is a series in the SD Gundam franchise from 2007 and the 18th work in the Musha Gundam series. The story and characters are modeled after those featured in the classic 14th century Chinese novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, though story elements and the names of the Three Kingdoms themselves are fictionalized.
There are three chapters under this title, entitled Fuuun Gouketsu Hen, Eiyuu Gekitotsu Hen and Senjin Kettou Hen. It also has a side story, Sangokuden Gaiden Buyuu Gekitou Roku.
The series was announced to be released in a number of territories, including Japan, Korea, America and Australia. However, as of 2009 only releases in Asian regions have followed.
Kōichi Tokita drew the first chapter of the manga titled which was serialized in volumes 7 to 12 of Comic Bom Bom in 2007. Kentarō Yano continues with the second chapter of the series titled which will serialize in Kerokero Ace from volume 2 of 2008 to volume 4 of 2009.[1]
The third chapter starts from Kero Kero Ace volume 5 of 2009 and will be drawn by Naoto Tsushima. With the unknown fate of Ryuubi (Liu Bei) Gundam, the lead character of the third chapter is announced to be Bachou Blue Destiny.[2]
See main article: SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors. An anime adaptation for Sangokuden was announced on October 8, 2009, during the 49th All Japan Plamodel Hobby Show.[3] Kadokawa Pictures confirmed at a Tokyo press conference on December 9, 2009, that the anime adaptation would first arrive as a theatrical film. Chō Denei-ban SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors opened in Japan on February 27, 2010, in a double billing with the fifth Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunsō) film, Chō Gekijō-ban Keroro Gunsō Tanjō! Kyūkyoku Keroro Kiseki no Jikūjima de Arimasu!! Sunrise produced both films.[4]
Besides the movie, a 51-episode TV animated series was produced starting April 3, 2010.[5] Each episode is estimated to air for 15 minutes.[6]
A series of mobile phone games are made by Taiwanese company Joymaster in collaboration with Bandai-Namco:[7]
Besides the above games, Bandai-Namco announced a, SDガンダム三国伝 Brave Battle Warriors 真三璃紗大戦 (SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors Shin Mirisha Taisen), slated for release on 2 December 2010 for the Nintendo DS handheld.[8] [9] A special promotion of the game came with a limited edition DX boxset of Shin Kouseki Turn-X (項羽ターンX) VS Ryuuhou Ryuubi Gundam (劉邦劉備ガンダム, whose character basis is Liu Bang).[10]