Atmospheric optics ray-tracing codes explained

Atmospheric optics ray tracing codes - this article list codes for light scattering using ray-tracing technique to study atmospheric optics phenomena such as rainbows and halos. Such particles can be large raindrops or hexagonal ice crystals. Such codes are one of many approaches to calculations of light scattering by particles.

Geometric optics (ray tracing)

See main article: article and Geometric optics. Ray tracing techniques can be applied to study light scattering by spherical and non-spherical particles under the condition that the size of a particle is much larger than the wavelength of light. The light can be considered as collection of separate rays with width of rays much larger than the wavelength but smaller than a particle. Rays hitting the particle undergoes reflection, refraction and diffraction. These rays exit in various directions with different amplitudes and phases. Such ray tracing techniques are used to describe optical phenomena such as rainbow of halo on hexagonal ice crystals for large particles. Review of several mathematical techniques is provided in series of publications.

The 46° halo was first explained as being caused by refractions through ice crystals in 1679 by the French physicist Edmé Mariotte (1620–1684) in terms of light refraction [1] Jacobowitz in 1971 was the first to apply the ray-tracing technique to hexagonal ice crystal. Wendling et al. (1979) extended Jacobowitz's work from hexagonal ice particle with infinite length to finite length and combined Monte Carlo technique to the ray-tracing simulations. [2] [3] [4]


The compilation contains information about the electromagnetic scattering by hexagonal ice crystals, large raindrops, and relevant links and applications.

Codes for light scattering by hexagonal ice crystals

Year Name Authors References Language Short Description
HalosimLes Cowley and Michael SchroederAtmospheric Optics site graphical user interfaceIt creates simulations by accurately tracing up to several million light rays through mathematical models of ice crystals.
2010Halopoint2Jukka Ruoskanenwebpage graphical user interfaceRay-tracing code for various ice crystals with graphical user interface
2008HALOSKY [5] Stanley David Gedzelmansource codesRay-tracing codes for light scattering by hexagonal ice crystals.
1996Ray tracing [6] Andreas Mackesource codesFortran 77 and Fortran99Ray-tracing codes for light scattering by polyhedral shaped ice crystals.

Relevant scattering codes

External links

Notes and References

  1. E. Mariotte, Quatrieme Essay. De la Nature des Couleur (Paris, France: Estienne Michallet, 1681). Sun dogs as well as the 22° and 46° halos are explained in terms of refractions from ice crystals on pages 466 - 524.
  2. Greenler, R. Rainbows, halos, and glories. Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, 1980.
  3. Pattloch, F., and Trankle, E. ¨Monte carlo simulation andanalysis of halo phenomena. J. Opt. Soc. Am 1, 5 (1984), 520–526.
  4. A Study on Atmospheric Halo Visualization, Sung Min Hong and Gladimir Baranoski, Technical Report CS-2003-26September, 2003, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 200 University venue WestWaterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
  5. Simulating halos and coronas in theiratmospheric environment, Stanley David Gedzelman, Applied Optics, H158-H156.
  6. Single Scattering Properties of Atmospheric Ice Crystals, Andreas Macke, Johannes Mueller, and Ehrhard Raschke, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 1996, 2813-2825.