Battle of Sironj explained

Conflict:Battle of Sironj
Partof:Mughal–Maratha Wars
Date:January 1704
Place:Sironj, Malwa
Result:Mughal victory
Combatant1: Maratha Empire
Combatant2: Mughal Empire
Commander1:Nima Sindhia
Commander2:Firouz Jung

The Battle of Sironj was a military engagement between the Mughal army led by Firuz Jung and the Marauding Maratha troops led by Nima Sindhia, the Mughals were victorious and the Marathas were repulsed from Sironj.[1]

In October 1703, after the rains were over, the Maratha general Nima Sindhia, launched a raid with 50,000 horsemen into Mughal territories, he first marched to Berar where he met Rustam Khan the governor of Berar, and defeated him,[2] he then raided Hoshangabad district and marched into malwa, sacking and ravaging everything in his way until he reached the city of Sironj where he laid siege to it, the Mughal garrison resisted the Marathas.

When news of thisreached Aurangzeb, he ordered Firuz Jung to catch up with the raiders and defeat them. He left Berar in November 1703,[3] however the march was slow due to heavy baggage. He abandoned the baggage and camped at Burhanpur, then he swiftly marched to relieve Sironj. When he arrived there, he engaged the Marathas, defeating their vanguard and forcing his way to the elephant ridden by Nima. When Nima saw the reinforcements had arrived, he fled on his horse with his remaining followers to Bundelkhand. Many Marathas were slain in the battlefield, the Mughals recaptured the looted treasure from the Marathas and prisoners were released.[4]

Notes and References

  1. Raghubir Sinh. Malwa in Transition Or a Century of Anarchy: The First Phase, 1698-1765. Asian Educational Services, 1993, p .60
  2. Raghubir Sinh, p. 57
  3. Raghubir Sinh, p. 59
  4. Raghubir Sinh, p. 60