise value lay approximately between 700 and 750 million euro.[12] [13] [14]

In 2020, Moritz Hahn (former SVP at Zalando) joined Best Secret as a Co-CEO of the company.

Logistics Locations

Best Secret warehouse moved to a new central warehouse in Poing near Munich in 2015. The size of the facility is 28,800 square metres and has a capacity of up to 4 million items of clothing.[15]

Development Locations

Best Secret development centres are located in Granada and Munich.

Cargo Container Hardwood Beetle Incident

In 2016, there was one incident in which nine employees were injured and another 51 had to seek medical treatment.[16] The cause was traced back to two containers from China, which were provided with means that were intended to prevent the import of Asian longhorn beetle.[17] Employees complained of airborne contaminants that caused irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract. The product in question was returned. The warehouse was put back into service the following day. Daniel Schustermann promised to introduce stricter security measures in the future to protect employees.


2nd Place for Shopping Club in Online Retail – Test Bild Beste Service-Qualität 2017/18 [18]

Notes and References

  1. News: Morning Briefing: Amazon, Schlecker, Shoedazzle, Neverhill, BestSecret, ECC, Tengelmann, Karl-Erivan Haub, Tesco. Kolbrück. O. 2012. 2018-03-23. de.
  2. News: Unternehmen: Shopping-Club BestSecret erweitert Angebot. Platen. R.. 2010. 2018-03-23. en.
  3. News: Morning Briefing: Homejoy wird beerdigt und Google mischt mit, Amazon, Rewe, Rocket Internet, Fressnapf, Etsy, Chrono24, BestSecret, Tolino, Amazon fresh, Rewe, Beme. Kolbrück. O.. 2015. 2018-03-23. de.
  4. News: BestSecret. Vogue Germany. 2018-03-23. de.
  5. Web site: Exciting Commerce: BestSecret: Der Geheimnisvollste unter den Shoppingclubs. Krisch. J.. 2008. 2018-03-23.
  6. News: holt Axa ins Boot - Finanzinvestor zahlt 200 Millionen Euro für den Einstieg - Hüsing. A. 2012-08-07. 2018-03-23. de-DE.
  7. News: Shopping-Clubs: Geschlossene Gesellschaft?. Goetz. S. 2014. Marketing ADZINE - Magazin für Online. 2018-03-23. de.
  8. News: Exchanges #136: Vente-Privée und Bestsecret im Shoppingfieber. Weiß. M. 2016-04-25. Exciting Commerce. 2018-03-23. de-DE.
  9. News: Schustermann & Borenstein übernimmt FashionFriends. Tamedia. 2016. 2018-03-23. de.
  10. News: Bestsecret übernimmt Fashionfriends in der Schweiz. Krisch. J. 2016-04-01. Exciting Commerce. 2018-03-23. de-DE.
  11. News: 200 Millionen Euro für BestSecret und Co. Räth. M. 2012-08-07. Gründerszene Magazin. 2018-03-23. de.
  12. News: Permira kauft Schustermann & Borenstein von Ardian. Habdank. P. 2016. 2018-03-23. de.
  13. News: Bestsecret: Schustermann & Borenstein geht an Permira. Krisch. J. 2016-10-25. Exciting Commerce. 2018-03-23. de-DE.
  14. News: Permira kauft Schustermann & Borenstein. Blaazer. Esmee. 2016. 2018-03-23. de-de.
  15. News: Geheimnis enthüllt: Einblicke in das neue "Best Secret"-Lager. Rösl. A. 2015-11-19. 2018-03-23. de.
  16. News: Großalarm bei Schustermann & Borenstein. 2016-03-15. 2018-03-23. de.
  17. News: Wegen Frachtcontainer aus China: Großalarm bei "Best Secret". Rösl. A. 2016-03-15. 2018-03-23. de.
  18. Web site: Wer hat den besten Service Deutschlands?. 2017. Computer Bild.