Author's Pet Explained

Ja Kanji:作家、ドレイを飼う。
Ja Romaji:Sakka, Dorei wo Kau
Genre:Yaoi, Romance
Author:Deathco Cotorino
Publisher:Magazine Magazine
Published:August 26, 2008

is a one-shot Japanese manga written and illustrated by Deathco Cotorino. It is licensed in North America by Digital Manga Publishing, which released the manga through its imprint, Juné, on August 26, 2008.[1]


ActiveAnime's Holly Ellingwood commends the manga for its attractive art style "with some explicit scenes that are not overly graphic yet very tender".[2]'s Danielle van Gorder comments on the variety of the length of the stories and the stories themselves allowed the book to remain "fresh and unpredictable, despite the general lack of development".[3] Comic Book Bin's Leroy Douresseaux comments that the manga's "tales are fun, sexy, comic romps full of good-natured, lustful ribbing".[4]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Author's Pet. Digital Manga Publishing. 2009-06-16. 19 May 2009. dead.
  2. Web site: Author'S Pet (Advance Review) . Ellingwood . Holly . August 8, 2008 . ActiveAnime . 2009-06-16 .
  3. Web site: Author's Pet . Van Gorder . Danielle . September 18, 2008 . . 2009-06-16 . dead . . 2009-08-01 .
  4. Web site: Deathco Cotorino's Author's Pet (Yaoi). Douresseaux. Leroy. September 25, 2008. Comic Book Bin. 2009-06-16.