Barbel chub explained

The barbel chub (Squaliobarbus curriculus) is a species of cyprinid fish found in China, North Korea, South Korea, eastern Russia, and Vietnam. It is the only member of its genus.

The standard length of a barbel chub is 40 to 350 mm (mean ± SD = 185.1 ± 53.4 mm). The standard weight ranges from 1.00 to 986.21 g (mean ± SD = 147.3 ± 127.0 g). Life expectancy for females is one to seven years while males live from one to six years.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Wang, T., Lin, L., Liu, Y., Jakovlić, I., Li, C., Xiao, Y., & Wu, P. (2021, September 14). Life history traits, elasticity analyses, and phenotypic plasticity of Squaliobarbus Curriculus in the Pearl River estuary, China. Frontiers.

