Banque de Montreux explained

The Banque de Montreux was a Swiss bank founded in 1868, which played a significant role in the development of tourism in the area around Lake Geneva.[1] Originally it started with 85,000 Swiss francs, but by 1900 it had 2 million francs which then grew to 4 million francs by 1906.

However, with the advent of the First World War and its impact on tourism, the bank started to experience difficulties and was supported by the Banque Cantonale Vaudoise. These difficulties continued after the war although the tourist trade had started to pick up. The bank went through restructuring in 1925–26 with its capital being reduced from 6 million to 4.2 million francs. However, the 1931 Sterling crisis led to its final closure.[2]

Notes and References

  1. Julie Lapointe, « Les sociétés anonymes à vocation hôtelière de l'arc lémanique (1826–1914) », Études de lettres [En ligne], 4 | 2010, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2013, consulté le 07 janvier 2018. URL:; .
  2. Book: Guex. Delphine. Tourisme, mobilités et développement régional dans les Alpes Suisses: mise en scène et valeur territoriale.. 2016. Editions Alphil. 9782889301256. 7 January 2018. fr.