Bartolomeo Pareto Explained

Bartolomeo Pareto was a medieval priest and cartographer from Genoa who is best known for his sole surviving work, a 1455 nautical chart of the known world.[1] The chart is highly ornate and is notable for its depiction of Antillia, a phantom island said to exist in the Atlantic Ocean. Thought to have been lost in the mid-1800s, the Italian geographer Pietro Amat di San Filippo reported having located it in a storage room in the library of the Roman College in 1877.[2]

Notes and References

  1. Book: Andrés, Juan. Illustrazione di una carta geografica del 1455 e delle notizie, che in quel tempo aveansi dell' Antillia. 1822.
  2. Amat di San Filippo. Pietro. 1878. Del planisferio di Bartolomeo Pareto del 1455 e di altre quattro carte nautiche ritrovate testé nella biblioteca Vittorio Emanuele di Roma. Memorie della Società geografica italiana. 1. 55–61.