Bermuda Grace is a 1994 American television film directed by Mark Sobel. A comedy thriller, it stars William Sadler and David Harewood. This buddy cop comedy was also considered a backdoor pilot for potential series, however the high production cost of an ongoing series in Bermuda made that impossible.[1] It also featured Serena Scott Thomas, Andrew Jackson, Leslie Phillips and Cliff Parisi. The film was written and produced by William Davies and William Osborne, writers of the feature film Twins.
A Philadelphia policeman and a British policeman jointly hunt a jewel thief to the Atlantic island of Bermuda.
The film was shot on location in Bermuda.[2] [3]
The film was found "short on suspense, originality and zip"[4] [5] by Variety, but a Bermuda travel guide calls it ”a charming ode to modern-day Bermuda and its people. "[6]