BL 9.2-inch Mk XI naval gun explained

Is Artillery:yes
Is Explosive:yes
Is Uk:yes
Is Ranged:yes
BL 9.2-inch Mk XI gun
Origin:United Kingdom
Used By:United Kingdom
Wars:World War I
Type:Naval gun
Design Date:1902[1]
Service:1908 – 1920[2]
Part Length:38feet bore (50 cal)
Cartridge:380lb Lyddite, Armour-piercing, Shrapnel[4]
Weight:28 tons barrel & breech

The BL 9.2-inch Mark XI gun[5] was a British 50 calibre high-velocity naval gun which was mounted as primary armament on armoured cruisers and secondary armament on pre-dreadnought battleships.


The gun with its increased length of 50 calibres was an attempt to extract a higher velocity, and hence more range and armour-piercing capability, from the 9.2-inch gun. Like other British 50-calibre guns of the period, it was relatively unsuccessful and was the last model of 9.2-inch gun Britain built.

Guns were mounted in the following ships :

After the scrapping of these ships, these guns and mountings were retained in storage. There was the intention, at one point, early during World War Two, to use them as armament for small monitors which would have been reduced versions of the Roberts-class monitors; this however never advanced beyond the planning stage.

See also


The National Archives of the United Kingdom, Kew. SUPP 6/61

External links

Notes and References

  1. The National Archives of the United Kingdom, Kew. SUPP 6/61
  2. 1908–1920 : Dates of commissioning and scrapping of the ships. The guns were not used again after removal.
  3. 2875 ft/second : As quoted in "Range Tables for His Majesty's Fleet, 1910. February, 1911"; with 130 ½ lb cordite MD propellant : Treatise on Ammunition, 1915
  4. 380 lb shells : Treatise on Ammunition, 1915
  5. Mark XI = Mark 11. Britain use Roman numerals to denote Marks (models) of ordnance until after World War II. Hence this was the eleventh model of BL 9.2-inch gun.