Battle of the Bulge order of battle explained

The Ardennes Counteroffensive, commonly known as the Battle of the Bulge, was a massive military operation undertaken by Nazi Germany in southern Belgium and northern Luxembourg which lasted from 16 December 1944 until 25 January 1945. The intent of the offensive was to split the ground forces of the Western Allies from each other and encourage them to make peace with Germany, leaving all of Germany's military might to fight off the resurgent USSR.

The operation was conceived entirely by German head of state and armed forces chief Adolf Hitler. The plan was vigorously opposed by the two ranking generals who would oversee the assault, who saw only a waste of men and material with little chance of success. The Führer dismissed all objections, convinced that the elite German forces would roll over the war-weary and/or inexperienced American formations in the Ardennes Forest and drive all the way to the English Channel port of Antwerp.

In order to mislead any Allied intelligence personnel who might discover the plan, it was given the defensive sounding name Wacht am Rhein, meaning "watch on the Rhine".

The order of battle presented here reflects a point near the end of the campaign. As with any large army organization in extended combat, forces and their assignments shifted over the course of the battle. For example, when the German attack began on 16 December, the US 7th Armored Division was assigned to XIII Corps, US Ninth Army, 12th Army Group. Later that day, its alignment became VIII Corps, US First Army, 12th Army Group. On 20 December, the alignment switched to XVIII Corps, US First Army, 12th Army Group — and later that day to XVIII Corps, US First Army, 21st Army Group. On 18 January 1945, the alignment changed one last time, to XVIII Corps, US First Army, 12th Army Group — as it is given in the following hierarchy. This OOB — specifically, at a point near the end of the battle, which lasted from 16 December 1944 until 25 January 1945.

See for Allied and German Orders of Battle: December 1944 & January 1945: (Tucker-Jones pp 263–287)

High-level orders of battle


Oberbefehlshaber West
Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt

Heeresgruppe B
Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model

Armies deployed North to South:

Sixth Panzer Army (Northern Sector)

Oberstgruppenführer der Waffen SS Josef "Sepp" Dietrich

I SS Panzer Corps (SS-Gruppenführer Hermann Priess)

II SS Panzer Corps (SS-Obergruppenführer Willi Bittrich)

LXVII Corps (Generalleutnant Otto Hitzfeld)

Fifth Panzer Army (Central Sector)

General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel

XXXIX Panzer Corps (General der Panzertruppe Karl Decker)

XLVII Panzer Corps (General der Panzertruppen Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz)

LVIII Panzer Corps (General der Panzertruppen Walter Krüger)

LXVI Corps (General der Artillerie Walter Lucht)

Seventh Army (Southern Sector)

General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger

LIII Corps (General der Kavallerie Edwin von Rothkirch)

LXXX Corps (General der Infanterie Franz Beyer)

LXXXV Corps (General der Infanterie Baptist Kniess)


Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces
General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower

Armies deployed North to South:

21st Army Group

Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery

UK XXX Corps (Lt-Gen. Brian G. Horrocks)

12th Army Group

Lieutenant General Omar N. Bradley

US First Army (Lieut. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges)

V Corps (Maj. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow)

VII Corps (Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins)

XVIII Airborne Corps (Maj. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway)

US Third Army (Lieut. Gen. George S. Patton Jr.)

III Corps (Maj. Gen. John Millikin)

VIII Corps (Maj. Gen. Troy H. Middleton)

XII Corps (Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy)

Allied air forces

US Strategic Air Forces in Europe (General Carl Spaatz)

US Eighth Air Force (Strategic) (Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle)

US Ninth Air Force (Tactical) (Lt. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg)

Royal Air Force

Bomber Command (Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris)

Fighter Command (Air Marshal Sir Roderic Hill)

Second Tactical Air Force (Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham)

Axis forces

Sixth Panzer Army (Northern Sector)

See main article: Sixth Panzer Army. Oberstgruppenführer der Waffen SS Josef "Sepp" Dietrich

Army-level units

683rd Heavy Antitank Battalion

217th Assault Panzer Battalion

394th, 667th, and 902nd Assault Gun Battalions

741st Antitank Battalion

1098th, 1110th, and 1120th Heavy Howitzer Batteries

428th Heavy Mortar Battery

1123rd K-3 Battery

2nd Flak Division (41st and 43rd Regiments)

von der Heydte Fallschirmjager Battalion

4th Todt Brigade


Generalleutnant Otto Hitzfeld
Units involved in the initial assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

17th Volkswerfer Brigade (88th and 89th Werfer Regiments)

405th Volksartillerie Corps

1001st Heavy Assault Gun Company

3rd Panzergrenadier Division

Generalmajor Walter Denkert

8th and 29th Panzergrenadier Regiments

103rd Panzer Battalion

3rd Artillery Regiment

103rd Recon Battalion

3rd Antitank Battalion

3rd Engineer Battalion

3rd Flak Battalion

3rd Signals Battalion

246th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Peter Körte

352nd, 404th, and 689th VG Regiments

246th Artillery Regiment

246th Antitank Battalion

246th Engineer Battalion

246th Signals Battalion

272nd Volksgrenadier Division

Generalmajor Eugen König

980th, 981st, and 982nd Volksgrenadier Regiments

272nd Artillery Regiment

272nd Antitank Battalion

272nd Engineer Battalion

272nd Signals Battalion

326th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Erwin Kaschner

751st, 752nd, and 753rd Volksgrenadier Regiments

326th Artillery Regiment

326th Antitank Battalion

326th Engineer Battalion

326th Signals Battalion

I SS Panzer Corps

See main article: I SS Panzer Corps. SS-Gruppenführer Hermann Prieß
Units involved in the initial assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

4th Volkswerfer Brigade (51st and 53rd Werfer Regiments)

9th Volkswerfer Brigade (14th and 54th Werfer Regiments)

388th Volksartillerie Corps

402nd Volksartillerie Corps

501st SS-Artillery Battalion

501st SS-Artillery Observation Battalion

1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolph Hitler

SS Oberführer Wilhelm Mohnke

1st SS Panzer Regiment

1st and 2nd SS Panzergrenadier Regiments

1st SS Artillery Regiment

1st SS Recon Battalion

1st SS Antitank Battalion

1st SS Engineer Battalion

1st SS Flak Battalion

1st SS Signals Battalion

501st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion (attached)

84th Luftwaffe Flak Battalion (attached)

3rd Fallschirmjäger Division

Generalmajor Walther Wadehn

5th, 8th, and 9th Parachute Infantry Regiments

3rd Artillery Regiment

3rd Recon Battalion

3rd Antitank Battalion

3rd Engineer Battalion

3rd Signals battalion

12th SS Panzer Division Hitler Jugend

SS Standartenführer Hugo Kraas

12th SS Panzer Regiment

25th and 26th SS Panzergrenadier Regiments

12th SS Artillery Regiment

12th SS Recon Battalion

12th SS Antitank Battalion

12th SS Engineer Battalion

12th SS Flak Battalion

560th Heavy Antitank Battalion (attached)

12th Volksgrenadier Division

Generalmajor Gerhard Engel

27th Fusilier and 48th and 89th Volksgrenadier Regiments

12th Artillery Regiment

12th Antitank Battalion

12th Fusilier Battalion

12th Engineer Battalion

12th Signals Battalion

277th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Wilhelm Viebig

289th, 990th, and 991st Volksgrenadier Regiments

277th Artillery Regiment

277th Antitank Battalion

277th Engineer Battalion

277th Signals Battalion

150th Panzer Brigade

Obersturmbannführer der Waffen SS Otto Skorzeny

Two Panzer companies

Two Panzergrenadier companies

Two antitank companies

A heavy mortar battalion (two batteries)

600th SS Parachute Battalion Kampfgruppe 200 (Luftwaffe ground unit)

An anti-partisan company

II SS Panzer Corps

See main article: II SS Panzer Corps. SS Obergruppenführer Willi Bittrich

Corps-level units

410th Volksartillerie Corps

502nd SS Heavy Artillery Battalion

502nd SS Artillery Observation Battalion

2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich

SS Brigadeführer Heinz Lammerding

2nd SS Panzer Regiment

3rd and 4th SS Panzergrenadier Regiments

2nd SS Artillery Regiment

2nd SS Recon Battalion

2nd SS Engineer Battalion

2nd SS Flak Battalion

2nd SS Signals Battalion

9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen

SS Oberführer Sylvester Stadler

9th SS Panzer Regiment

19th and 20th SS Panzergrenadier Regiments

9th SS Artillery Regiment

9th SS Recon Battalion

9th SS Antitank Battalion

9th SS Engineer Battalion

9th SS Flak Battalion

9th SS Signals Battalion

519th Heavy Antitank Battalion (attached)

Fifth Panzer Army (Central Sector)

See main article: Fifth Panzer Army. General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel

Army-level units

19th Flak Brigade

207th and 600th Engineer Battalions

653rd Heavy Panzerjäger Battalion

669th Ost (East) Battalion

638th, 1094th, and 1095th Heavy Artillery Batteries

25th/975th Fortress Artillery Battery

1099th, 1119th, and 1121st Heavy Mortar Batteries

3rd Todt Brigade (paramilitary engineers)

LXVI Corps

General der Artillerie Walter Lucht

Corps-level units

16th Volkswerfer Brigade (86th and 87th Werfer Regiments)

244th Assault Gun Brigade

460th Heavy Artillery Battalion

18th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Günther Hoffmann-Schönborn

293rd, 294th, and 295th Volksgrenadier Regiments

1818th Artillery Regiment

1818th Antitank Battalion

1818th Engineer Battalion

1818th Signals Battalion

62nd Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Friedrich Kittel

164th, 193rd, and 190th Volksgrenadier Regiments

162nd Artillery Regiment

162nd Antitank Battalion

162nd Engineer Battalion

162nd Signals Battalion

LVIII Panzer Corps

See main article: LVIII Panzer Corps. General der Panzertruppen Walter Krüger

Corps-level units

7th Volkswerfer Brigade (84th and 85th Werfer Regiments)

401st Volksartillerie Corps

1st Flak Regiment

116th Panzer Division

Generalmajor Siegfried von Waldenburg

16th Panzer Regiment

60th and 156th Panzergrenadier Regiments

146th Artillery Regiment

116th Armored Recon Battalion

226th Antitank Battalion

675th Engineer Battalion

281st Flak Battalion

560th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Rudolf Langhauser

1128th, 1129th, and 1130th Volksgrenadier Regiments

1560th Artillery Regiment

1560th Antitank Battalion

1560th Engineer Battalion

1560th Signals Battalion

XLVII Panzer Corps

See main article: XLVII Panzer Corps (Germany). General der Panzertruppen Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz

Corps-level units

15th Volkswerfer Brigade

182nd Flak Regiment

766th Volksartillerie Corps

2nd Panzer Division

Oberst Meinrad von Lauchert

3rd Panzer Regiment

2nd and 304th Panzergrenadier Regiments

74th Artillery Regiment

2nd Recon Battalion

38th Antitank Battalion

38th Engineer Battalion

273rd Flak Battalion

38th Signals Battalion

9th Panzer Division

Generalmajor Harald Freiherr von Elverfeldt

33rd Panzer Regiment

10th and 11th Panzergrenadier Regiments

102nd Artillery Regiment

9th Recon Battalion

50th Antitank Battalion

86th Engineer Battalion

287th Flak Battalion

81st Signals Battalion

301st Heavy Panzer Battalion (attached)


Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein

130th Panzer Regiment

901st and 902nd Panzergrenadier Regiments

130th Artillery Regiment

130th Recon Battalion

130th Antitank Battalion

130th Engineer Battalion

311th Flak Battalion

559th Antitank Battalion (attached)

243rd Assault Gun Brigade (attached)

26th Volksgrenadier Division

Generalmajor Heinz Kokott

39th Fusilier and 77th and 78th Volksgrenadier Regiments

26th Artillery Regiment

26th Recon Battalion

26th Antitank Battalion

26th Engineer Battalion

26th Signals Battalion

Führer Begleit Brigade

Oberst Otto Remer

102nd Panzer Battalion

100th Panzergrenadier Regiment

120th Artillery Regiment

120th Recon Battalion

120th Engineer Battalion

828th Grenadier Battalion

673rd Antitank Battalion

XXXIX Panzer Corps

See main article: XXXIX Panzer Corps (Germany). Generalleutnant Karl Decker

167th Volksgrenadier Division

Generalleutnant Hanskurt Höcker

331st, 339th, 387th Volksgrenadier Regiments

167th Artillery Regiment

167th Antitank Battalion

167th Engineer Battalion

167th Signals Battalion

Seventh Army (Southern Sector)

See main article: 7th Army (Wehrmacht). General der Panzertruppen Erich Brandenberger

Army-level units

657th and 668th Heavy Antitank Battalions

501st Fortress Antitank Battalion

47th Engineer Battalion

1092nd, 1093rd, 1124th, and 1125th Heavy Howitzer Batteries

660th Heavy Artillery Battery

1029th, 1039th, and 1122nd Heavy Mortar Batteries

999th Penal Battalion

44th Machine Gun Battalion

15th Flak Regiment

1st Todt Brigade


General der Infanterie Baptist Knieß

Corps-level units

406th Volksartillerie Corps

18th Volkswerfer Brigade (21st and 22nd Werfer Regiments)

5th Fallschirmjäger Division

Generalmajor Ludwig Heilmann

13th, 14th, and 15th Parachute Infantry Regiments

5th Artillery Regiment

5th Recon Battalion

5th Engineer Battalion

5th Flak Battalion

11th Assault Gun Brigade

352nd Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Erich-Otto Schmidt

914th, 915th, and 916th Volksgrenadier Regiments

352nd Artillery Regiment

352nd Antitank Battalion

352nd Engineer Battalion

352nd Signals Battalion

79th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Alois Weber

208th, 212th, and 226th Volksgrenadier Regiments

179th Artillery Regiments

179th Antitank Battalion

179th Engineer Battalion

179th Signals Battalion

LXXX Corps

General der Infanterie Franz Beyer

Corps-level units

408th Volksartillerie Corps

8th Volkswerfer Brigade

2nd and Lehr Werfer Regiments

212th Volksgrenadier Division

Generalmajor Franz Sensfuß

316th, 320th, and 423rd VG Regiments

212th Artillery Regiment

212th Antitank Battalion

212th Engineer Battalion

212th Signals Battalion

276th Volksgrenadier Division

Generalmajor Kurt Möhring

986th, 987th, and 988th VG Regiments

276th Artillery Regiment

276th Antitank Battalion

276th Engineer Battalion

276th Signals Battalion

340th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Theodor Tolsdorff

694th, 695th, and 696th VG Regiments

340th Artillery Regiment

340th Antitank Battalion

340th Engineer Battalion

340th Signals Battalion

LIII Corps

See main article: LIII Army Corps (Wehrmacht). General der Kavallerie Edwin von Rothkirch

9th Volksgrenadier Division

Oberst Werner Kolb

36th, 57th, and 116th VG Regiments

9th Artillery Regiment

9th Antitank Battalion

9th Engineer Battalion

9th Signals Battalion

15th Panzergrenadier Division

Oberst Hans Joachim Deckert

104th and 115th Pzgr Regiments

115th Panzer Battalion

115th Artillery Regiment

115th Recon Battalion

33rd Antitank Battalion

33rd Engineer Battalion

33rd Flak Battalion

33rd Signals Battalion

Führer Grenadier Brigade

Oberst Hans-Joachim Kahler

99th Pzgr Regiment

101st Panzer Battalion

911th Assault Gun Brigade

124th Antitank Battalion

124th Engineer Battalion

124th Flak Battalion

124th Artillery Regiment


II Fighter Corps

Generalmajor Dietrich Peltz

III Flak Corps

Generalleutnant Wolfgang Pickert

Allied Forces

Armies deployed north to south

Allied 21st Army Group

See main article: 21st Army Group. Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery

XXX Corps

See main article: XXX Corps (United Kingdom). Lt-Gen. Brian G. Horrocks

2nd Household Cavalry Regiment

11th Hussars

4th Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery

5th Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery

73rd Antitank Regiment, Royal Artillery

7th, 64th, and 84th Medium Regiments, Royal Artillery

27th Light AA Regiment, Royal Artillery

6th Airborne Division

Maj-Gen. Eric Bols

3rd Parachute Brigade

8th (Midlands) Parachute Battalion

9th (Eastern and Home Counties) Parachute Battalion

1st Canadian Parachute Battalion

5th Parachute Brigade

7th (Light Infantry) Parachute Battalion

12th (Yorkshire) Parachute Battalion

13th (Lancashire) Parachute Battalion

6th Airlanding Brigade

12th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment

2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

1st Battalion, Royal Ulster Rifles

53rd Light Regiment, Royal Artillery

3rd and 4th Airlanding Anti-Tank Batteries, Royal Artillery

6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps

249th Airborne Field Company Royal Engineers

3rd, 591st Parachute Squadrons Royal Engineers

3rd, 9th Airborne Squadrons Royal Engineers

286th Airborne Field Park Company Royal Engineers

6th Airborne Divisional Signals Company Royal Signals

22nd Independent Parachute Company Army Air Corps

51st (Highland) Infantry Division

Maj-Gen. G T.G. Rennie

152nd Infantry Brigade

2nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders

5th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders

5th Battalion, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

153rd Infantry Brigade

5th Battalion, Black Watch

1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders

5/7th Battalion, Gordon Highlanders

154th Infantry Brigade

1st Battalion, Black Watch

7th Battalion, Black Watch

7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

126th, 127th, and 128th Field Regiments, Royal Artillery

2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry

61st Antitank Regiment, Royal Artillery

40th Light AA Regiment, Royal Artillery

274th, 275th, and 276th Field Companies Royal Engineers

239th Field Park Company Royal Engineers

16th Bridging Platoon Royal Engineers

51st Divisional Signals Company Royal Signals

1/7th Machine Gun Battalion Middlesex Regiment

53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division

Maj-Gen. Robert Knox Ross

71st Infantry Brigade

1st Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry

1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry

4th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers

158th Infantry Brigade

7th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers

1/5th Battalion, Welch Regiment

1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment

160th Infantry Brigade

2nd Battalion, Monmouthshire Regiment

1/5th Battalion, Welch Regiment

6th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers

81st, 83rd, and 133rd Field Regiments, Royal Artillery

53rd Recce Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps

71st Antitank Regiment, Royal Artillery

25th Light AA Regiment, Royal Artillery

244th, 282nd, and 555th Field Companies Royal Engineers

285th Field Park Company Royal Engineers

22nd Bridging Platoon Royal Engineers

53rd Divisional Signals Company Royal Signals

1st Machine Gun Battalion Manchester Regiment

29th Armoured Brigade

Brig. C.B.C Harvey

23rd Hussars

3rd Royal Tank Regiment

2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry

8th Battalion, Rifle Brigade

33rd Armoured Brigade

Brig. H.B. Scott

144th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps

1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry

1st East Riding Yeomanry

34th Army Tank Brigade

Brig. G W.S. Clarke

9th Royal Tank Regiment

107th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps

147th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps

Corps Reserve

Guards Armoured Division

Maj.-Gen. Allan Henry Shafto Adair

5th Guards Armoured Brigade

2nd Battalion, Grenadier Guards

1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards

2nd Battalion, Irish Guards

1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards (Mechanized)

32nd Guards Brigade

5th Battalion, Coldstream Guards

3rd Battalion, Irish Guards

1st Battalion, Welsh Guards

2nd Battalion, Welsh Guards (Recce)

14th Field Company, Royal Engineers

615th Field Company, Royal Engineers

53rd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

153rd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

21st Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery

94th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery

43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division

Maj-Gen. Ivor Thomas

129th Infantry Brigade

4th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry

4th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment

5th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment

130th Infantry Brigade

7th Battalion, Hampshire Regiment

4th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment

5th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment

214th Infantry Brigade

7th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry

1st Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment

5th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

8th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment (Vickers Machine Gunners)

43rd Reconnaissance Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps

94th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

112th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

179th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

59th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery

13th Bridging Platoon, Royal Engineers

204th Field Company, Royal Engineers

207th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers (from Bath, Somerset).

260th Field Company, Royal Engineers (from Chippenham, Wiltshire).

553rd Field Company, Royal Engineers

54th Company, RASC

504th Company, RASC

505th Company, RASC

506th Divisional Company, RASC

110th Light Anti Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery

50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division

Maj-Gen. Douglas Alexander Graham

69th Infantry Brigade

5th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment

6th Battalion, Green Howards

7th Battalion, Green Howards

151st Infantry Brigade

6th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry

8th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry

9th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry

231st Infantry Brigade

1st Battalion, Hampshire Regiment

1st Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment

1st/7th Battalion, Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment)

2nd Battalion, Cheshire Regiment

74th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

90th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

124th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery

102nd Anti-Tank Regiment (Northumberland Hussars), Royal Artillery

25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery

233rd Field Company, Royal Engineers

501st Field Company, Royal Engineers

505th Field Company, Royal Engineers

235th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers

Allied 12th Army Group

See main article: 12th Army Group. Lieutenant General Omar N. Bradley

US First Army

See main article: First United States Army. Lieutenant General Courtney H. Hodges

5th Belgian Fusilier Battalion

143rd and 413th AA Gun Battalions

526th Armored Infantry Battalion

99th Infantry Battalion (Norwegian-Americans)

V Corps

See main article: V Corps (United States). Major General Leonard T. Gerow
Units that absorbed the initial German assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

56th Signal Battalion

102nd Cavalry Group, Mechanized♦

38th and 102nd Cavalry Recon Squadrons (attached)

613th TD Battalion

186th, 196th, 200th, and 955th FA Battalions

254th Engineer Combat Battalion

187th FA Group (751st and 997th FA Battalions)

190th FA Group (62nd, 190th, 272nd, and 268th FA Battalions)

406th FA Group (76th, 941st, 953rd, and 987th FA Battalions)

1111th Engineer Combat Group (51st, 202nd, 291st, and 296th Engineer Combat Battalions)

1121st Engineer Combat Group (146th, 254th Engineer Combat Battalions)

1195th Engineer Combat Group

134th, 387th, 445th, 460th, 461st, 531st, 602nd, 639th, and 863rd AAA AW Battalions

1st Infantry ("Big Red One") Division

Brigadier General Clift Andrus

16th, 18th and 26th Infantry Regiments

5th, 7th, 32nd, and 33rd FA Battalions

1st Engineer Combat Battalion

745th Tank Battalion

634th and 703rd TD Battalions

103rd AAA AW Battalion

2nd Infantry ("Indianhead") Division

Major General Walter M. Robertson

9th♦, 23rd♦, and 38th♦ Infantry Regiments

12th, 15th, 37th, and 38th FA Battalions

2nd Engineer Combat Battalion

741st Tank Battalion

612th and 644th TD Battalions

462nd AAA AW Battalion

9th Infantry ("Old Reliables") Division

Major General Louis A. Craig

39th, 47th, and 60th Infantry Regiments

26th, 34th, 60th, and 84th FA Battalions

15th Engineer Combat Battalion

38th Cavalry Recon Squadron

746th Tank Battalion

376th and 413th AAA AW Battalions

78th Infantry ("Lightning") Division

Major General Edwin P. Parker Jr.

309th, 310th, and 311th Infantry Regiments

307th, 308th, 309th, and 903rd FA Battalions

303rd Engineer Combat Battalion

709th Tank Battalion

628th and 893rd TD Battalions

552nd AAA AW Battalion

CCR, 5th Armored Division (attached)

2nd Ranger Battalion (attached)

99th Infantry ("Checkerboard") Division

Major General Walter E. Lauer

393rd♦, 394th♦, and 395th♦ Infantry Regiments

370th, 371st, 372nd, and 924th FA Battalions

324th Engineer Combat Battalion

801st TD Battalion

535th AAA AW Battalion

VII Corps

See main article: VII Corps (United States). Major General J. Lawton Collins
Units that absorbed the initial German assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

4th Cavalry Group, Mechanized

29th Infantry Regiment

Two French Light Infantry Battalions

509th Parachute Infantry Battalion

298th Engineer Combat Battalion

740th Tank Battalion

18th FA Group (188th, 666th, and 981st FA Battalions)

142nd FA Group (195th and 266th FA Battalions)

188th FA Group (172nd, 951st, and 980th FA Battalions)

342nd, 366th, 392nd♦, 1308th, and 1313th Engineer General Service Regiments

18th, 83rd, 87th, 183rd, 193rd, 957th, and 991st FA Battalions

2nd Armored ("Hell on Wheels") Division

Major General Ernest N. Harmon

41st Armored Infantry Regiment

66th and 67th Armored Regiments

14th, 78th, and 92nd Armored FA Battalions

17th Armored Engineer Battalion

82nd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion

702nd Tank Destroyer Battalion

195th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

142nd Armored Signal Company

3rd Armored ("Spearhead") Division

Major General Maurice Rose

36th Armored Infantry Regiment

32nd and 33rd Armored Regiments

54th, 67th, and 391st Armored FA Battalions

23rd Armored Engineer Battalion

83rd Armored Recon Squadron

643rd and 703rd TD Battalions

486th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

143rd Armored Signal Company

83rd Infantry ("Ohio") Division

Major General Robert C. Macon

329th, 330th, and 331st Infantry Regiments

322nd, 323rd, 324th, and 908th FA Battalions

308th Engineer Combat Battalion

453rd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

774th Tank Battalion

772nd Tank Destroyer Battalion

84th Infantry ("Railsplitters") Division

Brigadier General Alexander R. Bolling

333rd, 334th, and 335th Infantry Regiments

325th, 326th, 327th, and 909th FA Battalions

309th Engineer Combat Battalion

701st Tank Battalion, replaced by 771st Tank Battalion on 20 December

638th Tank Destroyer Battalion

557th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

XVIII Airborne Corps

See main article: XVIII Airborne Corps (United States). Major General Matthew B. Ridgway
Units that absorbed the initial German assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

14th Cavalry Group, Mechanized♦

254th, 275th, 400th, and 460th FA Battalions

79th FA Group (153rd, 551st, and 552nd FA Battalions)

179th FA Group (259th and 965th FA Battalions)

211th FA Group (240th and 264th FA Battalions)

401st FA Group (187th and 809th FA Battalions)

7th Armored ("Lucky Seventh") Division

Brigadier General Robert W. Hasbrouck

23rd, 38th, and 48th Armored Infantry Battalions

17th, 31st, and 40th Tank Battalions

434th, 440th, and 489th Armored FA Battalions

33rd Armored Engineer Battalion

87th Cavalry Recon Squadron, Mech.

814th Tank Destroyer Battalion

820th Tank Destroyer Battalion (attached 25–30 December)

203rd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

147th Armored Signal Company

30th Infantry ("Old Hickory") Division

Major General Leland S. Hobbs

117th, 119th, and 120th Infantry Regiments

113th, 118th, 197th, and 230th FA Battalions

105th Engineer Combat Battalion

743rd Tank Battalion

823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion

517th Parachute Infantry Regiment (attached)

110th, 431st and 448th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalions

75th Infantry Division

Major General Fay B. Prickett

289th, 290th, and 291st Infantry Regiments

730th, 897th, 898th, and 899th FA Battalions

275th Engineer Combat Battalion

750th Tank Battalion

629th and 772nd Tank Destroyer Battalions

440th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

82nd Airborne ("All American") Division

Major General James M. Gavin

504th, 505th, 507th, and 508th Parachute Infantry Regiments

325th Glider Infantry Regiment

319th and 320th Glider FA Battalions

376th and 456th Parachute FA Battalions

307th Airborne Engineer Battalion

80th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

551st Parachute Infantry Battalion

740th Tank Battalion (attached 30 December – 11 January)

628th Tank Destroyer Battalion (attached 2–11 January)

643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion (attached 4–5 January)

106th Infantry ("Golden Lions") Division

Major General Alan W. Jones

422nd♦, 423rd♦, and 424th♦ Infantry Regiments

589th, 590th, 591st, and 592nd FA Battalions

81st Engineer Combat Battalion

820th Tank Destroyer Battalion

634th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion (8–18 December)

440th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion (8 December – 4 January)

563rd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion (9–18 December)

101st Airborne ("Screaming Eagles") Division

Brigadier General Anthony C. McAuliffe (acting)

501st, 502nd, and 506th Parachute Infantry Regiments

327th Glider Infantry Regiment

1st Battalion, 401st Glider Infantry

321st and 907th Glider FA Battalions

377th and 463rd Parachute FA Battalion

326th Parachute Engineer Battalion

705th Tank Destroyer Battalion

81st Airborne AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

US Third Army

See main article: Third United States Army. Lieutenant General George S. Patton

109th, 115th, 217th, and 777th AA Gun Battalions

456th, 465th, 550th, and 565th AAA AW Battalions

280th ECB - Engineer Combat Battalion - Non Divisional Unit (later assigned to the 9th Army)

III Corps

See main article: III Corps (United States). Major General John Millikin

Corps-level units

6th Cavalry Group, Mechanized

179th, 274th, 776th, and 777th FA Battalions

193rd FA Group (177th, 253rd, 696th, 776th, and 949th FA Battalions)

203rd FA Group (278th, 742nd, 762nd FA Battalions)

183rd and 243rd Engineer Combat Battalions

1137th Engineer Combat Group (145th, 188th, and 249th Engineer Combat Battalions)

467th and 468th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalions

4th Armored Division

Major General Hugh J. Gaffey

8th, 35th, and 37th Tank Battalions

10th, 51st, and 53rd Armored Infantry Battalions

22nd, 66th, and 94th Armored FA Battalions

24th Armored Engineer Battalion

25th Cavalry Recon Squadron, Mech.

704th Tank Destroyer Battalion

489th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

144th Armored Signal Company

6th Armored ("Super Sixth") Division

Major General Robert W. Grow

15th, 68th, and 69th Tank Battalions

9th, 44th, and 50th Armored Infantry Battalions

128th, 212th, and 231st Armored FA Battalions

86th Cavalry Recon Squadron, Mech.

25th Armored Engineer Battalion

691st Tank Destroyer Battalion

777th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

145th Armored Signal Company

26th Infantry ("Yankee") Division

Major General Willard S. Paul

101st, 104th, and 328th Infantry Regiments

101st, 102nd, 180th, and 263rd FA Battalions

101st Engineer Combat Battalion

735th Tank Battalion

818th Tank Destroyer Battalion

390th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

35th Infantry ("Santa Fe") Division

Major General Paul W. Baade

134th, 137th, and 320th Infantry Regiments

127th, 161st, 216th, and 219th FA Battalions

60th Engineer Combat Battalion

654th Tank Destroyer Battalion

448th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

90th Infantry ("Tough 'Ombres") Division

Major General James A. Van Fleet

357th, 358th, and 359th Infantry Regiments

343rd, 344th, 345th, and 915th FA Battalions

315th Engineer Combat Battalion

773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion

774th Tank Destroyer Battalion (attached 21 December – 6 January)

537th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

VIII Corps

See main article: VIII Corps (United States). Major General Troy H. Middleton
Units that absorbed the initial German assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

687th FA Battalion

174th FA Group (965th, 969th, and 700th FA Battalions)

333rd FA Group (333rd and 771st FA Battalions)

402nd FA Group (559th, 561st, and 740th FA Battalions)

422nd FA Group (81st and 174th FA Battalions)

178th and 249th Engineer Combat Battalions

1102nd Engineer Group (341st Engineer General Service Regiment)

1107th Engineer Combat Group (159th, 168th, and 202nd Engineer Combat Battalions)

1128th Engineer Combat Group (35th, 44th, and 202nd Engineer Combat Battalions)

French Light Infantry (six Light Infantry Battalions from Metz region)

467th, 635th, 778th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalions

9th Armored ("Phantom") Division

Major General John W. Leonard

2nd, 14th, and 19th Tank Battalions

27th, 52nd, and 60th Armored Infantry Battalions

3rd, 16th, and 73rd Armored FA Battalions

9th Armored Engineer Battalion

89th Cavalry Recon. Squadron, Mech.

9th Armored Engineer Battalion

482nd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion (detached 9 January 1945)

149th Armored Signal Company

11th Armored ("Thunderbolt") Division

Brigadier General Charles S. Kilburn

22nd, 41st, and 42nd Tank Battalions

21st, 55th, and 63rd Armored Infantry Battalions

490th, 491st, and 492nd Armored FA Battalions

56th Armored Engineer Battalion

41st Cavalry Recon. Squadron, Mech.

602nd Tank Destroyer Battalion

575th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

151st Armored Signal Company

17th Airborne ("Golden Talons") Division

Major General William M. Miley

507th and 513th Parachute Infantry Regiments

193rd and 194th Glider Infantry Regiments

680th and 681st Glider FA Battalions

466th Parachute FA Battalion

139th Airborne Engineer Battalion

155th Airborne AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

28th Infantry ("Keystone") Division

Major General Norman D. Cota

109th♦, 110th♦, and 112th♦ Infantry Regiments

107th, 108th, 109th, and 229th FA Battalions

103rd Engineer Combat Battalion

707th Tank Battalion

602nd Tank Destroyer Battalion

630th Tank Destroyer Battalion

447th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

87th Infantry ("Golden Acorn") Division

Brigadier General Frank L. Culin Jr.

345th, 346th, and 347th Infantry Regiments

334th, 335th, 336th, 912th FA Battalions

312th Engineer Combat Battalion

761st Tank Battalion

549th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

610th Tank Destroyer Battalion (14–22 December)

691st Tank Destroyer Battalion (22–24 December and 8–26 January)

704th Tank Destroyer Battalion (17–19 December)

XII Corps

See main article: XII Corps (United States). Major General Manton S. Eddy
Units that absorbed the initial German assault 16 Dec

Corps-level units

2nd Cavalry Group, Mechanized

161st, 244th, 277th, 334th, 336th, and 736th FA Battalions

177th FA group 215th, 255th, and 775th FA Battalions

182nd FA group 802nd, 945th, and 974th FA Battalions

183rd FA group 695th and 776th FA Battalions

404th FA group 273rd, 512th, and 752nd FA Battalions

1303rd Engineer Service Regiment

452nd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion [colored]

457th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

4th Infantry ("Ivy") Division

Major General Raymond O. Barton

8th♦, 12th♦, and 22nd Infantry Regiments

20th, 29th, 42nd, and 44th FA Battalions

4th Engineer Combat Battalion

70th Tank Battalion

802nd and 803rd Tank Destroyer Battalions

377th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalions

5th Infantry ("Red Diamond") Division

Major General Stafford L. Irwin

2nd, 10th, and 11th Infantry Regiments

19th, 21st, 46th, and 50th FA Battalions

7th Engineer Combat Battalion

737th Tank Battalion

654th Tank Destroyer Battalion (22–25 December)

803rd Tank Destroyer Battalion (from 25 December)

807th Tank Destroyer Battalion (17–21 December)

818th Tank Destroyer Battalion (13 July – 20 December)

449th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

10th Armored ("Tiger") Division

Major General William H. H. Morris Jr.

3rd, 11th, and 21st Tank Battalions

20th, 54th, and 61st Armored Infantry Battalions

419th, 420th, and 423rd Armored FA Battalions

609th Tank Destroyer Battalion

55th Armored Engineer Battalion

90th Cavalry Recon Squadron, Mech.

796th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

150th Armored Signal Company

80th Infantry ("Blue Ridge") Division

Major General Horace L. McBride

317th, 318th, and 319th Infantry Regiments

313th, 314th, 315th, and 905th FA Battalions

305th Engineer Combat Battalion

702nd Tank Battalion

610th Tank Destroyer Battalion (23 November – 6 December and 21 December – 28 January)

808th Tank Destroyer Battalion (25 September – 21 December)

633rd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Allied Air Forces

US Strategic Air Forces in Europe

General Carl Spaatz

US Eighth Air Force (Strategic)

Lieutenant General James H. Doolittle

US Ninth Air Force (Tactical)

Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg

IX Bombardment Division (Maj. Gen. Samuel E. Anderson)

IX Troop Carrier Command (Maj. Gen. Paul L. Williams)

IX Tactical Air Command (Maj. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada)

Supporting First Army

XIX Tactical Air Command (Maj. Gen. Otto P. Weyland)

Supporting Third Army

XXIX Tactical Air Command (Brig. Gen. Richard E. Nugent)

Supporting Ninth Army

Royal Air Force

Bomber Command

Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris

Fighter Command

Air Marshal Sir Roderic M. Hill

Second Tactical Air Force

Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham

No. 2 Group RAF

No. 83 Group RAF

No. 84 Group RAF
