Barn fire explained

A barn fire, also known as a farm fire or stable fire (especially when horses are affected), occurs when a barn or stable at a farm for the keeping of livestock catches fire, and is partially or wholly destroyed. This can lead to the death of animals, release of toxic fumes, and financial and material damage for insurers, owners, employees and nearby residents.


Overview of problems

According to Prevent Agri, there are still too few precautions taken against barn fires in Belgium. Often there are no fire extinguishing devices present, and other safety measures are often foregone because of the financial cost to the livestock company, and one usually does not take potential accidents into account in administration. Nor are there a reliable statistics on accidents, because CEOs are not obligated to register them; only employees do.[1]

On 10 May 2011, Flemish MP Hermes Sanctorum (then a member of Groen!) asked Flemish Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture Kris Peeters how many barn fires had occurred in the previous years and how many animals had died as a result, and whether, and if so how, the Minister was planning to take measures against it. In June, Peeters responded that there had been 143 barn fires in all of Belgium between 1 May 2006 and 1 May 2011; in 62 of those cases, animals perished. The death toll was 192,862 animals, including 27,851 pigs, 196 cattle, 164,000 poultry (rounded estimate, mainly chickens), 8 horses, 7 goats and a few rabbits. Of all fires in Belgium, about 4% was a barn fire, which were mostly caused by electricity, overheating or short circuits in machines. The Royal decree of 19 December 1997 regulates the fire safety of buildings; on 15 August 2009, it was expanded with appendix 6 which regulates the fire safety of industrial buildings, including buildings for the purpose of commercial animal husbandry. Although appendix 6 contains stricter fire precautions than existed earlier, it only applies to newly built barns; barns built prior to 2009 are not yet required to comply with the new regulations. Peeters closed by mentioning several potential safety precautions, but said that fire safety was a federal competence (and thus the Flemish Government did not have the authority to take additional measures).[2]

Major barn fires

Reported barn fires in which over 1,000 animals died include:


Overview of problems

The Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals evaluates that 610,000 farm animals died in fires between January 2015 and October 2018, including 5,000 cattle, 13,000 turkeys, 82,000 pigs and 450,000 chickens. National statistics about the cause of fires are not being kept, but the province of Ontario reports that 40 per cent of barn fires for which the cause can be determined are due to the deterioration of electrical systems, which can be severe in an environment with dust, humidity and corrosive gasses.[9] The building codes of several provinces do not currently require barns to have heat detectors and alarm systems. The provinces base their own codes on the National Research Council's National Farm Building Code. A new version of the Code is planned for 2020, but may not include additional safety systems, as barns are considered "low occupancy" buildings. In any case, only new constructions are required to apply new standards.[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] In addition, fire prevention standards are included in the voluntary codes of practice published by the National Farm Animal Care Council, which are frequently put into practice by producers.[15]

Animal deaths usually attract little attention from the media beyond local outlets, unless they involve pets or horses.[10]

Major barn fires

Reported barn fires in which over 1,000 animals died include:


Overview of problems

In Germany, fire alarm systems and fire sprinkler systems are mandatory.

Major barn fires

Reported barn fires in which over 1,000 animals died include:


Overview of problems

Causes and effects

Livestock barns tend to be very prone to fire because of the presence of dust, straw and manure gases, while barn roofs are often made of highly flammable pur foam, enabling fire to spread rapidly.[39] Air washing installations, which have been mandated by the government since 2012 for many animal husbandry companies in order to reduce ammonia emissions, are flammable because of electricity.[40] Moreover, the air ventilation system of air washers can fan the flames.[39] The fact that animals often have no place to flee in order to escape from a fire, and the fact that chicken's feathers are highly flammable themselves, further increases the risk of fatalities.[41] The huge increase in so-called "mega-barns" (featuring large numbers of animals packed together in a single building) from 2005 to 2013, which complicate the isolation and extinguishing of fires, also drives up the number of victims per catastrophe.[42] All these factors combined resulted in the deaths of well over a million animals by barn fires in the Netherlands between 2006 and 2011.[43] Finally, many animals that survive a barn fire may be so poisoned by smoke that they still need to be culled anyway.[40]

Safety precautions and governmental policy

Because of a lack of safety precautions and government-designed regulations, many barn animals die which could have been saved. For example, emergency exits, sprinkler and alarm systems can be installed.[39] Some livestock farmers don't do this, however, because it often costs a lot of money[42] and is not obligatory.[39] [43] As of 2011, according to the Dutch building code (Bouwbesluit), animals had the same status as office supplies and machines, and did not require extra protection.[43]

The Dutch government, in cooperation with farmers, insurance companies, fire brigades and the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals,[39] enacted the Action Plan Barn Fires 2012–2016 'to considerably reduce the amount of barn fires and animal fire victims'.[42] The Building Code was amended in 2012[44] and again in 2014: henceforth, new barns had to be built using fire-resistant materials and fire compartments, and there had to be firewater present.[42] However, the action plan appeared not to work: the number of barn fires and animal victims rose even further.[42] [45] Besides, the new fire safety requirements only applied to barns built after 2014; older barns (15,500 of the circa 16,550) remained just as unsafe as before, and in the 2014–2017 period by far the most fires occurred in barns constructed before 2014.[39] [45]

By 2017, there was still no requirement for the installation of fire alarm and sprinkler systems or emergency exits for animals.[39] Amongst others, the Wakker Dier foundation and the Party for the Animals (PvdD) campaigned for even stricter measures and requirements in July 2017.[39] However, a motion to that effect, tabled by Esther Ouwehand (PvdD) and Dion Graus (PVV), was voted down by a parliamentary majority of VVD, D66, CDA, CU and SGP.[42] Farmers' lobby group LTO Nederland opposed obligatory sprinkler systems, arguing these were allegedly insufficiently tested and too expensive, particularly for smaller enterprises, and because 'most barns would never experience fires anyway'. LTO was convinced that barns had become safer since the action plan's introduction, but was puzzled why the number of barn fires and victims had only increased afterwards.[40]

In 2018, the Action Plan Fireproof Livestock Barns 2018–2022 was launched, a sequel to the Action Plan Barn Fires 2012–2016.[46] In the new action plan, the emphasis is on improving the fire safety in existing barns. Activist group Varkens in Nood ("Pigs in Distress") objected against the optional nature of the proposed measures, and called for extra legal demands.[47]

Since 2009, the Dutch inventors Peter Berlang and Sjaam Hira, in collaboration with the Southeast Netherlands fire brigade and Wageningen University, developed the cable system Stable Safe. Because firefighters usually took twenty minutes to reach a burning barn, while the animals inside could be dead within ten minutes, this system was invented to let the animals escape the building automatically in the event of a fire. As soon as fire is detected, all the dividers and doors fall open and the livestock can escape outside. The system, which would cost each farm about 10,000 to 20,000 euros, was presented to the Dutch Parliament in 2015. In a test run, 65% of pigs fled outside, while the rest started to wander about. The researchers expect that, in a real fire scenario, 90% of the pigs would run for it. It would probably not work for chickens, however; when in fear, they tend to lie down flat on the ground. Just like in pigs, cattle often do not immediately flee when danger presents itself; on the other hand, horses do.[41] After a devastating 2013 barn fire, the Spoordonk pig breeder Kees van der Meijden claims to have built 'the most fire-safe barn in all of Europe' employing numerous measures against emergencies, including a condensation apparatus that allegedly worked better than sprinklers, and trains pig farmers on how to best conduct their profession.[40]

In 2016, a farm in Echt, belonging to the only pork production chain in the Netherlands with a triple star rating from the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals's "Beter Leven" certification mark, experienced a barn fire, but because the pigs could escape the building, none of them died.[48]

Public debate

According to the Dutch Association of Insurers, there were 15 barn fires causing animal fatalities in 2015, 26 in 2016 and 28 in 2017.[49] Because of a series of alarmingly large-scale barn fires in 2017, particularly in summer with De Knorhof in Erichem as the low point, public debate in the Netherlands broke out on fire safety in barns and animal welfare.[50] The activist group "Burning Souls" was already founded in January 2017 by Petra Spoor, who was outraged about the fact that the media frequently reported that 'there had been no victims', but there had been hundreds or thousands of dead animals, as if animals weren't 'victims'. The group holds vigils near burnt-out barns to commemorate the perished animals with flowers, candles and minutes of silence, calls on the national and local authorities to take stricter measures, and on citizens to make their consumption pattern more animal-friendly by eating less or no meat.[51] [52] [53] [54] A similar initiative was undertaken by activist group "Eyes on Animals" after the barn fire in Oirschot, claiming the lives of 10,000 pigs in April 2016.[55]

The Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganisme reacted that it was "sympathetic" to hold vigils for animals burnt and asphyxiated to death, but odd that nobody was holding vigils for the circa 1.24 million animals who were slaughtered every day across the Netherlands, arguing that every dead animal should be mourned, regardless of the way in which it is killed.[56] GeenStijl blogger Bas Paternotte also extended his compassion towards the suffering of animals in July 2017, and criticised the fact that politicians continuously failed to take better measures, although he himself continued to eat meat.[57] Varkens in Nood launched a citizen's initiative to impose a general professional ban for Adriaan Straathof, owner of De Knorhof, which was signed over 40,000 times, meaning that Parliament had to discuss it. Straathof already had a professional ban in Germany because of cruelty to animals; Varkens in Nood sought to make that ban Europe-wide.[58]

Major barn fires

Reported barn fires in which over 1,000 animals died include:

United States

Overview of problems

A review of news media reports from 2013 to 2017 identifies a total of 2.7 million animal deaths in 326 barn fires on American territory. This number includes 2.6 million chickens, 71,300 pigs, 34,200 turkeys, 2,600 cows, as well as 1,100 goats and sheep.[109] [110]

Where the cause of the fire is identified, heating equipment is in cause half the time; two-thirds of barn fires occurred between the months of October and March, when the weather is typically colder. This also explains why northeastern and midwestern states account for the largest number of reported barn fires involving animal deaths: New York (31), Pennsylvania (29), Michigan (28), Minnesota (26) and Wisconsin (23). This data is incomplete, as no reporting requirements exist for fires involving farm animals.[109] [110]

One of the National Fire Protection Association's building codes (the NFPA 150) covers specifically animal housing facilities: barns, but also laboratories, kennels, zoos and others. Its latest revision (published in August 2018) puts more emphasis than previous iterations on agricultural facilities. In addition to recommending detection equipment that is currently missing from most installations, the NFPA advocates prevention measures, such as training for employees, inspections and the reduction of combustibles present in and around the facilities to limit the risk of destructive fires. The adoption of the NFPA's recommendations by local government, industry and certification programs is voluntary.[110] [111] [112]

Farm animals are not covered by the federal Animal Welfare Act, which provides some protection to animals in zoos and laboratories, for example.[109]

Major barn fires

Reported barn fires in which over 1,000 animals died include:

External links

Notes and References

  1. News: "Veiligheid komt niet per ongeluk" . "Safety does not come by accident" . Vlaams infocentrum voor land- en tuinbouw . 3 October 2016 . 22 August 2017 . 22 August 2017 . . dead .
  2. Web site: Schriftelijke vraag Veebedrijven - Brandpreventiemaatregelen . Written question for Livestock companies - Fire prevention measures . Flemish Parliament . 8 July 2011 . 16 December 2017.
  3. News: 60.000 kippen laten het leven bij een brand . 60,000 chickens die in a fire . Rik Arnoudt . . VRT Nieuws . 7 July 2014 . 22 August 2017.
  4. News: 3.000 biggen en 980 zeugen sterven bij stalbrand . 3,000 piglets and 980 sows die in a stable fire . Belga . Het Nieuwsblad . 21 January 2017 . 22 August 2017.
  5. News: 26.000 kuikens blijven in stalbrand, ook brandweerwagen brandt uit . 26,000 chicks die in stable fire, fire truck also burns out . Pieterjan Huyghebaert & Marnik Aerts . . VRT Nieuws . 31 May 2017 . 22 August 2017.
  6. News: Stalbrand doodt duizenden kuikens . Stable fire kills thousands of chicks . Belga . De Standaard . 31 May 2017 . 22 August 2017.
  7. News: Stal met 2.000 varkens brandt uit in Deinze . Stable with 2,000 pigs burns out in Deinze . Eddy Lefevre . De Standaard . 16 December 2017 . 16 December 2017.
  8. Web site: Meer dan 70.000 slachtoffers bij stalbranden in 2020 . More than 70,000 victims of stable fires in 2020 . Animal Rights. 6 January 2021. 27 January 2021.
  9. Web site: Barn Fire Prevention. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Foods and Rural Affairs. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  10. Thousands of farm animals die in barn fires, and no one seems to care. 7 December 2018. Enright. Michael. Audio interview. en. CBC. 21 December 2018.
  11. Web site: Barn Fire Safety. Humane Canada. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  12. Web site: Barn Fires. Preventing Barn Fires. 21 December 2018.
  13. Web site: Preventing Barn Fires. Preventing Barn Fires. 21 December 2018.
  14. News: Farm Animals Will Keep Dying If Barn Fire Safety Isn't Taken Seriously. Topan. Riana. 25 August 2017. Huffington Post Canada. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  15. Book: Barn Fires: A Deadly Threat to Farm Animals. Animal Welfare Institute. 2018. 5 January 2019. 11.
  16. News: Montérégie: 100 000 poulets décimés dans un violent incendie . Montérégie: 100,000 chickens decimated in a violent fire . 13 March 2015 . Journal de Montréal. 21 December 2018. fr.
  17. News: Fire Destroys HyLife Barn. Braun. Daryl. 26 March 2015. Steinback Online. 22 December 2018. 22 December 2018.
  18. News: Manitoba hog barn fire kills 1,500 pigs. Schroeder. Lara. 26 March 2015. Global News. 22 December 2018. 22 December 2018.
  19. News: Huge Hog Barn Fire. Harms. Jackie. 17 April 2015. Steinback Online. 22 December 2018. 22 December 2018.
  20. News: 22,000 chickens killed in Oxford County barn fire. 7 September 2015. CTV News London. 22 December 2018. 23 December 2018.
  21. News: Plus de 3000 porcs meurent dans un incendie à Plessisville . More than 3,000 pigs die in a fire in Plessisville . 27 December 2015. Radio-Canada Nouvelles. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018. fr.
  22. News: Incendie à Canards du Lac Brome : le propriétaire veut reconstruire rapidement . Fire at 'Canards du Lac Brome': the owner wants to rebuild quickly . 2 January 2016. Radio-Canada Nouvelles. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018. fr.
  23. News: Un poulailler rasé par les flammes . A henhouse razed by flames . 8 February 2016. TVA Nouvelles / QMI. 21 December 2018. fr.
  24. News: Un incendie a détruit un bâtiment de Canards du lac Brome à Saint-Camille . A fire destroyed a 'Canards du lac Brome' building in Saint-Camille . 17 March 2016. Presse canadienne. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018. fr.
  25. News: Chicken barn burns. Steels. Sean. 27 September 2016. The Westlock News. 22 December 2018. 23 December 2018.
  26. News: Un important brasier décime un poulailler à Terrebonne . A major blaze decimates a chicken coop in Terrebonne . Talbot. Véronick. 16 November 2016. La Revue. 21 December 2018. fr.
  27. News: Violent incendie dans un poulailler de shefford . Violent fire in a Shefford chicken coop . 17 January 2017. Radio-Canada Nouvelles. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018. fr.
  28. News: Massive barn fire kills 4,000 pigs in southwestern Ontario. 1 February 2018. Global News / Canadian Press. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  29. News: Warwick Township barn fire claims 4,000 pigs. 10 August 2017. CBC News. 21 December 2018.
  30. News: Plus de 4000 poules périssent dans un incendie à Elgin . More than 4,000 chickens die in Elgin fire . Pitre. Mario. 4 December 2017. Journal Saint-François. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018. fr.
  31. News: Around 14,000 chicks die in Port Coquitlam barn fire. 11 April 2018. CBC News. 11 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  32. News: Oxford County barn fire kills over 3000 pigs. 27 May 2018. CTV News London. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  33. News: Employee fired after firefighters not allowed on site as Sask. barn kills 12,000 pigs. Soloducha. Alex. 5 June 2018. CBC News. 21 December 2018.
  34. News: Incendie aux Oeufs Richard : "C'est un cauchemar, il n'y a pas de mots" . Fire at Oeufs Richard: “It’s a nightmare, there are no words” . Corbeil. Jocelyn . 29 June 2018 . Radio-Canada Nouvelles . 21 December 2018 . fr.
  35. News: Devastating fire kills 30,000 chickens at Sheffield Mills poultry farm. Ericsson. Sara. 15 October 2018. Kings County News. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  36. News: Barn fire kills 1,300 pigs in eastern Ontario. Tumilty. Ryan. 11 December 2018. CBC News. 21 December 2018. 21 December 2018.
  37. News: Fikkie stoken zet Duitse stal in vuur en vlam . Nieuwe Oogst . 15 March 2017 . 22 August 2017 . dead . . 23 August 2017 .
  38. News: 8.000 kalkoenen dood bij brand in stal Borken . De Gelderlander . 9 June 2017 . 22 August 2017.
  39. News: Waarom sterven er elk jaar zoveel dieren (200 duizend in 2016!) bij stalbranden? . Ike Teuling . de Volkskrant . 28 July 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  40. News: Varkenshouder Kees van der Meijden sloeg na een stalbrand een volledig nieuwe weg in . Marten van de Wier . Trouw . 19 August 2017 . 25 August 2017.
  41. News: Het blussen van een oude stal is voor de brandweer een onmogelijke opgave . Trouw . 29 July 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  42. News: Vroeger stonken de varkens hier nog . Sjoerd Klumpenaar & Marije Willems . NRC Handelsblad . 28 July 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  43. News: Miljoen dieren dood door stalbranden . Ingrid Weel . Trouw . 29 July 2011 . 21 August 2017.
  44. Web site: Bouwbesluit 2012 - Bouwregelgeving - . Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer. Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting. 25 November 2010.
  45. News: Steeds meer stalbranden, ondanks actieplan . Marije Willems & Kees Versteegh . NRC Handelsblad . 15 August 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  46. Web site: Actieplan brandveilige veestallen 2018-2022 . Rijksoverheid . 1 July 2018 . 19 August 2018 . 16 August 2018 . . dead .
  47. Web site: Actieplan 'Brandveilige Veestallen' redt geen dieren . Varkens in Nood . 17 July 2018 . 19 August 2018.
  48. Web site: Brand in varkensstal abdij Lilbosch in Echt . 1Limburg . 22 April 2016 . 21 August 2018.
  49. Web site: Het aantal stalbranden moet terug . Verbond van Verzekeraars . 16 July 2018 . 19 August 2018.
  50. News: Roep om maatregelen na grootste stalbrand ooit . Simone van Zwienen . Algemeen Dagblad . 28 July 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  51. News: Wie stopt de branden in uitpuilende stallen? . Margiet Oostveen . de Volkskrant . 19 April 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  52. News: Wake voor 20.000 dode varkens in Erichem . Jaap Rademaker . De Gelderlander . 29 July 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  53. News: Emotionele herdenking voor duizenden verbrande varkens in Agelo . Tubantia . 15 August 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  54. News: Een wake voor duizenden dode varkens . Tubantia . 16 August 2017.
  55. News: Tranen, knuffels en stilte voor duizenden dode varkens na verwoestende brand Oirschot . Twan Spierts . Omroep Brabant . 8 April 2016 . 23 August 2017.
  56. Web site: Stalbranden: Elk dier telt mee . Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganisme . 15 August 2017 . 23 August 2017 . 24 August 2017 . . dead .
  57. News: Bassiehof - Stop de stalbranden (en de censuur van NRC Handelsblad) . Bas Paternotte . GeenStijl . 30 July 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  58. News: Tienduizenden handtekeningen tegen varkensboer Erichem na stalbrand . NOS . 8 August 2017 . 23 August 2017.
  59. News: 1600 Varkens omgekomen bij brand in stal . ANP . de Volkskrant . 4 May 2004 . 22 August 2017.
  60. Web site: Brand in veestallen . Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein . Madelaine Looije, Michelle Smit . July 2010 . 23 September 2019.
  61. News: Proefproces moet stallen van dieren brandveiliger maken . Trouw . 7 October 2008 . 21 August 2017.
  62. Web site: Stalbrand . Wakker Dier . 2019 . 23 September 2019.
  63. News: 170.000 kippen gedood bij brand in Gasselternijveenschemond . RTV Noord . 19 July 2011 . 21 August 2017.
  64. News: Geen verband tussen stalbranden Achterhoek . Trouw. 9 August 2012 . 23 August 2017.
  65. News: Boer uit Spoordonk pakt flink uit drie jaar na enorme brand in stallen . Ruud Spoor . Eindhovens Dagblad . 13 April 2016 . 25 August 2017.
  66. News: 2000 varkens dood bij brand in Langeveen . Tubantia . 5 April 2014 . 22 August 2017.
  67. Web site: 22 April 2022. Linda van Eekeres. 21 April 2022. Minder stalbranden en dierlijke slachtoffers .
  68. News: Vernuftig systeem redt vee van de vlammen . Joost Morel . Trouw . 24 November 2015 . 24 August 2017.
  69. Web site: Ook meer stalbranden in 2017 . Also more stable fires in 2017 . Theo Brummelaar . . 16 August 2017 . 22 August 2017.
  70. News: Tweeduizend varkens omgekomen bij grote brand in varkensstallen aan Kleine Bolspolder in Kruisland . Two thousand pigs died in a major fire in pig stables at Kleine Bolspolder in Kruisland . Corné Verschuren . Omroep Brabant . 10 June 2016 . 22 August 2017.
  71. News: Erpse boer Ricus Kuunders zit na stalbrand in de knel: 'Maatregelen zijn niet te betalen' . Erpse farmer Ricus Kuunders is in a pinch after stable fire: '[Safety] Measures cannot be afforded' . Theo van de Zande . Brabants Dagblad . 15 August 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  72. News: Duizenden kuikens dood door brand in stal in Wintelre . Thousands of chicks dead due to fire in barn in Wintelre . Twan Linders . Eindhovens Dagblad . 28 October 2016 . 22 August 2017.
  73. News: Stalbranden eisten dit jaar al ruim 100.000 dierenlevens . Stable fires have claimed more than 100,000 animal lives this year . Eindhovens Dagblad . 23 October 2018 . 29 October 2018 . Ine Cup.
  74. News: 'Stalbranden: hoe lang tolereren we dit nog?' . 'Stable fires: how long will we tolerate this?' . Boerderij . Anne Hanssen . 18 May 2018 . 19 August 2018.
  75. News: Raadslid GroenLinks bezorgd over brandveiligheid stallen . Council member GroenLinks concerned about fire safety in stables . N1 . 25 January 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  76. News: Van Nijmegen tot Erichem, zeven grote stalbranden van 2017 . From Nijmegen to Erichem, seven major barn fires in 2017 . Leon van Wijngaarden . De Gelderlander . 14 August 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  77. News: 80.000 kippen komen om door brand in Woudenberg . 80,000 chickens die from fire in Woudenberg . . 16 June 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  78. News: 76.000 kippen dood bij stalbrand in Nederlands-Limburg . 76,000 chickens dead in stable fire in Dutch Limburg . Belga . Het Nieuwsblad . 16 July 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  79. News: Ongeveer 24.000 varkens omgekomen bij stalbrand . About 24,000 pigs died in stable fire . Erik Ordelman . Boerderij . 28 July 2017 . 22 August 2017.
  80. News: 20.000 varkens dood in Erichem door grootste stalbrand ooit . 20,000 pigs dead in Erichem due to biggest stable fire ever . Roeland Segeren . De Gelderlander . 27 July 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  81. News: Stalbrand doodt 40.000 kippen in Swifterbant . Stable fire kills 40,000 chickens in Swifterbant . NOS . 16 August 2017 . 21 August 2017.
  82. News: Verbijstering over tweede grote brand bij kippenboer Woudenberg . Amazement about second major fire at chicken farmer Woudenberg . AD . 21 February 2018 . Marco Willemse . 29 October 2018.
  83. News: 23.000 kippen komen om bij stalbrand Ospel . 3,000 chickens die in barn fire Ospel . De Telegraaf . 10 May 2018 . 29 October 2018.
  84. News: 2.500 varkens dood na stalbrand in Didam . 2,500 pigs dead after stable fire in Didam . . 31 July 2018 . 3 August 2018.
  85. News: 4000 varkens omgekomen bij stalbrand in Heusden: 4800 dieren gered, medewerker hoorde explosie . 4000 pigs died in stable fire in Heusden: 4800 animals saved, employee heard explosion . Eindhovens Dagblad . 23 October 2018 . Sebastiaan Quekel, Arnold Mandemaker . 29 October 2018.
  86. News: Twintigduizend kippen omgekomen bij grote brand in Barneveld . Twenty thousand chickens died in a large fire in Barneveld . . 28 October 2018 . 29 October 2018.
  87. News: Vijfhonderd varkens overleven grote stalbrand, drie stallen met 2500 varkens volledig verwoest . Omroep Brabant . Five hundred pigs survive major barn fire, three barns with 2500 pigs completely destroyed . Linda Bak . 2 February 2019 . 27 July 2019.
  88. News: Duizenden kippen omgekomen bij uitslaande schuurbrand Renswoude . Thousands of chickens died in Renswoude barn fire . NOS . Luke Beens . 30 April 2019 . 30 April 2019.
  89. News: Honderdduizend kippen omgekomen bij brand in Gronings Kiel-Windeweer . Hundreds of thousands of chickens died in a fire in Kiel-Windeweer in Groningen . . 7 July 2019 . 7 July 2019.
  90. Web site: Brand in kippenschuur aangestoken, vermoedelijke dader op beeld . Fire lit in chicken shed, suspected perpetrator on screen . NOS . 17 July 2019 . 18 July 2019.
  91. Web site: Stalbrand Niawier is drama voor kippenboer, dieren en sector . Friesch Dagblad . Stable fire Niawier is drama for chicken farmers, animals and the sector . Theo Klein . 15 August 2019 . 20 September 2019.
  92. News: 16.000 kippen dood bij grote brand in kippenschuur Nijkerk . 16,000 chickens dead in major fire in chicken barn Nijkerk . NOS . 22 August 2019 . 22 August 2019.
  93. Web site: 1500 varkens dood door brand in Streefkerk . 1500 pigs dead by fire in Streefkerk . NOS . 22 August 2019 . 22 August 2019.
  94. Web site: Stuk minder stalbranden dan in andere jaren . Far fewer stable fires than in other years . Martijn van Rossum. 8 December 2021. 9 December 2021.
  95. Web site: Duizenden kippen omgekomen bij schuurbrand Bentelo, twee personen naar ziekenhuis . Thousands of chickens died in Bentelo barn fire, two people taken to hospital . De Stentor . 21 February 2020 . 24 February 2020.
  96. Web site: 8000 kuikens dood bij brand in Biddinghuizen . 8000 chicks dead in fire in Biddinghuizen . NOS . 24 March 2020 . 24 March 2020.
  97. Web site: Grote brand in stal met duizend varkens in Lierop . Large fire in a barn with a thousand pigs in Lierop . NOS . 17 April 2020 . 17 April 2020.
  98. Web site: Tienduizenden kippen dood bij stalbrand in Gelderland . Tens of thousands of chickens dead in barn fire in Gelderland . NOS. 11 May 2020. 11 May 2020.
  99. Web site: Grote brand verwoest vier kippenstallen in Barneveld . Major fire destroys four chicken houses in Barneveld . NOS . 13 June 2020 . 13 June 2020.
  100. Web site: Brand doodt 14.000 kippen in Achterhoekse schuur . Fire kills 14,000 chickens in Achterhoek barn . NOS . 8 August 2020 . 9 August 2020.
  101. Web site: Veel minder dieren omgekomen door stalbranden, maar 'veel te vroeg' voor optimisme . Far fewer animals died in stable fires, but 'much too early' for optimism . De Volkskant. Hessel von Piekartz. 21 April 2022. 22 April 2022.
  102. Web site: Stalbranden varkenshouderij vorig jaar iets toegenomen . Stable fires in pig farming increased slightly last year . Pig Business . Reinout Burgers. 21 April 2022. 22 April 2022.
  103. Web site: Grote brand in stallencomplex met duizenden varkens in Nederweert . Large fire in stable complex with thousands of pigs in Nederweert . NOS . 1 June 2021 . 1 June 2021.
  104. Web site: Tienduizenden kippen omgekomen bij brand in stallen . Tens of thousands of chickens died in barn fire . Omroep Brabant . 25 April 2022 . 26 April 2022.
  105. Web site: 25.000 kippen omgekomen bij grote brand in Varsen . 25,000 chickens died in a major fire in Varsen . . 11 May 2022 . 12 May 2022 . 12 May 2022 . . dead .
  106. Web site: 7000 eenden omgekomen bij stalbrand Markelo . 7000 ducks died in Markelo stable fire . RTV Oost . 19 June 2022. 22 June 2022.
  107. Web site: Bijna 30.000 kippen dood bij brand in Assen, zonnepanelen geknapt . Nearly 30,000 chickens dead in a fire in Assen, solar panels cracked . . 3 October 2022. 5 October 2022.
  108. Web site: Stratenmakers zagen kippenschuur in brand vliegen: 'Het was echt een gekkenhuis' . Road workers saw a chicken shed catch fire: 'It was really a madhouse' . NOS . 10 November 2022 . 10 November 2022.
  109. Web site: Barn fire report documents 2.7 million+ farm animal deaths. 3 October 2018. Animal Welfare Institute. 5 January 2019. 6 January 2019.
  110. Book: Barn Fires: A Deadly Threat to Farm Animals. Animal Welfare Institute. 2018. 5 January 2019.
  111. Web site: Introducing the new and vastly improved NFPA 150, Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities Code. Vecchiarelli. Tracy. 14 August 2018. National Fire Prevention Association. 5 January 2019. 6 January 2019.
  112. Web site: Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities Code. 2018. National Fire Prevention Association. 4 January 2019.
  113. News: About 300,000 chickens die in egg farm fire. 1 February 2014. WISC-TV. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  114. News: Fire kills 150,000 chickens near Galt in rural Wright County. Voigts. Matt. 8 April 2014. Hampton Chronicle. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  115. News: Fire at Moore County farm kills 4,200 hogs. 2 October 2014. Fox 8. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  116. News: Fire at Minnesota Swine Farm Kills 11,000 Animals. 27 October 2014. Associated Press. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  117. News: 5,000 pigs killed in Iowa barn fire. 31 May 2016. Farm Journal's Pork. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  118. News: 134,000 chicks believed dead in poultry barn blaze near Hawley. Olson. Dave. 11 June 2017. DL-online. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  119. News: Barn fire kills more than 100,000 chickens at egg farm. 3 July 2017. Associated Press. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  120. News: Fire at Tooele County egg farm kills 300,000 chickens. 5 September 2017. FOX 13. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  121. News: Official: 1 million chickens killed in fire at egg-producing facility. Kuhn. Michael. 3 October 2017. WANE. 6 January 2019. 5 January 2019.
  122. Web site: Barn Fires Resulting in the Death of More Than 1,000 Meat Chickens (2017 – 2019) . Animal Welfare Institute . 2 February 2021.
  123. News: Thousands of hogs die in Emmet County fire . Funston. Ed . 14 December 2017 . Radio Iowa . 6 January 2019 . . 5 January 2019.
  124. News: Thousands Of Turkeys Killed In Northern Minn. Barn Fire . 4 May 2018 . Associated Press . 6 January 2019 . . 5 January 2019.
  125. News: 250,000 Michigan hens killed in chicken farm fire . Detroit Free Press . 1 May 2019.
  126. Web site: 1.6+ Million Farm Animals Died in Barn Fires in 2020 . Animal Welfare Institute. 15 December 2020. 2 February 2021.
  127. Web site: More Than 681,000 Farm Animals Died in Barn Fires in 2021 . January 5, 2022 . Animal Welfare Institute . 24 April 2023.
  128. Web site: More Than Half a Million Farm Animals Have Died in Barn Fires in 2022 . December 16, 2022 . Animal Welfare Institute . 24 April 2023.
  129. Web site: 18,000 cows killed in explosion, fire at Texas dairy farm may be largest cattle killing ever . . 12 April 2023 . 14 April 2023.
  130. Web site: 2024-05-30 . Millions of chickens killed in Marion County 5-alarm fire: Police . 2024-06-01 . FOX 2 . en-US.