Augustin Challamel Explained

Jean Baptiste Marius Augustin Challamel (March 18, 1818 – October 20, 1894) was a French historian.

Challamel was born in Paris. His writings consist chiefly of popular works, which enjoyed great success. The value of some of his books is enhanced by numerous illustrations, e.g. Histoire-musée de la Révolution française, which appeared in 50 numbers in 1841–1842 (3rd ed., in 72 numbers, 1857–1858); Histoire de la mode en France; la toilette des femmes depuis l'époque gallo-romaine jusqu'à nos jours (1874, with 12 plates; new ed., 1880, with 21 colored plates).

His Mémoires du peuple français (1865–1873) and La France et les Français à travers les siècles (1882) were among the first books written on the social history of France. In this sense Challamel, while not very original, was a pioneer of fairly wide information. He died on October 20, 1894.

