Battle of Systerbäck explained

Conflict:Battle of Systerbäck
Partof:the Great Northern War
Date:July 8, 1703 (O.S.)
July 9, 1703 (Swedish calendar)
July 19, 1703 (N.S.)
Place:Sestra River, Russia
Result:Russian victory
Combatant1: Swedish Empire
Combatant2: Tsardom of Russia
Commander1: Abraham Cronhjort
Commander2: Boris Sheremetev
Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov
Strength1:4,000 men
Strength2:25,000 men of which 7,000–8,000 engaged
Casualties1:390 killed and wounded[1]
Casualties2:150 killed and wounded[2]

The Battle of Systerbäck took place on July 19, 1703 near the Sestra River during the Great Northern War. The Swedish army under the command of Abraham Cronhjort had to pull back to escape encirclement of the much larger Russian force under Boris Sheremetev. The two sides estimated their losses to 390 Swedish dead and wounded and 150 Russians dead and wounded.[1]


60.1211°N 29.9781°W

Notes and References

  1. Christian Kelch: Die Liefländische Geschichte von 1690–1707, Hrsg. Schnakenburg, Dorpat 1875. pp 338
  2. Alexander Sharimow :Предыстория Санкт-Петербурга. 1703 год. pp. 686 (Что происходило на Неве и вокруг нее в июле 1703-го)