Battle of Ronco explained

Conflict:Battle of Ronco
Partof:the Neapolitan War
Date:21 April 1815
Place:Ronco, present-day Italy
Coordinates:44.2035°N 12.0867°W
Map Type:Europe
Map Relief:1
Map Size:300
Result:Austrian victory
Commander1: Adam Albert von Neipperg
Commander2: Joachim Murat
Casualties1:150 killed or wounded
Casualties2:1,000 killed or wounded

The Battle of Ronco took place during the Neapolitan War on 21 April 1815 in the village of Ronco, just south of Forlì. The main Neapolitan army, retreating following the disaster at the Battle of Occhiobello, was being pursued by an Austrian corps under the command of Adam Albert von Neipperg. The Neapolitans, commanded by their king, Joachim Murat, turned to check the Austrians at the Ronco River. The Neapolitans rear guard was defeated by a smaller advanced Austrian force, compelling Murat to retreat further south to the Savio River. The Austrians suffered light casualties, whereas nearly 1,000 Neapolitans were killed or wounded and more deserted Murat altogether.


Further reading